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Turbulence and Heterogeneous Wind

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Presentation on theme: "Turbulence and Heterogeneous Wind"— Presentation transcript:

1 Turbulence and Heterogeneous Wind
Conditions in the Field of Wind Energy MSc Thesis Presentation Robin Keus Wednesday, 17 May 2017 Supervisors: Dr. Ir. W.A.A.M. Bierbooms, TU Delft Drs. J. P. Coelingh, Vattenfall

2 Conditions under which turbine performance is guaranteed should be improved
Power curve only guaranteed in 30% of the operating time Need turbulence normalisation! Source: Windpower

3 Content Background Methodology Results Conclusions

4 Background

5 Power Curve Verification
Monitoring wind turbine performance Operator strives for best turbine performance Source: Vestas

6 Monitoring wind conditions
IEC-certified met-mast Lidar Spinner anemometers

7 Met-mast Cup anemometers and wind vanes Limited in height Foundation
Building permits Costs Source: SgurrEnergy

8 Lidar Aerosols Doppler shift Flexible Range Nacelle-based (optional)
Five-beam Lidar: Shear Performance Source: Unitte

9 Sonic spinner anemometers
Sound pulses Mounted on the spinner Undisturbed measurements Calibrate spinner design Source: Pedersen et al. [2015] Source: iwrpressedienst

10 Innovative measurement devices
Still uncertain measurement accuracy Turbulence measurements of Lidar Different method Volume averaging Require more research!

11 Power curves depend on turbulence
TI effect on power curve IEC standard turbulence normalisation procedure Reduce power curve uncertainty 4 m/s: 200 kW -270 kW 5 m/s: 470 kW 6 m/s: 840 kW +340 kW Vavg=5 m/s: 503 kW > 470 kW 𝜎=0.8 𝑚/𝑠 𝑇𝐼= 𝜎 𝑉 𝑎𝑣𝑔 =0.16 Power (kW) Wind speed (m/s) Source: Kaiser

12 Homogeneous wind conditions
LOS 2 experiences the same wind conditions as LOS 1 LOS 2 LOS 1

13 Heterogeneous wind conditions
LOS 2 experiences different wind conditions than LOS 1 LOS 2 LOS 1

14 Research Main topic: Objectives:
To what extent can a (nacelle-based) Lidar measure YM and TI accurately compared to other measurement devices and what is the effect of heterogeneity on its measurements, as well as turbulence normalisation on turbine power performance? Objectives: Difference in PCV between Lidar and met-mast? Accuracy in measuring wind conditions and PCV of five-beam Lidar compared to other Lidar, spinner anemometers and met-mast? Effect of turbulence normalisation on the turbine performance and AEP? Effect on the scatter around the power curve? Can heterogeneity be quantified? Effect on Lidar measurements?

15 Methodology

16 Overview of research Prinses Alexia: Nørrekær Enge:
Experience and knowledge with Lidar measurements Nørrekær Enge: Comparison of met-mast, Lidars and spinner anemometers Turbulence normalisation Validation heterogeneity

17 Nørrekær Enge Flat site Nacelle-based Lidars Spinner anemometers
Avent 5-beam Lidar ZephIR Lidar Spinner anemometers Met-mast close to turbine 4 13 2.3MW Siemens turbines

18 Simulations for turbulence norm
IEC procedure PC uncertainty Site-specific TI for PC Steps: Determine site TI Determine zero TI power curve Normalise power curve to site TI Zero TI PC – Measured PC (%)

19 Simulations for heterogeneity
Synthetic wind field Approach the heterogeneity effect on Lidar measurements Possibility to correct for heterogeneity Linear Non-linear α x α x2 x1

20 Results

21 Wind speed comparison Good comparisons between Lidars and spinner anemometers with met-mast Slight overestimation of Avent Lidar Avent Lidar ZephIR Lidar ROMO spinner

22 Yaw misalignment comparison
Spinner anemometer shows good comparison with met-mast Lidars show poor accuracy Avent Lidar ZephIR Lidar ROMO spinner

23 Turbulence intensity comparison
Unfiltered and filtered measurements Avent Lidar compared best with met-mast ZephIR underestimates TI Spinner average TI is close to unity, but high scatter Avent Lidar ZephIR Lidar ROMO spinner

24 PCV Nørrekær Enge Better than guarantees
Underestimation in AEP by Avent Lidar compared to met-mast (-3.5%) Overestimation by spinner (+2%) P – Pguaranteed(%)

25 Turbulence normalisation
Simulations Effect of TI Improvement in scatter Zero TI PC – Measured PC (%) σPower/Prated

26 Turbulence normalisation
Measurements Effect of TI No improvement in scatter Other factors influence power output Zero TI PC – Measured PC (%) σPower/Prated

27 Heterogeneity Simulations: Measurements:
Only significant heterogeneity in wind field affects Lidar Possible to quantify heterogeneity In case of linear heterogeneity a correction is feasible Measurements: No significant impact of heterogeneity on Lidar measurements LOS 2 LOS 1

28 Conclusions

29 Measurement devices Good accuracy in measuring wind speed
Poor accuracy of Lidars in YM Spinner anemometer shows better correlation with met-mast regarding YM Avent Lidar TI shows some correlation with met-mast ZephIR and spinner anemometer show low accuracy in TI

30 PCV Underestimation of PC by Avent Lidar
Spinner anemometer overestimated PC

31 Turbulence normalisation
Simulations showed TI effects clearly Improvement in scatter and uncertainty Measurements susceptible to other factors besides TI Possible to determine site-specific PC based on TI

32 Heterogeneity Possible to quantify heterogeneity
Only significant heterogeneous wind conditions lead to uncertainty in measurements Corrections sensitive to wind field heterogeneity

33 Recommendations Perform measurements in complex terrain
Investigate turbulence normalisation by isolating effects of TI on power curve Improve heterogeneity simulations Change reference point wind speed to wind conditions experienced by a turbine rotor

34 Thank you for your attention!

35 Research objectives 1. What is the difference in PCV between a ground- or nacelle-based Lidar and a met-mast? 2. How does accuracy in measuring wind conditions and PCV of a five-beam Lidar compare to other nacelle-based Lidar, spinner anemometers and IEC-compliant met-masts? 3. What is the effect of turbulence normalisation on the turbine performance and AEP? And how does it affect the scatter around the power curve? 4. Can heterogeneity be quantified? And what is its effect on Lidar measurements?

36 Lidar measuring volumes

37 Lidar derivations

38 Site layout Prinses Alexia Ground-based Lidar
36 3.4MW Senvion turbines

39 Data synchronisation

40 Results wind speed validation
>3.5 m/s Lidars vs spinner Lidars

41 Results YM validation Avent vs ZephIR Lidars vs spinner

42 Results TI validation

43 Results PCV

44 Results inner-outer conditions
Prinses Alexia Met-mast Lidar

45 Turbulence normalisation

46 TI normalisation procedure
Avent ZephIR Spinner Met-mast

47 TI normalisation zero TI
Avent ZephIR Spinner Met-mast

48 Heterogeneity Non-linear adjustment for heterogeneity
Linear simulations Non-linear simulations

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