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Performance Analysis of OLSR and DSR Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks for Static and Mobile Environment.

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Presentation on theme: "Performance Analysis of OLSR and DSR Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks for Static and Mobile Environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Performance Analysis of OLSR and DSR Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks for Static and Mobile Environment

2 Abstract Introduction to WSN Applications of WSN Classification of WSN’s Routing Protocols AODV Routing Protocol DSR Routing Protocol

3 Literature Review Simulation Environment Proposed Simulation Methodology Simulation Parameters Used References

4 ABSTRACT Problem Statement:
Evaluates and analysis the Communication Performance of Two Routing Protocols (OLSR and DSR) for Wireless Sensor Networkin mobile and static environments : With Respect to Three Performance Metrics: (1) Packet end to end delay, (2) Throughput (3) Network Load

5 With varying No. of Static and Mobile nodes: 100,150,200,250,300 and 350
Using Random Waypoint Model & Constant Mobility (10m/s) Simulation Tool Used: OPNET Modeler 16.0

6 The particular goals of this thesis work are to:
The main objective of this research study is to identify the performance challenges for selected routing protocols in wireless sensors and then evaluate the selected routing protocols for a selected application environment (Static and Mobile) against the set of qualitative performance metrics for any protocol. The particular goals of this thesis work are to: Develop and design a simulation model and scenarios.

7 Perform a simulation with different metrics and different scenarios.
Analysis of the results in static and mobile environment. Comparative study has been done on the basis of simulation results. Deriving a conclusion on basis of performance evaluation the improve its performance by proposed methodology.

8 INTRODUCTION TO WSN Wireless sensors network (WSN) is the collection of homogenous, self organized nodes known as sensor nodes. These nodes have the event sensing capabilities, data processing capabilities

9 Reactive versus Proactive routing approach
Proactive Routing Protocols Periodic exchange of control messages immediately provide the required routes when needed Larger signalling traffic and power consumption.

10 Reactive Routing Protocols
Attempts to discover routes only on-demand by flooding Smaller signalling traffic and power consumption A long delay for application when no route to the destination available Hybrid combination of proactive and reactive

11 Allows communication between two nodes via intermediate nodes.
Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) Allows communication between two nodes via intermediate nodes. It reduces network load by maintaining only currently active routes and dynamically updates routing information at each intermediate node.

12 To establishing a route between source node to destination, AODV routing protocol using Route discovery process along which Route Request (RREQ) message are broadcasted to its neighbors.

13 Dynamic Source Routing (DSR)
It is based on concept of source routing. Each node maintains a route cache to store all possible learned routes. It using two main mechanisms: Route discovery and Route maintenance

14 Route Discovery process is initiated only if desired route can not found in route cache.

15 Optimized Link State Routing Protocol
Proactive & Table-driven Link State Routing Each node expands a spanning tree Each node can obtain the whole network topology Utilizes a technique to reduce message flooding Multi Point Relaying (MPR)

16 Literature Review Kahina Ali et al. [1] This paper analyzed the performance of AODV, DSR and OLSR with varying the node density using NS-2 simulator. Simulation results indicate that DSR shows the lowest performance as compared to AODV routing protocol. Jing Zuo at al. [2] This paper analyzed the performance of AODV and OLSR with varying number of Vehicle-node density using OMNET++ simulator. Simulation results indicate that AODV shows better performance as compared to OLSR routing protocol.

17 S. I. Chowdhury et al. [3] This paper analyzed DSR and AODV in terms of packet delivery fraction, average end to end delay and network load using WSNMobiSim. In this paper less numbers of nodes is used for analysis. Sherali Zeadally et al. [4] This paper gives an brief overview of WSN architecture, its standards, its security issues. This paper also provides brief overview of various WSN simulation models, tools, and platforms.

18 Literature Review Continue……
Monika et al. [5]: This paper analyzed the performance of AODV and DSR routing protocols for WSN with and without RSU (Road Side Unit). For performance evaluation of considered protocols they used Estinet Simulator. After getting simulation results they conclude that throughput was highest for AODV as compared to DSR with varying number of nodes so AODV performed better than DSR. Amit N. Thakare et al. [6]: In this paper authors analyzed the performance of AODV and DSR routing protocols using ns-2 simulator with Random Waypoint mobility model. After getting simulation results they conclude that packet loss of DSR is higher as compared to AODV and ratio of packet received was higher for AODV as compared to the DSR routing protocol.

19 Scenarios Used Scenarios Name No. of Mobile Nodes Protocol Used
100 DSR Scenario 2 OLSR Scenario 3 150 Scenario 4 Scenario 5 200 Scenario 6 Scenario 7 250 DSR

20 Simulation Statistics
Simulation Parameters Examined Protocols OLSR and DSR Number of Mobile & Static Nodes 100,150,200 and 250 Simulation Area 4500*4500 meters

21 Simulation Time 1800 seconds Mobility m/s Pause Time 200 seconds Performance Parameters Throughput, Packet end to end delay, Network load Traffic type FTP Mobility Model used Random Waypoint Data Type Constant Bit Rate (CBR) Packet Size 512 bytes

22 Network load of OLSR and DSR for 100 Static nodes

23 Network load of OLSR and DSR for 150 Static nodes

24 Network load of OLSR and DSR for 200 Static nodes

25 Network load of OLSR and DSR for 250 Static nodes

26 End to End Delay of OLSR and DSR for 100 Static nodes

27 End to End Delay of OLSR and DSR for 150 Static nodes

28 End to End Delay of OLSR and DSR for 200 Static nodes

29 End to End Delay of OLSR and DSR for 250 Static nodes

30 Throughput of OLSR and DSR for 100 Static nodes

31 Throughput of OLSR and DSR for 150 Static nodes

32 Throughput of OLSR and DSR for 200 Static nodes

33 Throughput of OLSR and DSR for 250 Static nodes

34 References [1] Kahina Ait Ali, K.; Baala, O.; Caminada, A., "Routing Mechanisms Analysis in Vehicular City Environment," Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring), IEEE 73rd , vol., no., pp.1,5, May 2011

35 Continue….. [2] Jing Zuo; Yuhao Wang; Yuan Liu; Yan Zhang, "Performance Evaluation of Routing Protocol in WSN with Vehicle-Node Density," Wireless Communications Networking and Mobile Computing (WiCOM), th International Conference on , vol., no., pp.1,4, Sept. 2010 [3] Vidhale, B.; Dorle, S.S., "Performance Analysis of Routing Protocols in Realistic Environment for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks," Systems Engineering (ICSEng), st International Conference on , vol., no., pp.267,272, Aug. 2011

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