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Question #1 Answer: unbalanced

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1 Question #1 Answer: unbalanced
If an object speeds up, slows down or changes direction, what type of forces must be acting on it? Answer: unbalanced

2 Question #2 What is the net force for the arrows shown below? Is this an example of balanced or unbalanced forces? Answer: Net force = 0 Balanced forces

3 Question #3 What is the net force for the arrows shown below? Is this an example of balanced or unbalanced forces? Answer: 3 N

4 What are the two types of motion possible with balanced forces?
Question #4 What are the two types of motion possible with balanced forces? Answer: Not moving or Moving at a constant speed in a straight line. (200 points)

5 Question #5 Which planet has the strongest force of gravity and why?
Answers: Jupiter – greatest mass

6 Question #6 Match the example with the Law of Motion: Answers:
A person pushes back with their feet to walk forward. A hockey puck keeps sliding across the ice until it runs into the wall at the far side of the rink. A bowling ball requires more force to accelerate than a tennis ball. Answers: A: 3rd law B: 1st law C: 2nd law

7 gravity and air resistance
Question #7 Which two forces are balanced when a falling object reaches terminal velocity? Answer: gravity and air resistance

8 They will hit the ground at the same time
Question #8 If you drop an elephant and a mouse from the same height, which will hit the ground first? (assume no air resistance) Answer: They will hit the ground at the same time

9 Question #9 Which type of friction is best illustrated by each of the following? A. B. C. Answer: skateboard: rolling slide: sliding boat: fluid friction

10 Question #10 Fill in the blanks in the definitions below:
Mass is amount of in an object. Weight is the force of acting on an object’s . Answer: Mass: amount of atoms/matter in an object. Weight: force of gravity acting on an object’s mass.

11 Question #11 Which phases of the moon would be visible at positions 1 and 5 on the diagram below? 5 1. Answers: 1. new moon 5. full moon

12 A – spring; B – summer; C – fall; D - winter
Question #12 Match each position on the diagram with the season that begins on that date: A. B. D. C. Answers: A – spring; B – summer; C – fall; D - winter

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