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Dial-In Number: Meeting Number:

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1 Dial-In Number: 1-201-479-4595 Meeting Number: 31539478
FHC STUDY GROUP Dial-In Number: Meeting Number: JANUARY 2016

2 Welcome Dave Babulic Bill Chrabot David Hoff Stoyan Petev
Sarah Molitor Thanks everyone for being on FHC’s November Study Group Call. A Special thanks to our guest speakers and moderator. We’ll begin our discussion in a moment. But first, I’d like to share what’s new and exciting with First Heartland. Dial-In Number: Meeting Number:

3 Data Mining: Which of your clients will be affected by the Social Security Rule Changes? Social Security Rule Changes (Bipartisan Budget Act 2015) New Claiming Rules for: Married Couples Divorced Couples Singles Window of Opportunity November is LTC Awareness month. I’d like to quickly share some worthwhile resources you all have at your finger tips. If you go FHC’s website, you have access to several LTC sales video. Videos for you help you sell LTC Video help your clients understand the need for LTC. There are also materials ready made for social media posts. Check it out and enjoy the benefits. Dial-In Number: Meeting Number:

4 Successful Year & Top Products and Carriers of 2015
Today’s topic was suggested but one of wonderful David’s. The FHC team would like to have more suggestions. Please take a moment to fill out the survey that will come shortly after this call and let us know how we are doing, what we can do better and other ideas. The calls are better for everyone when you participate! Let’s get started! Dial-In Number: Meeting Number:

5 Goal Hear from other advisors about how they found success in 2015 and what they are excited about in 2016 Find out which products and carriers were most popular in 2015 To make thse goals happen, we invited Julius Anderson to moderate a discussion between three agents who have excellent staff. Dial-In Number: Meeting Number:

6 Introductions Dave Babulic Bill Chrabot Dial-In Number: 1-201-479-4595
Most of us know Julius well, but I see some new faces on the call. Until, recently Julius was David Hoff’s business partner for many years. He is now involved in a consulting business. Julius, can you tell us a little more about that and maybe how that makes you an excellent person to moderate this call? David, David and Dave, Can you tell us how long you been in the financial industry? And maybe what is the focus/specialty of your business? Okay let’s get started! Dial-In Number: Meeting Number:

7 Questions to Consider What new things did you try in 2015?
What were your favorite products in 2015? What are you excited about for 2016? Dial-In Number: Meeting Number: Dave Babulic Bill Chrabot

8 Top Products and Carriers of 2015

9 Fixed Index Annuities Allianz 222 | Allianz
Safe Return | Great American Life American Legend III | Great American Life Income 150+ | Forethought SecureLiving Index 7 | Genworth Dial-In Number: Meeting Number:

10 Non-FIA Annuity Business
Certainty Select 06 Year | EquiTrust American Pathway Immediate Annuity | American General Passport 2 | Columbus Life Lincoln Insured Income Immediate Annuity – Period Certain Payouts | Lincoln National Certainty Select 03 Year | EquiTrust Dial-In Number: Meeting Number:

11 Asset-Based Long Term Care
Total Living Coverage (TLC) | Genworth PremierCare | Pacific Life Asset-Care I | OneAmerica Annuity Care | OneAmerica MoneyGuard II | Lincoln National Dial-In Number: Meeting Number:

12 Long Term Care Carriers
Mutual of Omaha Genworth John Hancock OneAmerica Transamerica Dial-In Number: Meeting Number:

13 Disability Insurance Carriers
Principal Ameritas MetLife Standard Assurity Dial-In Number: Meeting Number:

14 Whole Life Carriers Ameritas New York Life OneAmerica MetLIfe
Mass Mutual Dial-In Number: Meeting Number:

15 IUL Carriers Pacific Life Lincoln National Protective Allianz Genworth
Dial-In Number: Meeting Number:

16 GUL Carriers Nationwide Lincoln National Protective Pacific Life
Prudential Dial-In Number: Meeting Number:

17 UL Carriers John Hancock Principal AXA Pacific Life Columbus Life
Dial-In Number: Meeting Number:

18 Variable Annuity Carriers
Jackson National Pacific Life MetLife SunAmerica Dial-In Number: Meeting Number:

19 Variable Annuity Products
Perspective L | Jackson National Perspective II | Jackson National Shield Level Selector| MetLife Polaris Choice | SunAmerica Elite Access | Jackson National Dial-In Number: Meeting Number:

20 Top 3 Fund Families (Held Direct)
American Funds Princor Fidelity Advisors Dial-In Number: Meeting Number:

21 Most Widely Held Clearing Funds
SEI Instl Managed TR – T/M LG CP A | SEI Global Diversified Income (A) | Principal Funds Institutionally Managed Core Fixed Income Fund | SEI INVT TR INV INVCM BLD A | Thornburg International Equity Fund | SEI Dial-In Number: Meeting Number:

22 Top Mutual Funds American Funds Growth Fund of America
American Funds Investment Co. of America American Funds EuroPacific Growth Fund American Funds Washington Mutual Investors Fund American Funds Capital Income Builder Dial-In Number: Meeting Number:

23 Top 3 Solicitors Arrangements
AssetMark Eplan Equis Capital Dial-In Number: Meeting Number:

24 Questions?

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