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Land-use/Land-cover Data Base Creation for Huon District

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1 Land-use/Land-cover Data Base Creation for Huon District
Land-Cover Change Detection for Huon Gulf District Of Morobe Province in Papua New Guinea. By: Rexford FELIX Primary Supervisor: Mr. Leonard Wana Papua New Guinea University of Technology – Forestry Department

2 Outline Introduction Background Aims and Objectives Literature Review
Research Questions Materials and methodology Timeline & Budgeting

3 Introduction Knowing the importance of forest cover over time is important for managing forest sustainably because changes may result is long term destruction or addition of forest cover. Land use refers to how land cover is managed, manipulated, removed, maintained or utilised in deferent ways to suit ones need. Change detection can be defined as the process of identifying differences in the state of an object or phenomenon by observing it at different time frames. Global Information System (GIS) will be used as a means of detecting changes by actually involving application of multi-temporal data sets to quantitatively analysis the temporal effect of the incident of interest or phenomena.

4 Map of the Research Area – Huon Gulf District

5 Background Creating a GIS model for land cover change in forestry using Remote sensing software is now becoming commonly used in the forestry sector. It has less cost and easy to use Fast (less time consuming) data collection compared to ground inventory 85% to 95% accuracy Location of Huon Gulf District within Papua New Guinea Coordinates: 7°03′S 147°03′E Country: Papua New Guinea Province: Morobe Province Capital: Salamaua • Total Area: ,401 km2 (2,858 sq. mi) Population (2011 census) • Total: 77,564 • Density: 10/km2 (27/sq. mi) Time zone: AEST (UTC+10)

6 Aims and Objectives The objectives of the research are:
The aim of this research is to emphasise GIS application as a tool in decision making, modelling, and management of natural and man made occurrences. The study will forces mainly on change detection modelling in Huon District. The objectives of the research are: To determine the land use land cover before and after the change To delineate areas were changes that has occurred. To determine whether the change are man made or natural To determine the likely drivers in these changes.

7 Literature Review Over the past 19 years forest has change from 4.1 billion hectare to just under 4 billion hectare a decrease of 3.1%. The rate of global forest has slowed by more than 50% between 1990 and 2015 (FAO, 2015). This change result from a combination of reduced forest conversion rate in some countries and an increase forest expansion in others. Land use affects lands covers and change in land cover affect land use. A change in either, however, may not be the product of the other. Changes in land cover by land use do not necessary imply degradation of the land. However, many shifting land use pattern driven by a variety of social issues, results in the land cover change that affect the primary role of the land cover such as providing both ecological and biological equilibrium. (Riebsame. Meyer, and Turner, 1994)

8 Literature Review…continue.
This study will be analysing data collected from 2001 to 2013 and from to 2017, the data are satellite imagery collected by Landsat 7, Landsat 7 ETM + and Landsat 8 OLI. The study will focus on Huon District only in Morobe Province of PNG, primarily to detect changes that has occurred in the past 19 years.

9 Problem Statement Morobe has witness a remarkable expansion both in growth and development activities, these as therefore resulted in increase land consumption modification and alteration in the land use land cover over time. There is no data base detailing these changes over a period of time, it is important to actively monitor these changes for the wise use of land use land cover.

10 Research Question Is GIS an effect tool in planning, and managing limited resources?

11 Methodology Acquisition of satellite images from Landsat 7, Landsat 7 ETM+ and Landsat 8 OLI Selection of sample Areas Classification Reclassification NDVI test Accuracy Assessment Change Detection Conclusion / Discussion/ Recommendation

12 Timeline

13 Budget Expenditure Category Item Description Type of unit
Number of unit Cost per unit Total Cost (K) Number of people Involved Travel Expenses (food Supermarket only) 1 x packet bread Kina 5 days 3 197 7x Ox & Palm 1x Carton Snacks 1x 12 Packs Noodles 1x Dozen tang 4x Jam Food Market Fresh Food 20 Commercial Ground Travel PMV Round trip 2 days 2 60 Boat 3 days 180 Accommodation Guest House 2 nights 1 x room Equipment (to be borrowed) Portable GPS Machine Borrow from Mr. Leo Wana 1x GPS 1 Total K517

14 The End Thank you all for your time……

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