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SIHARBOR: The shore connection System for berthed ships

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Presentation on theme: "SIHARBOR: The shore connection System for berthed ships"— Presentation transcript:

1 SIHARBOR: The shore connection System for berthed ships
Systems and Solutions for a reliable and economic power distribution SIHARBOR: The shore connection System for berthed ships Störer rein Untertitel: Memo 1

2 SIHARBOR Introduction Film
May 20, 2018 IC LMV MS ST MK Memo 2 Notizen 2

3 The Challenge: Shipping-related pollution
2% of global CO2 emissions 90 % of transport on ships account worldwide for 15% of global nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions 6% of global sulphur oxide (SOx) emissions Source: United Nations Statistics Division, Millennium Development Goals indicators May 20, 2018 IC LMV MS ST MK Memo 3 Notizen 3

4 The Challenge: Shipping-related pollution in ports
Combustion of marine fuels port is a major contributor to air pollution Location of ports in congested areas of cities Activities (loading, unloading…) of ships are a source of emissions Concentration of SOx, NOx emissions and PM represents a real danger for the thousands of residents in the port area May 20, 2018 IC LMV MS ST MK Memo 4 Notizen 4

5 Cutting emissions worldwide
Generate their own ship power by using clean fuel Cutting emissions worldwide Berthed ships have to meet environmental regulations: May 20, 2018 IC LMV MS ST MK

6 Cutting emissions worldwide
Generate their own ship power by using clean fuel Cutting emissions worldwide Berthed ships have to meet environmental regulations: Connect ship to power sockets on the shore side (shore connection) or May 20, 2018 IC LMV MS ST MK

7 Cutting emissions worldwide
Generate their own ship power by using clean fuel Cutting emissions worldwide Berthed ships have to meet environmental regulations: Connect ship to power sockets on the shore side (shore connection) or Generate their own ship power by using clean fuel May 20, 2018 IC LMV MS ST MK

8 Cutting emissions worldwide
The shore connection system is the most sustainable and economical solution May 20, 2018 IC LMV MS ST MK

9 The solution: Shore Connection System SIHARBOR
Based on SIPLINK converters (Siemens multi-functional Power LINK) May 20, 2018 IC LMV MS ST MK

10 The solution: Shore Connection System SIHARBOR
For all voltage levels in the shipping industry For both onshore and onboard the ship Based on SIPLINK converters (Siemens multi-functional Power LINK) May 20, 2018 IC LMV MS ST MK

11 The solution: Shore Connection System SIHARBOR
Modular system concept For frequencies of 50 and 60 Hz For all voltage levels in the shipping industry For both onshore and onboard the ship Based on SIPLINK converters (Siemens multi-functional Power LINK) May 20, 2018 IC LMV MS ST MK

12 SIHARBOR: Advantages of the shore connection system
+ Fast and simple connection to the ship via a Cable Management System (CMS) without slip ring units + Compliance with the international standards IEC/ISO/IEEE and IEC + All power requirements are covered by cascading power modules + No short-circuit limiting measures required on ship + No trained personnel necessary for the shore connection + Complete operation controlled from the ship May 20, 2018 IC LMV MS ST MK

13 Reduction of emissions thanks to shore connection
- 45% * * Modern Diesel generators NOx PM CO N2O VOC Emission reductions can be increased by 100 % with power generated completely from renewable energy sources May 20, 2018 IC LMV MS ST MK

14 Benefits for ship-owners and shipyards
+ Safer and more reliable power supply + Financially attractive option regarding the rising fuel prices + Lower maintenance costs (annual avg. saving per ship up to US $) + Reduced port fees up to 10 % for ships equipped with a shore connection system (several ports are using ESI*) Source: *Environmental Ship Index (ESI) measures the quantities of NOx, SOx, PM and CO2 emissions from a ship and gives grades accordingly to assess ship environmental performance. May 20, 2018 IC LMV MS ST MK

15 Benefits for ports + Provider of clean energy to ships
+ Minimized operational costs and carbon footprint + New business as energy provider to ships + Reduced noise pollution and vibrations in ports and vicinity May 20, 2018 IC LMV MS ST MK

16 Global competence for power supply solutions
Complete assistance from the planning and implementation to the commissioning and testing of the system Containerized solution to maximize available berth space Delivery from a single source: No interfacing problem All the components are standard and consistent with other Siemens solutions Engineering network design Project management Global sourcing and integration Installation & commissioning After-sales services May 20, 2018 IC LMV MS ST MK

17 Reference: Flensburger Shipyard
Needs: - Shore connection for powering ships in the shipyard with different voltages (400 V/50 Hz, 440V/60 Hz, 690 V/60 Hz) from the 50 Hz shipyard grid. - Power capacity of 1 MVA - No space on the available surface Power recovery from the on-board generators to the shipyard grid while testing the generators of the ships Max. acoustic pressure level of 45 dB(A) at a distance of 65 m May 20, 2018 IC LMV MS ST MK

18 Reference: Flensburger Shipyard
Solution: - Compact and flexible containerized solution with complete integration of the components erected at a height of 8 m. Results: - Complete integration from a single source - Reduced emissions - Reduced noise and vibration in the Neighbourhood - Reliable and secured energy supply to the ships - Saved energy costs during generator tests May 20, 2018 IC LMV MS ST MK

19 Reference: Port of Lübeck / TransAtlantic
Needs: Shore connection for three paper ferries: TransPaper, TransPulp and TransTimber of Finnish shipping line TransAtlantic with V/50 Hz on-board supply systems. Ships already equipped for shore connection in Finland, including onboard cable Management system with a plug-in connection, a control unit for the coupling process and a transformer on-board May 20, 2018 IC LMV MS ST MK

20 Reference: Port of Lübeck / TransAtlantic
Solution: - SIHARBOR solution of 6.0 kV with complete integration of all the components in a container Shore side connection point at the jetty wall Results: Complete integration from a single source Reduced noise and vibration in the neighbourhood reliable and secured energy supply to the ships May 20, 2018 IC LMV MS ST MK

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