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Parity Violation in Heavy Atoms &

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1 Parity Violation in Heavy Atoms &
International Conference on Warsaw, May ‘17 \ Precision Physics and Fundamental Physical Constants FFK-2017 Parity Violation in Heavy Atoms & Searches for Permanent Electric Dipole Moments Klaus Jungmann, Van Swinderen Institute, University of Groningen

2 Parity Violation in Heavy Atoms & Searches for Permanent Electric Dipole Moments
Testing the Standard Model with Atoms Discrete Symmetries Parity: Few Valence Electron Systems Privileged Unique Possibilities for sin2 W at Low Energies EDM: Searches in Atoms and Molecules Perspectives in the Period to Come

3  Standard Model Tests Best Theory we have
Standard Model (SM) of particle physics is Best Theory we have Still large number of open questions e.g. particle masses, origin of parity violation, .... Direct: Searches for New Particles Indirect: High Precision Measurements Equivalent Approaches CERN e.g. LHC Van Swinderen Institute also: Difference Matter-Antimatter … e.g. Discovery of Higgs boson,.. e.g. Atomic Parity Violation, EDM searches, …..

4 Discrete Symmetries C,P,T,CP,CPT

5 Parity → relatively large effects in some atoms and molecules
→ one valence electron atoms to extract precise constants → more complex systems to study e.g. anapole moments

6 Extraction of Weinberg Angle
Atomic Parity Violation Extraction of Weinberg Angle 72P3/2 APV effect Ψe Ψn overlap 72P1/2 62D5/2 62D3/2 + ε' n' 2P3/2 Ra+ E2 E1APV Weak charge 72S1/2 + ε n2P1/2 How does the weak interaction show up in an atomic system? Here are the lowest energy levels of the radium ion. Effect of weak interaction is to mix opposite-parity states: now a parity-violating dipole transition amplitude arises E1 (APV) scales as weak charge (related to Weinberg angle) times overlap between electronic and nuclear wavefunction E1 is 11 orders of magnitude smaller than E2 Experimental trick to make it measurable: use interference (weak part too weak for actual transitions) → Trapped single ion Fortson, Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 2383 (1993)

7 Atomic Parity Violation (APV)
Physics beyond the SM QW = –N+(1–4 sin2θW)Z + rad. corr. + “new physics” Extra Z’ boson in SO(10) GUTs: Additional U(1)’ gauge symmetry Known Z and W unaffected No Z-Z’ mixing Londen en Rosner (1986), Marciano en Rosner (1990), Altarelli et al. (1991) q e V A Z0 Z0’ Bound on MZ’ from cesium APV (68% confidence level, ξ= 52°) Wansbeek et al.. PRA,(2010) Mz’> 1.2 TeV/c2 (Tevatron MZ’> 0.9 TeV/c2) Bound (possible) on MZ’ from Ra+ APV Mz’> 6 TeV/c2 (full LHC MZ’ ~4.5 TeV/c2) The way to go!

8 Test of Standard Model Electroweak Interaction

9 Test of Standard Model Electroweak Interaction

10 Test of Standard Model Electroweak Interaction

11 Test of Standard Model Electroweak Interaction
S. Kumar, W. Marciano, Annu. Rev. of Nucl. Part. Sci. 63, 237 (2013) H. Davoudiasl, Hye-Sung Lee, W. Marciano, arxiv (2014)

12 Test of Standard Model Electroweak Interaction
Work in progress S. Kumar, W. Marciano, Annu. Rev. of Nucl. Part. Sci. 63, 237 (2013) H. Davoudiasl, Hye-Sung Lee, W. Marciano, arxiv (2014)

