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Please Maintain the Rope

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Presentation on theme: "Please Maintain the Rope"— Presentation transcript:

1 Please Maintain the Rope
Seal Conservancy of San Diego

2 Seal Conservancy of San Diego
Supports maintaining the Rope at Casa Beach Presenters: Dr. Jane Reldan, Treasurer Deborah Saracini, Docent Coordinator Adrian Kwiatkowski, Executive Director

3 Please play the Jane Reldan video.

4 Please play the Deb Saracini video.

5 Seals at Casa Beach Seals need the beach to survive
Seals are extremely shy and easily disturbed on land Seals need the beach to survive Give birth, nurse, raise pups, rest, re-oxygenate, thermal regulate, shed fur Seals spend about 50% of time on beach


7 Seals at Casa Beach Casa Beach is the only mainland California Seal rookery south of Ventura County Casa Beach is a special place to see animals in their natural habitat Over 1.5 million visitors annually come to see the Seals at Casa Beach

8 The Problems Seal and Human incidents
Seal flushing (scaring the Seals) Pre-pupping season closure 3rd tri-mester of pregnancy Post-pupping season closure nurturing Multi-jurisdictional enforcement challenges (city, state and federal)

9 Area Beaches

10 City support for the Rope 2010
Executive Branch Mayor of San Diego Park & Recreation Department Legislative Branch Majority of City Councilmembers (6 of 8)

11 City support for the Closure 2014
Executive Branch Mayor of San Diego Park & Recreation Department Legislative Branch Majority of City Councilmembers (6 of 9)

12 Commission Actions Year-Round Rope July 2012 Unanimous (12 of 12)
Pupping Season Closure August 2014 Conditions on City during permit operation

13 Seal Support Thousands of letters, s and petitions

14 Seal Conservancy of San Diego
Support Staff’s recommendations Support aligning Pupping Season Closure permit with Rope permit Beach Closure Works

15 The Rope Works

16 Please Maintain the Rope
Seal Conservancy of San Diego

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