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Psychotropic Substances Rules, 1985

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1 Psychotropic Substances Rules, 1985
The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Rules, 1985 17-19th July, 2007

2 Inception of the said rules.
Section: 9 – The N.D.P.S. Act, 1985 “Power of Central Government to permit, control and regulate” Section: 76 – The N.D.P.S. Act, 1985 “Power of Central Government to make rules”

3 Important points relating to the said rules
Came into existence on 14th November, 1985; The rules governs the licit Opium Poppy cultivation in India; The authority looking after – Narcotics Commissioner; Crop year means – 1st October to 30th September; “Licence” means a licence issued under these rules; “Proper Officer” - the officer of Narcotics Department who is assigned those functions by the Narcotics Commissioner; Total Chapters – VIII & Schedule – I, II, III.

4 Definitions of various legal terms.
The N. D. P. S. Rules, 1985 Chapter : I This chapter contains Short title and date of commencement; and Definitions of various legal terms.

5 The N. D. P. S. Rules, 1985 Chapter : II
The chapter deals with the Power of Officers. Narcotics Commissioner appointed under section: 5 of the Act, may authorise any officer subordinate to him, to exercise all or any of his powers under these rules.

6 The N. D. P. S. Rules, 1985 Chapter : III
The chapter mainly deals with the provisions guiding opium poppy cultivation and production of opium and poppy straw; Production of opium or poppy straw shall not be cultivated save on account of the Central Government; Licence is being issued by the District Opium Officer under rule – 8; District Opium Officer may designate one of the cultivators of opium poppy as Lambardar under rule - 10; All opium, opium poppy shall be delivered by the cultivators to the District Opium Poppy Officer under rule – 14.

7 The N. D. P. S. Rules, 1985 Chapter : IV
The chapter deals with the provisions guiding Manufacture, Sale and Export of Opium; Opium shall not be manufactured save by the Central Government Opium Factories at Ghazipur and Neemuch as prohibited under rule - 31; The export of opium is prohibited save when the export is on behalf of the Central Government under rule - 32; The price to be charged for Opium sold shall be fixed by the Central Government as it may deem fit under rule – 34.

8 The N. D. P. S. Rules, 1985 Chapter : V
The chapter deals with the provisions guiding Manufacture Drugs; The manufacture of Crude cocaine, ecgonine and its salts and of diacetyl-morphine and it salts is prohibited under rule - 35; The manufacture of morphine, codeine, dionine, thebaine and various drugs of morphine / codeine groups and their salts is prohibited save by the Government Opium Factory – rule 36; Manufacture of synthetic manufactured drugs is prohibited save under a licence granted by the Narcotics Commissioner, Gwalior – rule 37.

9 The N. D. P. S. Rules, 1985 Chapter : VI
The chapter deals with the provisions relating to Import, Export, and Transhipment of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances; The import and export of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances specified in Schedule - I is prohibited – rule 53; The import of opium, concentrate of poppy straw and morphine, codeine, thebaine, and their salts is prohibited save by the Government Opium Factory – rule 54; Prohibition of import & export through a post office box, etc. – rule 63.

10 The N. D. P. S. Rules, 1985 Chapter : VII
The chapter deals with the provisions relating to Manufacture, Possession & Transport of Psychotropic Substances; No person shall manufacture, possess, transport, sell, purchase, consume or use any of the substances specified in Schedule I – Rule 64; Other than those shall be in accordance with the conditions of a licence granted under the Drugs & Cosmetics Act, 1940 – rule 65; Consignment transported shall accompanied by a Consignment Note in Form 6 – rule 67;

11 The N. D. P. S. Rules, 1985 Chapter : VIIA
The chapter deals with the special provisions regarding Manufacture, Possession, Transport, Import-Export, Purchase and Consumption of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances for Medical, Scientific and Training Purposes; A narcotic drug and psychotropic substance may be used for under Special provisions for medical and scientific purposes – rule 67A; Samples may be supplied to enforcement agencies and a record to be maintained – rule 67B

12 The N. D. P. S. Rules, 1985 Chapter : VIII
The chapter deals with Repeal & Savings; The Central Opium Rules, 1934, The Dangerous Drugs (Import, Export and Transhipment) Rules, 1957, and The Central Manufactured Drugs Rules, 1962 are hereby repealed – rule 68.

13 SCHEDULE – I (See rules 53 and 64)
Narcotic Drugs 1. Coca Leaf 2. Cannabis (Hemp) 3. (a) Acetorphine (b) Diacetylmorphine (Heroin) (c)Dihydrodesoxymorphine(Desmorphine) (d) Etorphine (e) Ketobemindone Psychotropic Substances 1. Etryptamine 2. Methaqualone 3. Methcathinone 4. Salts and preparations of above.

14 SCHEDULE – II (See rule 53A)
Psychotropic Substances About 45 different Substances in the list.

15 SCHEDULE – III (See rule 65(1) proviso)
GRANT OF LICENCE FOR MANUFACTURE OF PSYCHOTROPIC SUBSTANCES FOR EXPORT ONLY. About 34 different Substances and their Salts and preparation in the list.

16 Thank you

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