13 Atomic Parity Violation
Ba+ and Ra+ S-S S-D Cs 0.9 Ba+ 2.2 Fr 14.2 Ra+ 46.4 6D5/2 7P1/2 7P3/2 7S1/2 E2 6D3/2 E1APV Calculated from atomic wavefunctions Detailed calculations → stronger than Z3 Ra+ superior to measure APV … 50x more sensitive to APV than current best measurement in Cs Theory Calculations: kRa = 46.4(1.4) · iea0 /N * kCs = (26) · iea0 /N ** *L.W. Wansbeek et al., Phys. Rev. A 78, (2008) **A. Derevianko et al., Phys. Rev. A 79, (2009)

14 Laser Spectroscopy in Ra+ Ions
Probe of atomic theory & size and shape of the nucleus Probe of atomic wave functions at the origin Good agreement with theory at few % level Theory improvement is in pipeline. O.O. Versolato et al., Phys. Lett. A 375, 3130 (2012) O.O. Versolato et al., Phys. Rev. A 82, (R) (2010) G.S. Giri et al., Phys. Rev. A 84, (R) (2011) M. Nuñez Portela, et al., Appl. Phys. B (2013)

15 available δ(r2) values: 1.486(75) fm2 vs. 1.277(129) fm2
L.W. Wansbeek et al, Phys. Rev. C 86, (2012) available δ(r2) values: 1.486(75) fm2 vs. 1.277(129) fm2

16 Relative Ra Charge radii
L.W. Wansbeek et al, Phys. Rev. C 86, (2012) Radius 226Ra ≈ 5.7 fm Significant spread between models (up to few 10%) Need at least one calibration point, best 226Ra

17 Status of Theory 1 PhD student away from necessary sub-% precision
Atomic calculations: 1 PhD student away from necessary sub-% precision Parity effect calculations: - nuclear charge radius needed at few-% accuracy - possibility at PSI opens up

18 Ra+ measurements to test Atomic Theory
Hyperfine Structure: Probe of atomic wave functions at the origin Isotope Shifts: Probe of atomic theory & size and shape of the nucleus Excited State Lifetimes: Probe of S-D E2 matrix element % level agreement with theory (Safronova, Sahoo, Timmermans et al.)

19 Single Ba+ Ion Ba+ : Precursor to Ra+ Ra+ Ba+ Hyperbolic Paul Trap
7p2P3/2 7p2P1/2 6d2D3/2 7s2S1/2 λ0=828 nm λ1=468 nm λ2=1079 nm λ4=382 nm To be measured λ5=802 nm 6d2D5/2 Ba+ 5mm 6p2P3/2 6p2P1/2 5d2D3/2 6s2S1/2 λ0=2050 nm λ1=493 nm λ2=649 nm 6.4 ns 8 ns λ4=455 nm 5d2D5/2 λ5=615 nm Hyperbolic Paul Trap localize one ion within one wavelength electron shelving large volume Ba+ : Precursor to Ra+

20 Hyperbolic Paul trap VRF Ba+ 2P3/2 2P1/2 494 nm 2D5/2 2D3/2 5 mm 2S1/2
NNV subatomic Lunteren Hyperbolic Paul trap Ba+ 494 nm 650 nm 2S1/2 2D3/2 2D5/2 2P1/2 2P3/2 Ion trap VRF 5 mm 23 23 23

21 Detection Methods & PMT EMCCD camera 10 µm
The usual detection methods: PMT on one side and EMCCD camera on the other & PMT

22 Ba+ Experiment : Lifetime D5/2
6p2P3/2 6p2P1/2 5d2D3/2 6s2S1/2 λ0=2050 nm λ1=493 nm λ2=649 nm 6.4 ns 8 ns λ4=455 nm 5d2D5/2 λ5=615 nm Ba+

23 Ba+ Experiment : Lifetime D5/2
6p2P3/2 6p2P1/2 5d2D3/2 6s2S1/2 λ0=2050 nm λ1=493 nm λ2=649 nm 6.4 ns 8 ns λ4=455 nm 5d2D5/2 λ5=615 nm Ba+

