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The is a Critical Resource for Developing and Refining Trait-Predictive DNA Tests Cameron Peace, Daniel Edge-Garza, Terry Rowland, Paul Sandefur.

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Presentation on theme: "The is a Critical Resource for Developing and Refining Trait-Predictive DNA Tests Cameron Peace, Daniel Edge-Garza, Terry Rowland, Paul Sandefur."— Presentation transcript:

1 The is a Critical Resource for Developing and Refining Trait-Predictive DNA Tests
Cameron Peace, Daniel Edge-Garza, Terry Rowland, Paul Sandefur Department of Horticulture Washington State University

2 Outline of Presentation
What Are DNA Tests? Developing Trait-Predictive DNA Tests Conversion of Marker Types Exploiting Synteny

3 What Are DNA Tests? “DNA tests” = locus-specific, trait-predictive DNA-based diagnostic assays of breeding relevance Can be one marker or sets of markers, predictive for one or more traits E.g.: Md-PG1SSR10kd Ma-indel

4 DNA Tests Are Developed From Trait Locus Discoveries
MTL = Mendelian trait locus QTL = quantitative trait locus

5 Trait Locus Discoveries
2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015

6 Trait Locus Discoveries
2017 2705 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 Fairly well understood now that MTL and QTL discoveries are not the end-point for geneticists

7 Crossing The Chasm Converting trait loci knowledge into practical breeding requires a focus on translational genetics QTLs & MTLs are over here Impact on breeding is over here

8 Developing Trait-Predictive DNA Tests
1. Locate trait locus 2. Retrieve DNA sequence 3. Seek motifs of possible polymorphism 4. Design primers 5. Obtain primers 6. Genotype test samples 7. Inspect inheritance 8. Celebrate! using the

9 1. Locate Trait Locus QTL from publication – where is this in the genome?

10 1. Locate Trait Locus QTL from publication – where is this in the genome?

11 1. Locate Trait Locus QTL from publication – where is this in the genome? 2: 17,249,600 bp 2: 19,225,000 bp 2: 20,068,100 bp

12 1. Locate Trait Locus QTL from publication – where is this in the genome? ±100 kb of locus (CNR12 gene in this case)

13 2. Retrieve DNA Sequence GBrowse: Download Sequence File or
Home Page: Tools > Sequence Retrieval

14 2. Retrieve DNA Sequence ~200 kb is usually enough to work with
Download to file

15 3. Seek Motifs of Possible Polymorphism
For heterozygous genomes with multiple overlapping contigs (e.g., apple), very useful to compare sequence of contigs at locus of interest Compare using external tool (e.g., CLUSTALW), seek indels between sequences = actual polymorphism Resequencing data also great for actual polymorphism For homozygous regions or haploid genomes, next best is possible polymorphism: seek microsatellite motifs using external tool (e.g., Microsatellite Repeats Finder)

16 3. Seek Motifs of Possible Polymorphism

17 4. Design Primers Develop each candidate assay by placing flanking primers Primer3: Choose target range of amplicon lengths Primer3: CG clamp of “2” to improve annealing BLAST primers to ensure uniqueness

18 5. Obtain Primers Purchase primers from your favorite vendor
Sit around chatting about the GDR

19 6. Genotype Test Samples Conduct PCR for each candidate assay, on set of individuals with known/expected alleles

20 7. Inspect Inheritance Check if segregation patterns match expectations and needs L P1 P2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

21 8. Celebrate! Done! Celebrate!
Or go back to Step 3 – design new candidate assays 1. Locate trait locus 2. Retrieve DNA sequence 3. Seek motifs of possible polymorphism 4. Design primers 5. Obtain primers 6. Genotype test samples 7. Inspect inheritance 8. Can I celebrate yet?

22 If Primers Are from A Publication…
Use Primer3 to redesign length, include CG clamp of 2, BLAST to confirm primer uniqueness & genomic location

23 Exploiting Synteny Candidate gene approach, Candidate locus approach Try these when suspect gene or trait locus identified in another crop could be associated with phenotypic difference in your crop = ?

24 Exploiting Synteny Candidate gene approach, Candidate locus approach
Then onto Step 2… 1. Locate trait locus 2. Retrieve DNA sequence 3. Seek motifs of possible polymorphism

25 Exploiting Synteny “RosMAP” Candidate locus approach
common locus for sweetness same genomic region? Concentric circle of Rosaceae genomes. Innermost circle = putative ancestral genome

26 Conversion of Marker Types
Can follow same steps to design assay for any marker type and platform E.g. SSR  SNP-Taqman SSR  SNP-KASP CAPS  SSR 1. Locate trait locus 2. Retrieve DNA sequence 3. Seek desired polymorphism 4. Design primers/probes 5. Obtain primers/probes 6. Genotype test samples 7. Inspect inheritance 8. Party!

27 Further Opportunities
Easily identify polymorphisms from resequencing data of multiple cultivars Connect together the assay-designing (or assay-converting) steps


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