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The Marketing Strategy Process

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1 The Marketing Strategy Process
External Analysis Environmental analysis Competitive analysis Market analysis Customer analysis Internal Analysis Performance analysis Determinants of strategic options Analysis Environmental Scanning S.W.O.T. Where the market is currently. Where the organization is currently. Strategy Identification & Selection Product market investment options Functional area strategies Developing a strategic plan Planning Strategic Marketing Customer Analysis is the students on campus. Competitive analysis is comparing similar organization so the firm can differentiate themselves from other similar organizations. They will fail to recruit students if they cannot differentiate UBC2m from similar organizations on campus. Internal analysis – A self assessment of where the firm is now. Unable to develop a sound marketing strategy if the students in the competition do not understand where UBC2M is now. The 4 P’s are tactical – You will likely see this from teams (they will call it their strategy when it is not without the prior work being done). Tactical Marketing (Marketing Mix 4Ps) Implementation Execute Strategy Evaluate Performance & Undertake Corrective Actions Control

2 Summary of the SWOT Analysis
The organization’s competitive advantage is built from it’s strengths as a company (marketing plan deliverable 1 & 2). Barriers to effectively executing the marketing plan (marketing plan deliverable 1). The key here is for these groups to identify the opportunities available to them before they segment the students and come up with a strategy. A firm’s competitive analysis is rooted in the threats it faces (marketing plan deliverable 1) A firms segmentation and branding strategies are derived from the research in this area (marketing plan deliverable 2) A firms marketing strategy is rooted in the opportunities available to the firm (marketing plan deliverable 1).

3 The Total Market = All Customers
Segmentation The Total Market = All Customers Customers to be Targeted Not every student on campus will be interested in metal health or in reducing stigma. But some students will be. How clearly can your team identify those student groups (what business calls “market segments”?) How does your plan clearly identify students with the specific attributes that separate them from all the other students on campus, even the “socially good” students on campus?

4 The 3 Question Test for Market Segment Identification
*You must answer yes to all four questions to have a good segment. l An effective segment must meet the following criteria. 1. The segment must be measurable. 2. The segment must be reachable through promotion and distribution. 3. It must be consistent with the Strategic Mission of the Firm. - Be able to count or obtain a quantitative measurement. - The segment must be reachable through modern media outlets. - There must be a demand for the firms product, and the firm must be able to service the segment after the sale.

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