24 Ba+ Experiment : Lifetime D5/2
6p2P3/2 6p2P1/2 5d2D3/2 6s2S1/2 λ0=2050 nm λ1=493 nm λ2=649 nm 6.4 ns 8 ns λ4=455 nm 5d2D5/2 λ5=615 nm Ba+ 1mm τ≈27.6(8)s Determine matrix elements

25 Ba+ 5 2D5/2 Level Lifetime Ba+ EMCCD camera PMT signal
PMT count rate (cnt/s) PMT signal Time (s)

26 Ba+ 5 2D5/2 Level Lifetime 2D5/2 τ ≈ 30 s Ba+ 2P3/2 2P1/2 2D3/2 2S1/2 Fitted 2D5/2 level lifetime and shelving rate No prominent difference with single ion runs Investigating systematics 1 ion shelved 2 ions shelved all ions shelved Diagnostic: 30 s lifetime sensitive to perturbations of ion Determine D-state lifetime: matrix element Mohanty et al. (in preparation)

27 Ba+ Experiment : Lifetime D5/2
6p2P3/2 6p2P1/2 5d2D3/2 6s2S1/2 λ0=2050 nm λ1=493 nm λ2=649 nm 6.4 ns 8 ns λ4=455 nm 5d2D5/2 λ5=615 nm Ba+ Ba+ D5/2 state lifetime D5/2 = 27.6(8) s

28 Two-photonTransitions in single Ba+
Ba+ level scheme : 8 Zeeman sublevels. Two photon transition : Raman resonance (δR) Strongly dependent on: Mangetic field strength and direction Laser light polarization B  E Offset Frequency of 650nm (MHz) PMT count rate (counts/sec) B ll E Offset Frequency of 650nm (MHz) PMT count rate (counts/sec) → Signals also with blue detuning! → Due to rapid cooling laser frequency switching

29 Ba+ spectroscopy 2D5/2 level lifetime Electron shelving
Transition frequencies Line shape analysis 650 nm 52D5/2 494 nm 52D3/2 Introduce the Ba+ level scheme Extract these two transition frequencies 2052 nm 62S1/2 138Ba+

30 Modeling of Line Shape |2P1/2⟩ Γ1 Γ2 Optical Bloch equation
|1⟩ |2⟩ |3⟩ |4⟩ |5⟩ |6⟩ |7⟩ |8⟩ Optical Bloch equation 3 level example Δ1 Δ2 γ Ω2 Ω1 |2D3/2⟩ γc |2S1/2⟩ We use the optical Bloch equations It uses the density matrix formalism and the time-dependence of the system is given by this Hamiltonian describing the interaction of the ion with the laser light and a damping matrix describing the decoherence effects. I’m not going to go through all the math, but I just want to describe the ingredients going into this calculations: Then there’s the spontaneous decay from the excited state which leads to relaxation of the populations, and the associated decoherence effect and finally the finite linewidth of the lasers also causes a decoherence effect. Ba+ Ω1, Ω2 Rabi frequencies (laser power) Γ = Γ1 + Γ2 relaxation rate γ = Γ/2 decoherence rate Δ1, Δ2 laser detunings γc laser linewidth

31 Line Shapes and Polarization
494 nm linear polarized B 650 nm circularly polarized Zeeman sublevels: 8 level system Magnetic field B Laser polarization pmt signal |1⟩⟨5| |2⟩⟨8| |2P1/2⟩ 650 nm laser frequency offset |4⟩ |3⟩ 494 nm linear polarized B 650 nm circularly polarized Including the Zeeman sublevels, there are now two additional parameters playing a role: the magnetic field causing Zeeman splitting and the polarization of the two laser fields with respect to this. To illustrate that, I have two sets of data here that we collected by keeping the blue laser at a fixed frequency and varying the frequency of the red laser across its corresponding resonance. The two data sets were taken with different polarizations of the lasers. The wide overall shape is the same, this is the one-photon peak of the transition to the excited state. But depending on polarization and magnetic field, also several dark resonance can appear. These are coherent two-photon effects that occur at frequencies where the sum of a red and a blue photon exactly matches a transition from the ground state to the D level. So does the optical Bloch model work for fitting these line shapes? YES |8⟩ |7⟩ |2D3/2⟩ |6⟩ pmt signal |2⟩ |2S1/2⟩ |5⟩ |1⟩⟨8| |2⟩⟨5| |1⟩ 650 nm laser frequency offset

