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Procurement of Healthcare Services

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1 Procurement of Healthcare Services
NHS Wirral Procurement of Healthcare Services Valerie Attwood Divisional Head of Procurement and Contracting

2 Background The purchase of ALL goods and services in the public sector is subject to EU regulations (2004) and UK law (2006) - Different requirements apply to different products and services. Key competency for World Class Commissioning DoH PCT Procurement Guide (Summer 2008) PRCC Dec 07/updated Dec 08 Supply 2 Health web portal launched Sep 08

3 Different classification of services

4 Regulations and thresholds
EU legal requirements to tender £ 101,323 for supplies and Part A and services £156,442 for Part B services £3,927,260 for works / building projects Local PCT requirements – example of local SFI’s £10k and up to £90k - three written competitive quotes for goods and part A services Full compliance with the EU procurement directives for supplies purchases over £90,319 Full compliance with the EU procurement directives for works projects over £3,497,313 – however local tender req. over £125k Healthcare contracts, subject to the PCT Healthcare Procurement Strategy not SFI’s (Part B service) Values are aggregated

5 Assessment criteria to consider
Decisions on services you decide not to market test need to be recorded and notified to the SHA Estimated value of the contract Government policy on protected services Level of market interest Assessment Criteria Is there a reason that competition is not appropriate in this circumstance

6 Other possible options
Commission / purchase more of the same activity from existing providers Use existing contracts to deliver a service improvement ‘Flex’ existing contracts Utilise the extended choice / free choice network New formal contract AWP / Tender

7 Scenario examples Each table has a scenario 5 minutes to discuss what you might do.


9 If you decide to go to competition
AWP exercise : 8 – 10 weeks EU tender minimum 4 months start to finish, bigger contracts 6 – 12 months – need detailed specification Framework contracts – do it once, then just mini comp exercises for next 3 years

10 New formal contract via competition
Any Willing Provider Intended to provide plurality of providers Can be an ‘open’ or ‘managed’ process No guarantee of activity or finance Can be undertaken in weeks Template for accreditation included

11 Open Managed Approach from third party to provide a local service
PCT identifies an unmet need for a distinct service and produces a specification Assess strategic fit of Initial proposal and service spec Once spec approved advertise service on ‘Supply 2 Health’ Undertake accreditation with interested providers and confirm compliance with spec. If approved – undertake accreditation with provider Final proposal + summary accreditation to approvals committee Confirmation of compliance and summary accreditation submitted to approvals committee Produce final contract based on one of the DH templates Produce final contract based on one of the DH templates Ongoing management and re-accreditation (min every 3 yrs) Ongoing management and re-accreditation (min every 3 yrs)

12 New formal contract via competition
Tender exercise Can result in sole or multiple providers May be a minimum contract guarantee or framework Average duration between 6 and 12 months

13 Representatives Clinical, Finance, Procurement, HR, E+D, Estates
Gain approval for competitive tender Establish the team and project plan Place advert S2H or OJEU 40 days Complete specification PQQ with interested providers 2-4 wks Evaluate PQQs and shortlist Typical tender process

14 Involve procurement team
Undertake bidder presentation day Issue ITT to shortlisted providers Involve procurement team 40 days Tender Clarification 10 days Evaluate offers 20 days Undertake bidder presentations Award contract 10 day standstill Plan around board / committees

15 Governance of process Need standard policy on membership required for independent committees / evaluation teams for AWP and tender exercises Need clear conflict of interest policy to avoid or manage risk of challenge

16 Mobilisation Ask for a clear project plan for implementation from the provider – make sure you agree Define roles and responsibilities for key tasks Consider the ‘critical path’ Have regular progress reviews with the provider Plan a contract / provider launch Monitor performance against KPI’s and take corrective action where necessary

17 Risks of getting it wrong
Increasing risk of legal challenge Local council and children’s playgrounds Focus of Co-operation and Competition panel Restricted tenders for NHS in South East Introduction of EU Remedies Directive in Dec 2009 Requirement to weight award criteria Disclose scores to all bidders Publish award notice early – ideally within standstill period Can now stop contracts upto 6 months after award

18 Other key skills Contracting – Carole Hodgkinson this afternoon
Be clear and concise Don’t allow ‘wriggle room’ Negotiation

19 Phases in Negotiation Preparation
info gathering, know the market, supply/demand, BATNA Opening Each party presents their starting position Bargaining Clarify information, present counter arguments Close Agree a final position

20 Car negotiation exercise
Sellers have a brief Buyers have a brief 2 minutes to read brief then 5 minutes to conclude a sale / purchase – we will then see if buyers and sellers are still happy with the deal !!

21 Sale positions Seller Desperate to sell Well serviced Will include tax
Target price £2,750 Will sell for £2,000 Buyer Desperate to buy Only car out of 4 in Autotrader you would buy Had £2,900 cash with them

22 Key messages Consider all the options / arguments
Ensure a fair and transparent process Be clear and concise with providers Adopt a team approach to utilise specialist skills Fail to prepare – prepare to fail Remember – It’s not rocket science!!!

23 Further help and guidance
PCT procurement guide - DH PRCC - DH EU Directives and UK Procurement Law - OGC

Valerie Attwood Tel:

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