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Finance and Budget Services/Learning Services

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1 Finance and Budget Services/Learning Services
edi Finance Dashboard Finance and Budget Services/Learning Services

2 Objective of the edi Finance Dashboard
Provide indicators on some key financial information.


4 Recommended as a tool to aid staff and is not designed to replace core systems such as Finance 1
Confirms where on track. Provides flags where appropriate action may be required. Can be used as a key prompt for discussions between Principal and SBM.

5 Currently implementing enhancements to the Finance Dashboard.
Alerts parameters have been adjusted and also the presentation of alerts has been amended. There is now progression through amber to red to better assist with identifying where action is required.


7 Access to edi Portal
Automatic by position for Principal, SBM and Teachers. If additional staff require access this can be done by the school vKey Officer. Allocate additional staff the Teachers – Extras role. You will see only your own school’s data. Option to select a school if you have access to more than one school.

8 Finance Dashboard home
Launch the Finance Dashboard using the Finance Dashboard tab listed under the school name on the left of the screen. To navigate back at any time from any alert or report click on this Finance Dashboard tab.

9 Each button under either the Finance Alerts or Key Reports on the Finance Dashboard is a link to further information.

10 SRP Salary & Relief and Cash Dials
Based on data entered into the BWSC. Arrow will change to red when budget is exceeded.

11 Financial Summary

12 Carried Forward Balance
All Finance Reports Carried Forward Balance The following statement will show for each school. The carried over figure and percentage will be your school’s information. The report is highlighted for the first three months of the calendar year as amber, if over 25% threshold, or red if in the negative

13 Over Expended Budget Centres
Amber is 5 to10% Red is above 10% The alert is for over-expenditure as a percentage of total revenue

14 Over Expended Budget Centres Financial Summary Button
Each MAIN heading indicates a separate report. Click on the heading to access more detail for this report and to print this report Additions to this report Budget Centre description Budget Amounts Actuals Over Expended

15 School Resource Package (SRP)
The data is loaded nightly from Finance One with staffing details updated each fortnight. Includes the Bank Balance.

16 Accounts Receivable

17 Overdue Accounts Receivable

18 Recent ECR Sessions >7 days > 14 days

19 Recent ECR Sessions Easy reference for principals and SBM’s that provides details on regularity of banking, transaction amounts May be used as a prompt to highlight the need for banking of receipts

20 Unposted Accounts Payable Document Files

21 Unposted Accounts Payable Document Files

22 Late Payment Alert The alert is amber between 1% and 5%
Above 5% the alert is red The penalty payments are summarised within the alert

23 Late Payment Report

24 Alerts for the following are being looked at in Phase 2:
Unallocated Credit Notes and Receipts Clearing Account Balances Credit Cards

25 Help Documentation edi Finance Dashboard on the School Admin site.

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