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GR Training Resource Hunt.

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1 GR Training Resource Hunt


3 Types of Disabilities:​ + Acquired brain injuries​ + Attention deficit
+ Hyperactivity disorders​ + Blind and low vision​ + Chronic illnesses​ + Deaf and Hard of hearing​ + Learning disabilities​ + Mobility impairments​ + Psychological disorders

4 Accommodations and Services Accessible computer lab
Alternative text such as taped books Closed captioning Consultation with faculty to advocate for the student Note-takers Priority registration Real-time captioning Referral as needed to other campus and community resources Sign Language interpreters Test accommodations

5 How do I get started? You can contact the disability resource center or complete the online intake form at www. Complete the intake packet including release forms and return it, along with current and appropriate documentation of your disability, to the DRC.

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