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Situations you may encounter while driving

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Presentation on theme: "Situations you may encounter while driving"— Presentation transcript:

1 Situations you may encounter while driving

2 Deer What do you do when a deer runs out in front of you?
What is worse a dent in your bumper or a trip to the hospital? T/F you swerve into oncoming traffic to avoid an animal?

3 1) slow down 2)your bumper 3) F

4 buffalo What do you do when a herd of buffalo are crossing the road?
What do you do when a buffalo attacks your car? What do you always need to be cautious of?

5 1) stop 2)stay calm 3) other cars

6 Pulling out from a parking spot in a 2-way lane.

7 Questions What is most important? What are the potential hazards?
What should Car E do? Other observations. E

8 Answers Watch Car B and make sure he can back out without hitting Car E. Car B backing up. Car E swerving. Car C because of Car D is parked. Car A possibly backing up. Slow down and proceed with caution. Possible pedestrian getting out of Car A and walking around cars. E

9 Kids Playing in the street

10 Questions What is most important? What are the potential hazards?
What should the drivers do when they identify the children in the road? Other Observations

11 Answers That the children do not get harmed.
The children getting hit by a vehicle and the driver swerving into oncoming traffic. The drivers should slow down and proceed with caution. The other parked cars on the side of the road and the pedestrians on the side walk.

12 4-Way Lights

13 Questions What do you do when oncoming traffic is coming in the opposite direction and your turning left? What do you do if a Rig is turning into the lane next to you? What do you do if you are about to turn right during a red arrow?

14 Answers Give the right of way to the oncoming traffic.
Make sure you give them room to turn. Don’t Do It.


16 ???????? Questions????????? What is the most importante thing in this photograph? What are the potential hazards? What is the driver doing wrong? Why is road rage bad?

17 Answers The lives and souls of the elderly crossing this roadway.
The elderly, parked cars, tailgating, and road rage. Portraying signs and actions of road rage in a vehicular vehicle. Road rage can harm not only you but those around you and can cause you make rash decisions that are unsafe and can cause you to “heckle” other people.

18 Yellow Lights

19 Questions When a green light turns yellow what do you do?
What is the point of no return? What do you do if you’re past the point of no return?

20 Answers Observe your distance from the light and determine whether you are in or past the point of no return. The point of no return is the point at which you must proceed or an accident will occur. If you are past the point of no return you must continue on.

21 Accidents on the Roadway

22 Questions What should you do if you witness an accident?
What to do if an officer waves you on past an accident?

23 Answers 1.) Pull over report the accident and make sure everyone is ok. 2.) Drive slowly around the scene and proceed with causion.

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