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Five Themes of Geography

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Presentation on theme: "Five Themes of Geography"— Presentation transcript:

1 Five Themes of Geography
Aim: why do the Five Themes of Geography have an impact on Human Geography? Five Themes of Geography

2 Five Themes of Geography
Aim: why are absolute and relative locations used differently in geography? Mini Unit Aim Five Themes of Geography

3 What are the five themes?
Tools geographers use to study features on earth. Location Place Region Human Environment Interaction Movement

4 Movement (Spatial Interaction) Region Human Environment interaction
aka MR. HELP Movement (Spatial Interaction) Region Human Environment interaction Location Place Logically the order would be LPRH(EI)M

5 1. Location Describes where places are on Earth. Types of Location:
ABSOLUTE: exact location on earth (fixed) Doesn’t change Latitude/Longitude Hemispheres Grid System Address RELATIVE: compared to other places (variable) Changes dependent upon where you’re comparing it to. Miles Distance Direction

6 What is this? Why? How do you know?
Absolute Location Examples: Rome is located at 41 N, 12 E Argentina is located in the southern hemisphere. THHS is located at Melbourne Ave. What is this? Why? How do you know?


8 What are the potential problems? Why?
Relative Location Examples: Provide examples three examples of relative location. What are the potential problems? Why?

9 Problems ? Examples: Relative Location
Rome is located near the Mediterranean Sea. Argentina is near Brazil. Ecuador is south of Mexico. New York is located in the North East Problems ?

10 Kiesza: Hideaway Experiment
Where exactly was the video filmed? What would be the advantages and disadvantages of possessing and absolute or relative location for the video. How would you best describe the location of where the video was filmed so that tourists might locate the streets filmed.

11 Site vs Situation Great Situation Lousy Site

12 Hurricane Katrina / New Orleans Clips


14 Five Themes of Geography
Aim: to differentiate between the physical and cultural characteristics of a place. Five Themes of Geography

15 2. Place Physical characteristics Cultural characteristics
A place is defined by it’s unique characteristics. Physical characteristics Cultural characteristics

16 Physical Characteristics
Specific to THAT place, not generic. The way a place looks. Created by nature. Mountains Rivers, Lakes, Seas Climate Vegetation Examples: Andes Mountains are in South America. Amazon River flows through Brazil. Pampas are located in Argentina. The Panamanian Isthmus connects Central & South America.

17 Cultural Characteristics
Specific to THAT place, not generic. Peoples activities change the way a place looks or is represented. “Man-made”; created or caused by humans. Language Unique buildings Religious Practices Celebrations/traditions/holidays Examples: Portuguese is the official language of Brazil. Many Mexicans are Catholic. Mayan ruins are located in Mexico. Cinco de Mayo is a national holiday in Mexico.






23 Cultural Characteristics Exercise
“Name that Place!” Think of a place. State, act out some cultural characteristics that you think are associated with the particular place in mind. No negative stereotypes please!!! Certain styles of music.

24 Five Themes of Geography
Aim: to develop an understanding of the three major regions of Human Geography? Five Themes of Geography

25 3. Region The world is divided into different regions based upon similarities & differences. Climate Location Beliefs Languages Ethnicity Race Types: Formal Functional Perceptual (Vernacular Region)

26 Formal Region Most common/familiar.
Determined by the distribution of a uniform characteristic (physical or cultural) i.e.: homogenous characteristic Location Climate Religion Examples Central America (Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama) Latin America

27 Formal region e.G.: linguistic region

28 Formal region Political region Cultural Region

29 Cultural, Linguistic, and Political Region

30 Linguistic and Cultural (Religious) Regions

31 Formal region environmental region
Bioregion (biome) Ecotone E.g.: The Sahel Bioregion (biome) Ecotone = transitionary region between two biomes. Note Human Geography words.

32 Core (heartland), Core periphery and Border Zones

33 What mall do you associate with? Or are you…
Functional Region Serves a purpose that affects places around it. Distributes goods/people Serves specific purpose Examples: Panama Canal Hollywood Havana, Cuba Any market town and even a mall. What mall do you associate with? Or are you… The area a mall serves / influences is NOT formal. However, it’s influence does exist… hence functional.

