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National Authority for remote sensing and space science Egyptian space Program Ayman Ahmed - NARSS, Egypt First Afrigeoss Symposium, 27-29 April 2016,

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Presentation on theme: "National Authority for remote sensing and space science Egyptian space Program Ayman Ahmed - NARSS, Egypt First Afrigeoss Symposium, 27-29 April 2016,"— Presentation transcript:

1 National Authority for remote sensing and space science Egyptian space Program Ayman Ahmed - NARSS, Egypt First Afrigeoss Symposium, April 2016, Victoria Falls , Zimbabwe.

2 About NARSS Ministry of Scientific Research National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Science (Y 1994) Egyptian Space Program (ESP) (Y 2000)

3 NARSS Organizational Structure
Space Program NARSS Chairman Geologiacal Applications and Mineral resources Agricultural Applications, Soils and Marin Science Environmental Studies and Land Use Engineeringl Applications, Water Resources Aerial Photography and Aviation Data Reception and Image Proccesing Space Science and Stratigic Studies Scientific Training and Continous Studies NARSS Vice Chairman NARSS Secratery General Finance Admin HR

4 ESP divisions Structure Design.
Electrical Ground Support Equipment (EGSE) Attitude Determination and Control (ADCS) Assembly Integration and Testing (AIT) Communication System. Mission Control Center (MCC). On Board Computer (OBC). Ground Stations. Payload Design. Concurrent Design Center (CDC). Power Supply. Thermal Design. Orbit. Space Environment. Mechanical Ground Support Equipment (MGSE).

5 Egyptsat-1 Remote sensing satellite
Optical and infrared imaging capability, GSD 7.8 m Launched 17 April 2007 Life time 3- 5 years, Joint project with Ukraine

6 Engineering Model Lab. Electrical ground support equipment,
Mechanical ground support equipment, Clean room, Electromagnetic compatibility

7 Space payload lab. Hyperspectral and optical imaging AIT equipment

8 Concurrent design center
Locally developed CDC,

9 Cubesat Lab.

10 signal processing space systems lab.

11 Anechoic Chamber 5x 2x 2 م Aims of Antenna Measurements:
– Evaluation of designed antennas, – Empirical validation for antenna analysis methods.

12 Assembly integration and testing center
AIT for satellite of 600 Kg, Area of 4000 m2, Testing Labs : Thermal Vacuum , EMC , Vibration , Mass Properties , Payload

13 Narss experimental satellite program
Series of experimental satellites, Serving remote sensing applications, NEXSAT-1 started September 2014. Planned NEXSAT-2 and NEXSAT and 2018 respectively,

14 NARSS multi mission platform
Nexsat Roadmap Nexsat-1 Nexsat-2 Nexsat-3 Nexsat-4 Nexsat-5 NARSS multi mission platform Adopted NARSS satellite platform Camera system Solar panel TT&C SW AIT Power system OBC Camera system Solar panell TT&C SW AIT

15 Space segment components
Device/Subsystem component Tech. readiness level TRL OBC prototype, TRL4 S-band DSP prototype, TRL5 Payload computer prototype, TRL8 FDIR system TRL8 (on-process) Telemetry system TRL5 (on-process) Optical Payload camera TRL7 (on-process) X-Band subsystem Solar cells Nano-technology project ECSS-S-ST-00-01C

16 DESERTsat Planed to be first SAR payload satellite,
Supposed to start 2020

17 Space city

18 Ground control station

19 Satellite receiving station (Egyptsat-1, SPOT, CBERS-2B)
receiving station NOAA satellite data

20 Satellite Data Receiving Stations Footprint
Receiving Aswan EgyptSat1 SPOT CBERS

21 Satellite Data Receiving Station At Aswan city
Reception, monitoring and analysis of different satellite digital data. Reception and dissemination of SPOT4 and AVHRR data, CBERS. Station at cairo NOAA satellite, FengYun, satellite

22 Thank you!

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