32 Transition Frequencies
494 nm 650 nm Ba+ 2P3/2 2P1/2 2D3/2 2S1/2 494 nm 650 nm 2D5/2 Light shift? Frequency 650 nm laser − 461 311 000 MHz 494 nm laser detuning varied No, correction in transition frequencies for Ω2 dependent shift consistent with 2° rotation of B-field 138Ba+ Transition Frequency [MHz] [Karlsson & Litzén 1999] This work 6s 2S1/2 – 6p 2P1/2 607 426 290 (100) 607 426 262.5 (0.2) 5d 2D3/2 – 6p 2P1/2 6d 2S1/2 – 5p 2D3/2 461 311 880 (100) --- 461 311 878.5 (0.1) (0.1) 650 nm laser intensity varied B-field rotated 2° Frequency 650 nm laser − 461 311 000 MHz 1 2 One-photon peak frequency (MHz) 3 4 5 461 311 878.0 878.5 879.0 879.5 Expected Power 650 nm laser (Ω2 / Ω2,sat) We aim to extract transition frequencies, so we need to know the frequencies of our lasers Data fit to optical Bloch equation model Extract transition frequencies with 100 kHz accuracy Dijck et al., Phys. Rev. A 91, (R) (2015)

33 Atomic Parity Violation
62D5/2 62D3/2 + ε' n' 2P3/2 Ba+/Ra+ Interference: differential light shift E2 E1APV B0 mF = +1/2 E2 . E1APV |E2|2 ω0 72S1/2 + ε n2P1/2 ω0 mF = –1/2 ω0 + Δdiff B0 RF spectroscopy 2D5/2 lifetime → matrix elements Bloch equations → light shift N. Fortson, Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 2383 (1993) J. A. Sherman arXiv: v1 ( 2009)

34 Radium for APV → 10 days for 5 fold improvement over Cs
Accuracy of single ion Experiment Coherence Time Projected Accuracy Measurement Ba+ 80 sec 0.2% 1.1 day Ra+ 0.6 sec 1.4 day → 10 days for 5 fold improvement over Cs

35 Light Shifts measured in Ba+ ion
Measured Raman dip spectrum for 5d2D3/2 - 6p2P1/2 transition 494nm light linearly polarised in vertical direction along z-axis 650nm light circularly polarised light shift laser polarised in the horizontal direction magnetic field of 510 μT along Bz-direction Detunings were large compared to power broadened linewidth

36 Light Shifts measured in Ba+ ion
Measured Raman dip spectrum for 5d2D3/2 - 6p2P1/2 transition 494nm light linearly polarised in vertical direction along z-axis 650nm light circularly polarised light shift laser polarised in the horizontal direction magnetic field of 510 μT along Bz-direction Detunings were large compared to power broadened linewidth

37 Light Shifts measured in Ba+ ion
Scaling of light shift with detunings of light shifting light Δ νLS= 0.16(3)GHz2.1/ΔLS , ΔLS is detuning of light shifting light Polarisation with respect to quantization axes (magnetic field) is important blue shift red shift

38 Status Atomic Parity Violation in Ba+/Ra+
Developing Ba+ single ion trapping setup & techniques Towards measuring atomic parity violation and atomic clocks Lifetime of 2D5/2 level measured, analysis in progress Response Λ-system to two lasers described by optical Bloch Model Improved measurement of transition frequencies Light shift measurements starting And together with my colleagues I’d like to thank you for your attention Ion Trapping Van Swinderen Institute, University of Groningen Mayerlin Nuñez Portela Nivedya Valappol Amita Mohanty Lorenz Willmann Klaus Jungmann Olivier Grasdijk Andrew Grier Oliver Böll Elwin Dijck

