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Faces of London Презентация к уроку английского языка для 5 класса

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1 Faces of London Презентация к уроку английского языка для 5 класса
по теме «Многоликий Лондон» Автор: Учитель английского языка МОУ СОШ №66 им. Вавилова Н.И. Новосельцева Е.В.

2 When a man is tired of London
he is tired of life

3 C) B) Faces of London A) F) D) E)


5 The Prime Minister’s House
B C A The Tower of London The Prime Minister’s House Faces of London D Westminster Abbey F E Piccadilly Circus Big Ben Buckingham Palace

6 Answer the questions to the texts. There are three extra questions.
1. Where do the King and the Queen live? 2. Which church saw the coronations of British Kings and Queens? 3. Where is the bell which “tells the time” every hour? 4. Can you stand close to the queen and take a picture of her? 5. Which place has a cruel history?

7 Answer the questions to the texts. There are three extra questions.
6. Why is the house at number ten in the centre of London so famous? 7.Why do the tourists like to watch ceremonies? 8. What is the name of the round square in the centre of London? 9. Can tourists play sport games in London parks?

8 1.Match these groups of words to the photos. 2.Tell about them.
a bell/hear/our/on the radio tall/building/old/cruel symbol/coronation/famous people centre/shops/theatres/traffic home of/ceremony

9 B) The Prime Minister’s House
C) The Tower of London B) The Prime Minister’s House Faces of London A) Westminster Abbey F) Piccadilly Circus D) Big Ben E) Buckingham Palace

10 Why do the tourists like to watch ceremonies?
Can tourists play sport games in London parks? Can you stand close to the Queen and take a photo of her?

11 Why do the tourists like to watch ceremonies?

12 Learn new words оркестр маршировать оставшаяся часть от традиционный

13 Make up sentences as in example: we / watch / the Changing of the Guard We are watching the Changing of the Guard guardsmen / march / palace guardsmen / wear / traditional uniform band / march /play / instruments tourists / watch / the ceremony police / control / crowd new guard / follow the band

14 Can you stand close to the Queen and take a photo of her?
Can tourists play sport games in London parks?

15 Look and compare

16 Guess the meaning of the words
[ ] speak-speaker-speech- make a speech [ ] airplane-air-in the open air- an open air theatre [ ] active-activity act-actor- act in a film произносить речь театр под открытым небом сниматься в фильме

17 Learn new words to be rich in to be full of to take part in
to be famous for to be proud of to enjoy [ ] to be free богат чем-либо полон чего-л. кого-л. принимать участие в быть знаменитым чем-либо гордиться чем-либо наслаждаться чем-либо, получать удовольствие бесплатный

18 Complete the sentences with new words rich in full of take part in famous for proud of enjoy free
1.- Oh, what a pity! I don't have money. - Don’t worry! It’s f __ You don’t need to buy it. 2. In spring our garden is f __ _ flowers. 3. Kim’s good at tennis. She usually t ___s __ in tennis matches. 4. Our team won a football match yesterday. We are p ___ _ our boys! 5. Our country is r __ _ forests, rivers and lakes. 6. Not only children, but their parents e __ reading books about Harry Potter. 7. London is f ____ __ its museums. ree ull of akes part roud of ich in njoy amous for

19 Read proper names ]

20 Which answer is true to the text?
At Madame Tussaud's you can take part in a film about famous characters take pictures of wax models of famous people talk to famous people

21 Which answer is true to the text?
MOMI is the place for people who don’t like theatre where you can learn a lot about film tricks where you can draw your cartoon or act in a film

22 Which answer is true to the text?
In Hyde Park you can talk to people make a speech find friends

23 Which answer is true to the text?
Regent’s Park is famous for all these sights its animals and birds its open-air theatre its boating lake

24 Which of these sentences do you think tells best about London?
London has many faces. There are different things to different people. London is the city for all seasons. It is a city of theatres, different activities and a city with a long and interesting history. All places of London have got their own history and character. London is one of the most interesting cities in the world.

25 London is one of the most interesting cities in the world.
London has many faces. There are different things to different people London is the city for all seasons. It is a city of theatres, different activities and a city with a long and interesting history. All places of London have got their own history and character.

26 When a man is tired of London
he is tired of life

27 Home Task Tell about London in 8 sentences Strategies: use the saying
2) use the sentences which best tell us about London (they come after the text) 3) give your opinion: I think…, I agree with this saying… 4) answer the question “Why do you think so?” 5) use new words 6) give examples from the texts: …for example…, I would like to tell you about..

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