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NHSE Commissioning update

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1 NHSE Commissioning update
Mandy Matthews 9th December 2016

2 Use of immunoglobulin in England
NHS England is responsible commissioner for immunoglobulin Current forecast annual spend of approximately £150 million in England Commissioned in line with national Clinical Guidelines Inconsistent with commissioning of other high cost products NHS England Immunoglobulin project group established

3 Immunoglobulin project:
Review clinical guidelines Develop NHS England commissioning policies, including: Eligibility criteria, dosing and efficacy outcomes Ensure adherence to guidelines Immunoglobulin assessment panels Prior approval Improving Value opportunities: ITP dosing Contract management support

4 Review guidelines: Red indications: Current therapy Dose
Clinical outcomes Clinical Reference Group (CRG) or other expert group involvement Develop into routinely commissioned policy position

5 Review guidelines: Blue and grey indications: Current therapy Dose
Clinical outcomes CRG or other expert group involvement Consider within NHS England policy proposition process Prioritisation Use of IVIg in indications not covered by a specific NHSE policy will not be routinely commissioned

6 Adherence to guidelines:
Role of the Immunoglobulin Assessment Panel (IAP): Survey Sharing best practice Audit Prior approval system: Pilot MDSAS database On-hold until commissioning criteria agreed All use to be approved via the database

7 Improving Value opportunities:
Dosing in ITP: recommended at 1g/kg Previous audit suggests significant use of higher dose Analysis of the database for use in 15/16: Potential savings of £2 million

8 Contract management support:
All use of immunoglobulin to be recorded on database Risk of non-reimbursement if not recorded Recording of clinical outcomes Standard criteria Resources to support commissioners to ensure a consistent approach with trusts

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