39 Electric Dipole Moments
Permanent Electric Dipole Moments z S X sz + - → Electron: clean and ready for New Physics → Hadrons: depend on θQCD in Standard Model

40 - Spin of Fundamental Particles S + mx= 2(1+ax) S dx =  m0x c-1 S X
S is the only vector characterizing a non-degenerate quantum state magnetic moment: mx= 2(1+ax) S electric dipole moment: dx =  m0x c-1 S magneton: m0x= eħ / (2mx) m0x c-1 z S X sz + - m0x c-1 S = { 9.7•10-12 e cm (electron) 4.6•10-14 e cm (muon) 5.3•10-15 e cm (nucleon)

41 Electric Dipole Moment
Lines of attack towards an EDM Electric Dipole Moment goal: new source of CP Hg Xe Tl Cs Rb Ra Rn Fr … Free Particles Atoms Molecules Condensed State neutron muon deuteron bare nuclei ? electron EDM nuclear EDM enhancements challenging technology particle EDM unique information new insights new techniques challenging technology * Since θQCD limited by hadronic EDMs → only leptons have direct transformative potential electron EDM strong enhancements new techniques poor spectroscopic data electron EDM strong enhancements systematics ?? BaF , YbF PbO ,WC PbF ,ThO HfF+,ThF+ garnets (Gd3Ga5O12) (Gd3Fe2Fe3O12) solid He ? liquid Xe

42 Th+ O– Eext Eeff Eeff  80 GV/cm
Highlight: ThO electron EDM experiment Eext Eeff Th+ O– Eeff ~ P 2Z 3e/a02 due to relativity (P.G.H. Sandars) Jan 2014 Eeff  80 GV/cm (depending on theorist) Eext ~ 1 V/cm enough for ThO d New limit for e- de < 8.7* e cm (90% c.l.) Doyle, Gabrielse , DeMille

43 Atomic/Molecular Enhancement Factors
for Electron EDM Particle Rb Cs Th Fr Ra PbO YbF Enhancement 24 125 585 1 150 40 000 60 000 Flambaum, Dzuba, 2012 Particle ThO BaF YbF Enhancement 109 5x105 2 x 106 watch out: Saturation → different theorists agree, typically at 30% level

44 Preferred Systems 199Hg 1014 2x10 2 8x10 -3 10 5x10 13 129Xe 1022 10 4
Particle Number Particles Coherence Time [s] Efficiency Electric Field [kV/cm] Figure of Merrit 199Hg 1014 2x10 2 8x10 -3 10 5x10 13 129Xe 1022 10 4 9x10 -9 3.6 1x10 14 ThO 1011 1.1x10 -3 2x10 -2 <0.1 2x10 13 YbF 105 1.5x10 -3 3x10 -2 1x10 12 BaF 10 -1 10 -2 225Ra 103 4x101 7x10 -5 67 3x10 6

45 EDM Limits vs. Time HfF+

46 Intermezzo Search for Lorentz Invariance Violation

47 Sketch of 129Xe/3He Setup  129Xe SF6 3He -metal cylinder typically:
4 mbar He 8 mbar Xe 40 mbar SF6 l He dewar solenoid 3He 129Xe SF6 gas preparation area outside MSR low Tc-SQUID gradiometer(s) cos-coil glassfibre-reinforced plastic pneumatic valve B0(cos-coil) Bv(solenoid) gas transfer line Turbo pump Btrans Modified from W. Heil Lepton Moments 2014

