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Flipper Fishy Fun EDSGN | Group 7

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1 Flipper Fishy Fun EDSGN 100 - 018 | Group 7
Fig. 0. Flipper Fishy Fun Model EDSGN | Group 7 By: Kaelan Freund, Nicole Moore, Michelle Mydlow, and Jackie Luong Add slides?: Regulating Bodies Design Improvements

2 Table of contents Mission statement Design Specifications Stakeholders
Target Audience Requirements, functionality, and constraints Concept Brainstorming Analysis selection Prototype Subsystem design Materials Calculations Cost Construction Conclusion

3 Mission Statement Mission Statement
We took an opportunity to design, test, and market a gadget that optimizes materials and prices to allow aquatic activity enthusiasts to navigate on calm bodies of water by means of an independent bipedal motion. Transition to words because people can’t do two things at once OG MS: Optimize materials and prices to design a gadget that allows a user to walk across the surface of the McCoy Natatorium pool.

4 Actual Target Audience
TARGET AUDIENCE PROPOSALS: High Schoolers: Fast - but not stable walking speed- “nothing too krazay” Fishing Playing around sports Skill oriented - learned Price: $100, $300, $500, $1000, $1500 Take away 75% Lived on Sail Boats: High control Stay dry on salt water Easily fixable - intuitive design Recreational users: Paddleboard Surfing Water bike Kayaks Both personal and public device Children: Safety - stability Light enough for a kid to carry Pretend to be a superhero Racing $30, depend on product College Students: Interest 85-90% Boating Learned skill type thing Use with friends Rent out Outside activity Novel activity PaddleBoard sort of thing Medium to big is definitely fine Still relatively portable Potential for high control/speed Stakeholders - Our design group - EDSGN class - Dr. Colledge - Material distributors (Lowes, Home Hardware) - Transporters - Workshop supervisor in Hammond Building - Potential customers - Users of the prototype - Angel investors - Trash men - Landfill owners - Safety/ environmental regulators - Life guards - Owners of bodies of waters in which we use Actual Target Audience Recreational users: Requirements: Paddleboard Surfing Water bike Kayaks Both personal and public device Be able to hold up to 250lbs on water Be height and weight adjustable Be able to fit any size foot comfortably Cross 25m on water without falling over Functionality: Easily retrieved once felled Be able to move at at least walking speed Directionally controllable Simple construction Hands free usability Constraints: Under 75lbs Start with something like “First thing’s first, we need to make sure we know who our stakeholders are so we know that our product will be accepted into the targeted market- we defined our market and noted all stakeholders” Table 1. Stakeholders

5 We interpreted the customer needs and quantified the project specifications to create a clear problem space Customer Wants: Specifications: Light weight Weight must not exceed 50 lbs The device is able to be moved to the edge of the pool from inside the water while not in use Compact/ Portable Able to breakdown into a maxim of 5 pieces and stored in a 4ftx4ftx4ft space without the use of tools Fast Be able to travel a minimum of 1.5m/s Stable Have a center of mass within 1.5ft-2.5ft away from the edge Ability to adjust to different sizes and weights of users Masterable A user must be able to feel 25% more comfortable on the device over the course of 5 one hour sessions on the device based on a survey of 20 users Must be able to be used without one’s hands 50% of the time Control A user is able to turn in a circle on the water in a 2m radius Affordable Wholesale price is less than $150 with a profit of $70 Safe Less than 5% injury (injury defined by broken skin, broken bone, and/or strained muscle) when used for more than 3 total hours Table 2. Specifications

6 Role Assignments: Finance: Nicole Materials: Michelle Building:
Base construction: Finishing touches: Motor function construction: CAD Design: Design Sketch: Nicole Michelle Jackie and Kaelan Michelle and Nicole Jackie and Kaelan Kaelan Jackie Add: Pictures of group members. Marketing? More roles in general Table 3. Role Assignments

7 Concept Generation/Brainstorming
Fig. 1. Walker Fig. 2. Tsunami Circle Fig. 4. Flipper Fishy Fun Fig. 3. Sea Sandals Fig. 5. Elliptical

8 Fig AquaRunner Fig. 6.3. Fig. 6.2. Fig. 6.4.

9 We used a Specs Comparison of Importance to determine which specs had the most weight on our design.
Table 4. Specification Comparison Specs A B C D E F G H row totals % importance Weight 1 1/4 1/2 5 1/3 2 10.083 8.59 compactability 4 3 17.833 15.20 speed 12 10.23 stability 1/5 1/8 3.475 2.96 masterability 15.5 13.21 control 17.33 14.77 affordability 8 25 21.31 safety 16.167 13.78 Total: Intensity of Importance 7 9 2,4,6,8 Equally important moderately more important much more important extremely important top priority intermediate values

