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"Intelligence is what you use when you don't know what to do

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1 "Intelligence is what you use when you don't know what to do
"Intelligence is what you use when you don't know what to do.” Jean Piaget By: Melissa Lopez

2 The Life of Jean Piaget Jean Piaget was born on August 9th, 1896 and died on September 16th, 1980. He was born in Switzerland Piaget’s area of study was with children and their education His perspective was Cognitive Development

3 Research Piaget is best known for his theory of the four developmental stages in children. These are the Sensorimotor Stage (experience world through senses), Preoperational Stage (cannot conserve or use logical thinking), Concrete Operational Stage (can conserve and think logically with practical aids), and Formal Operational Stage (can easily think logically and develop abstract thought) . He is the founder of genetic epistemology, which is his theory of cognitive development and epistemological. Piaget was not satisfied with the current research methods, so he began developing the clinical method of examination. This included questioning a child and examining their responses.

4 My Opinion and Questions
A few other notable accomplishments that Piaget received include publishing several books, becoming president of the International Union of Scientific Psychology, and receiving Honorary Doctorates at multiple schools such as Harvard and Yale. I do feel that Piaget is relevant as the development of a child is a major part of psychology. I agree with some of his theories, including parts of the four stages of child development. Do you agree with his theory of children development? Do you think his research method of examining is effective?

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