48 Dewar housing the LTc-SQUIDs
Pb-glass cylinder 3He/129Xe cell

49 3He / 129Xe clock comparison to get rid of magnetic field drifts
B [nT] t [h] 5 1 2 406.68 406.67 406.66 drift ~ 1pT/h   10-5 Hz/h 129Xe (4,7 Hz) 3He (13 Hz) ! slide from W. Heil

50  limit on the bound neutron
3He , 129Xe clocks based on free spin precession yield best limit due to long spin coherence times in Lorentz violating Standard Model extension (Kostelecky) limiting parameter for experiment W. Heil et al.  limit on the bound neutron

51 Electric Dipole Moments
permanent Electric Dipole Moments z S X sz + - → Electron: clean and ready for New Physics → Hadrons: depend on θQCD in Standard Model



54 EDM Search from 3He/129Xe Clock Comparison
present limit dXe < 310-27 ecm goal gain > 3-4 orders o.m. note dHg < 7 ecm (recent) W.Heil, U. Schimdt, L. Willmann et al.



57 Sketch of 129Xe/3He Setup  129Xe SF6 3He -metal cylinder  l He
low Tc-SQUID gradiometer(s) -5 kV +5 kV gas transfer line l He dewar pneumatic valve B0(cos-coil) Bv(solenoid) Btrans typically: 4 mbar He 8 mbar Xe 40 mbar SF6 solenoid 3He 129Xe SF6 gas preparation area outside MSR cos-coil glassfibre-reinforced plastic Turbo pump



60 Transport of Hyper-Polarized Xe
3He +CO2 M. Repetto et al., J. Magn. Resonace (2016)




64 Progress |d |dXe | < ~ X ▪ e cm in a few hours 2016 →

65 Some EDM Limits (in e cm)
ThO Harvard-Yale 8.7x (3.7)(2.5) x e n m JoGU/HD/RUG ~< X x (first few hours) atom 7.4 x (2.75)(1.48) Stay tuned EDM limits probe TeV scale physics  about LHC next generation → beyond LHC SUSY → in trouble ?

66 EDM Limits vs. Time HfF+

67 Cold Molecules for Parity & EDMs SrF BaF

68 Atomic/Molecular Enhancement Factors
for Electron EDM Particle Rb Cs Th Fr Ra PbO YbF Enhancement 24 125 585 1 150 40 000 60 000 Flambaum, Dzuba, 2012 Particle ThO BaF YbF Enhancement 109 5x105 2 x 106 watch out: Saturation → different theorists agree, typically at 30% level

69 Traveling wave decelerator
SrF C. Meinema, J. v/d Berg, S. Hoekstra

70 Traveling wave decelerator
5 m of decelerator 10 modules of 50 cm 3360 ring electrodes diameter electrode: 4 mm C. Meinema, J. v/d Berg, S. Hoekstra

71 SrF Slowed Down and Guided
Signal 8 of 8 amplifiers 4 m machine S. Hoekstra et al. S. Hoekstra, S. Mathavan, A. Zapara, Q. Esajas, VSI The way to go for eEDM below ecm

72 BaF eEDM → eEDM Collaboration Goal: Best EDM Limit on Electron
machine in statu nascendi S.Hoekstra, A. Borschevsky, K. Jungmann, R.G.E. Timmermans, L. Willmann, H. Bethlem, W. Ubachs et al. (FOM/NWO programme ) 8 of 8 amplifiers 4 m machine S. Hoekstra, S. Mathavan, A. Zapara, Q. Esajas, VSI → eEDM Collaboration Goal: Best EDM Limit on Electron

73 Precision Tests of Discrete symmetries at Low Energies
SUMMARY Precision Tests of Discrete symmetries at Low Energies A few selected Topics → Focus on Transformativity C, P, CP, CPT & Lorentz Invariance → Precision Test of Standard Model Experiment & Theory Hand in Hand → Atomic Parity Violation for New Physics Search Search for permanent Electric Dipole Moments → Atoms & Molecules with Enhancement → electron and nucleon EDMs → Challenge New Physics Models THANK YOU !

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