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Rose Free Lutheran Church
Good Morning! We’re glad you’re here!! Rose Free Lutheran Church April 10, 2016
Announcements & Prayer
All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name
Ambassador Hymnal #174
All hail the pow’r of Jesus’ name!
Let angels prostrate fall; Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown Him Lord of all!
Ye seed of Israel’s chosen race,
Ye ransomed from the fall, Hail Him who saves you by His grace, And crown Him Lord of all!
Hail Him, ye heirs of David’s line,
Whom David Lord did call; The God incarnate, Man divine: And crown Him Lord of all!
Let ev’ry kindred, ev’ry tribe,
On this terrestrial ball, To Him all majesty ascribe, And crown Him Lord of all!
O that with yonder sacred throng
We at His feet may fall; We’ll join the everlasting song, And crown Him Lord of all!
Room at the Cross Ambassador Hymnal #515
The cross upon which Jesus died
Is a shelter in which we can hide; And its grace so free is sufficient for me, And deep is its fountain—as wide as the sea.
There’s room at the cross for you, There’s room at the cross for you;
Refrain: There’s room at the cross for you, There’s room at the cross for you; Tho’ millions have come, There’s still room for one— Yes, there’s room at the cross for you.
Tho’ millions have found Him a friend
And have turned from the sins they have sinned, The Savior still waits to open the gates And welcome a sinner before it’s too late.
There’s room at the cross for you, There’s room at the cross for you;
Refrain: There’s room at the cross for you, There’s room at the cross for you; Tho’ millions have come, There’s still room for one— Yes, there’s room at the cross for you.
The hand of my Savior is strong,
And the love of my Savior is long; Through sunshine or rain, through loss or in gain, The blood flows from Calv’ry to cleanse ev’ry stain.
There’s room at the cross for you, There’s room at the cross for you;
Refrain: There’s room at the cross for you, There’s room at the cross for you; Tho’ millions have come, There’s still room for one— Yes, there’s room at the cross for you.
Matthew 19:16-30 Galatians 6:7-16
Apostles’ Creed p. 4 in Ambassador Hymnal
I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth; And in Jesus Christ, His only Son our Lord; Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit; born of the virgin Mary; suffered under Pontius Pilate; was crucified, dead and buried; He descended into hell; the third day He rose again from the dead;…
Apostles’ Creed p. 4 in Ambassador Hymnal
…He ascended into heaven; And is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; From where He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit; The holy Christian Church, the Communion of Saints; the Forgiveness of sins; The Resurrection of the body, and the Life everlasting, Amen.
We give Thee but Thine own,
Whate’er the gifts may be; All that we have is Thine alone, A trust, oh Lord, from Thee. Amen.
Special Music: Ruby Osweiler
Children’s Message: What’s in the bag?
Wonderful Words of Life
Ambassador Hymnal #514
Sing them over again to me—
Wonderful words of Life; Let me more of their beauty see— Wonderful words of Life. Words of life and beauty, Teach me faith and duty:
Beautiful words, wonderful words, Wonderful words of Life;
Refrain: Beautiful words, wonderful words, Wonderful words of Life; Wonderful words of Life.
Christ, the blessed One, gives to all
Wonderful words of Life; Sinner, list to the loving call— Wonderful words of Life. All so freely given, Wooing us to heaven:
Beautiful words, wonderful words, Wonderful words of Life;
Refrain: Beautiful words, wonderful words, Wonderful words of Life; Wonderful words of Life.
Sweetly echo the gospel call—
Wonderful words of Life; Offer pardon and peace to all— Wonderful words of Life. Jesus, only Savior, Sanctify forever:
Beautiful words, wonderful words, Wonderful words of Life;
Refrain: Beautiful words, wonderful words, Wonderful words of Life; Wonderful words of Life.
“Do Not Give Up” Galatians 6:7-16
1. A Man REAPS what he sows (vv. 7-8)
1. A Man REAPS what he sows (vv. 7-8)
Sows to his own flesh reaps DESTRUCTION Sows to the Spirit reaps ETERNAL LIFE
1. A Man REAPS what he sows (vv. 7-8)
1. A Man REAPS what he sows (vv. 7-8)
1. A Man REAPS what he sows (vv. 7-8)
Sows to his own flesh reaps DESTRUCTION Sows to the Spirit reaps ETERNAL LIFE What GOD says, He will do
JOB 13:9 Would it turn out well if He (God) examined you? Could you deceive Him as you might deceive man?
1. A Man REAPS what he sows (vv. 7-8)
Sows to his own flesh reaps DESTRUCTION Sows to the Spirit reaps ETERNAL LIFE
2. Do not GIVE UP (vv. 9-10)
2. Do not GIVE UP (vv. 9-10)
2. Do not GIVE UP (vv. 9-10)
2. Do not GIVE UP (vv. 9-10)
2. Do not GIVE UP (vv. 9-10)
2. Do not GIVE UP (vv. 9-10)
2. Do not GIVE UP (vv. 9-10)
3. BOAST in the Cross (vv. 11-16)
3. BOAST in the Cross (vv. 11-16)
TRUE CHRISTIANITY = Living Relationship with Jesus Christ
3. BOAST in the Cross (vv. 11-16)
“Do Not Give Up” Galatians 6:7-16
I Have Decided to Follow Jesus
Ambassador Hymnal #501
I have decided to follow Jesus,
No turning back, no turning back!
Tho’ no one join me, still I will follow,
No turning back, no turning back!
The world behind me, the cross before me,
No turning back, no turning back!
The LORD’s Prayer Our Father, Who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven; Give us this day our daily bread: And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us,
The LORD’s Prayer And lead us not into temptation; But deliver us from evil; For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, And the glory, forever and ever. AMEN.
Doxology Your perfect Law exposes me I feel my sin and desperate need My best good works are powerless To satisfy my righteousness
Doxology But there is One who lived for me His life, my only victory His death forever sealed in time That I am His and He is mine
Doxology Praise God from Whom all blessings flow! Praise Him all creatures Here below! Praise Him above, ye heavenly hosts! Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost! AMEN.
Have a wonderful day!
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