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Eurostat financial database

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1 Eurostat financial database
and what we can learn from it. OECD - FS Working Party 2-4 November Eurostat / Ismael Ahamdanech Zarco

2 Financial Accounts in Eurostat
Legal Framework Data collection Integrated annual accounts Some interesting figures Future developments

3 Legal Framework ESA95 Compulsory data Voluntary data
Transmission Programme Both documents are binding for the Member States. Moreover, other documents explain and give guidance on compilation, such as the Manual on Sources and Methods for the Compilation of ESA95 Financial Accounts Data collection Compulsory data Voluntary data

4 Integrated Annual Accounts
To understand interrelations in an economy it is necessary to analyze both real and financial aspects. For this reason, increasing attention is paid to integrated national accounts. Eurostat publishes Annual accounts by institutional sector where data above and below the line are presented together in an integrated manner. Similar approach to the Eurostat/ECB joint project on Euro area accounts (see presentation tomorrow) Related to flow of funds approach


6 Some interesting figures (i) Households’ Net Financial Assets (BF90) (2005 = 100). NC

7 Some interesting figures (ii) Households’ net Financial Transactions
Some interesting figures (ii) Households’ net Financial Transactions. Liabilities of F4 (loans). (2005 = 100). NC

8 Some interesting figures (iii) Households’ Other Economic Flows in financial assets (2005 = 100). NC
For the sake of clarity, data for BE, DE, IE, GR, ES, FR, HU, NL, PT, SK, SE and NO have been censured

9 Some interesting figures (iv) General Governments’ Stocks of total Liabilities (2005 = 100). NC

10 Some interesting figures (v) Non Financial Corporations’ transactions in F7 Liabilities (EUR m). NC

11 Some interesting figures (vi) Financial Corporations’ Stocks of Liabilities in F5 (2005=100). CO

12 Some interesting figures (vii) Financial Corporations’ transactions in Assets of F4 (2005 = 100). CO

13 Some interesting figures (viii) Financial Corporations’ Other Economic Flows in assets (2005 = 100). CO For the sake of clarity, data for FR, HU, PT, SK, SE and NO have been censured

14 Future Developments Reliable and timely data for policymakers: lessons from financial crisis New ESA is being drafted – proposal made in 2010; to come into force in 2014 New Transmission Program (to came into force in 2014) is being discussed: Importance of split of OEF into Nominal Holdings Gains and Losses and Other Changes in Volume Importance of counterpart data Integration of financial and non financial accounts

15 For more information: => (Eurostat Web Page) => (Eurostat DataBase)

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