34 What mall?

35 Nodal points can be part of multiple regions
Nodal points can be part of multiple regions. However, they apply best to functional regions. Node (nodal Point)

36 Distance Decay within a functional region
Applicable to many aspects of Human Geography. Distance Decay within a functional region

37 Core periphery and Border Zones

38 Perceptual Region (vernacular region)
What’s the difference between vernacular and linguistic? Groups of areas that provoke a certain stereotype or feeling. Examples: Da Bronx as opposed to The Bronx The “ghetto” as opposed to the Ghetto* China Town The Midwest “The Valley” The Ghetto was a formal region whereas the ghetto is a perceptual region. How so? see next slide BTW, any idea as to why perceptual regions are frequently referred to as vernacular regions?

39 What and where is this?

40 Exercise Where is the Midwest?
Identify the Perceptual Region by naming states that you think are part of the Midwest. How do you complete the process of identifying the Midwest?

41 Mental maps invariably map Perceptual Regions… Get it? Thinking.



44 What type of Region is the “Corn Belt”?



47 AIM: twe does Human Environment Interaction have an impact on the world?

48 4. Human Environment Interaction
The environment & people are interconnected. Consequences to those actions depend upon how people choose to interact with the world and use their resources. Positive/Negative Intentional/Accidental Favorable/Destructive

49 HEI Current Environmental Issues: Climate Change (global warming)
Energy Resources Water Conservation Deforestation





54 AIM: twe does movement have an impact on the world?

55 5. Movement Places do not exist in isolation. Examples:
Interconnectedness of the world changes the way places “look.” Today: “globalization” People, goods & ideas move from place to place. Examples: Immigration from anywhere E.g.: Latin America to USA. War in Iraq and Syria (troops, supplies, ideas, people) Internet E.g.: Facebook (ideas), Twitter, Youtube Rapid Transportation

56 Sat in my living room in New Rochelle, NY, USA and watched Springboks vs. All Blacks in South Africa on a Japanese television station in Japanese and English using a service provided by a company located in Luxembourg, Europe. PTO

57 BTW, what type of map?

58 To what extent is “[geographic] movement” a real or perceived threat to various cultures and countries around the world?

59 Get it?

60 Get it?



63 Harvard University Professor Samuel Huntington
“…The fundamental source of conflict in this new world will not be primarily ideological or primarily economic. The great divisions among humankind and the dominating source of conflict will be cultural. Nation states will remain the most powerful actors in world affairs, but the principal conflicts of global politics will occur between nations and groups of different civilizations. The clash of civilizations will dominate global politics.” (Huntington, 1993) Harvard University Professor Samuel Huntington

64 “Jihad vs. McWorld.” Benjamin Barber Aka
“Traditional values” vs. Globalization.


66 Problem: they increasingly have to interact.
Country B Country A Democracy All people have same legal rights Freedom of speech Freedom of religion 18 or older to marry Polygamy illegal Same sex marriage legal Universal healthcare Alcohol legal All gambling legal Prostitution legal Medical marijuana & decriminalization Problem: they increasingly have to interact.

67 Country B Other / Similar Issues: Happy Valentine’s Religious Police
Male guardianship Child Marriage Rape laws Alcohol Religious Conversion Homosexuality Democracy Slavery (1962; UAE, 1963; Oman, 1970) Fruits and Vegetables Happy Valentine’s Social Mixing The Movies Music School Bacon! Gyms for Girls Every Other God Women At Work Roaming Women Women Behind the Wheel

68 Malala Yousafzai made the ‘Most Influential Teens’ list in 2015… but so did Kendall and Kylie Jenner

69 Hong Kong 2014…. Ironic ‘eh?

70 Culture vs. Culture

71 Fin

72 Movement (Spatial Interaction)
aka MR. HELP Movement (Spatial Interaction) Region (Formal, Functional, & Perceptual) Human Environment interaction Location (Absolute & Relative) Place (Site & Situation) Logically the order would be LPRH(EI)M

73 Fin

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