10 Concept Comparison 6 is best Tsunami Circle Elliptical Walker
Flipper Fishy Fun Aquarunner 90385 Sea Sandals Criteria weight rating weighted score Weight 8.59 3 25.77 2 17.18 4 34.36 5 42.95 1 6 51.54 compactability 15.2 60.8 30.4 45.6 76 91.2 speed 10.23 40.92 20.46 30.69 stability 2.96 5.92 11.84 17.76 masterability 13.21 39.63 66.05 26.42 52.84 79.26 control 14.77 73.85 44.31 29.54 59.08 88.62 affordability 21.31 63.93 42.62 127.86 safety 13.78 41.34 82.68 55.12 27.56 68.9 total score 27 352.16 23 267.1 24 308.91 33 402.68 11 134.29 42 535.37 rank continue y n Table 5. Concept Comparison

11 Concept Decision Fig. 7. Flipper Fishy Fun Model Votes -->
3 is best 1 is worst Final Contestants What is good what is bad Jackie Kaelan Michelle Nicole Total Tsunami Circle Control Stability 3 2 1 7 Flipper Fishy Fun Weight, Compatibility - 10 Sea Sandals everything but... speed Table 6. Concept Decision Ask us about specific detailed reasoning after the presentation

12 Up Close Fig. 8. Flipper Fishy Fun Model
Fig Flipper Fishy Fun Drawing

13 Original Idea Functions- How it Should Work
The device should be able to float on its own. There are shoes that roll on top of roller conveyors. The shoes are connected by paracord to pulleys on the front and back of the device. The pulleys are connected to the fins in the back. The fins rotate in accordance with a walking motion. The inverse motion of the fins propels the device and user forward. Fig. 9. Flipper Fishy Fun Sketch Consider splitting this into 2. Still need to include isometric drawings and different views. Functions will also require descriptions. Can’t just read off the slide

14 Subsystem Analysis User stands on device and straps feet into footholds place on rolling conveyors. The rolling conveyors are made of two parts: the inner dowel core and the outer rolling tube. The inner dowel is anchored into the base in three support beams: left, center, and right. The outer tube freely rotates about the inner axis to reduce friction and assist walking motion. Holding the beams in place are the perpendicular cross-beams beneath the rolling conveyors. The base is a narrow rectangle that anchors all of the subsystems together and allows user stability. The footholds roll back and forth on the pins individually to pull one of the two paddles left and right via a series of pulleys that lead from the foothold, to the paddle, back to the foothold This way the cord pulls in both directions The fins produce a propulsive force much like a bellows or a swimmer’s legs Although each individual paddle creates a diagonal force either back and right or back and left, the right and left forces should be equal and cancel out, leaving just the backwards force to push the user forwards Underneath the base are floatation devices at each corner. They are placed as far apart to have the most efficient use of water displacement to keep the device afloat, balanced, and stable Fig. 10. Flipper Fishy Fun Model Can’t just read off the slide Fig. 11. Swimmer

15 We used calculations to determine what materials would be ideal in constructing a functional model.
For the body/frame as a replacement for wood: Carbon Fiber High Tensile Strength High Stiffness High Temperature Change Resistance Low Weight Commonly used in Aerospace, Vehicles, Military, and Sports Highly researched and benchmarked material that is safe for use More expensive part of the device because it is the most critical to design stability, strength, and longevity For the paddles at the rear: Fiberglass Cheap Reliable Lightweight Easily replaceable Also heavily used in recreational activities For the shoes: Balsa covered in Polyurethane with straps and plastic buckles Soft wood that would be comfortable to wear Covered in a safe, cheap foam for added padding and comfort Average backpack straps and buckles For the floatation: inflatable PVC buoys Strong Waterproof Durable Commonly used in bouncy castles and pool toys For the rolling pins in the middle: White Oak center dowels with Nylon coverings Oak is a cheap, readily available wood High strength Less dense than water Nylon is a cheap plastic Low friction, even without lubricant, but water would make it even more effective Easy to work with to form into the desired shape Wears slowly For the cording: Paracord High tensile strength Lightweight Heavily used in professional settings such as space-travel and military For the rear rotating rods: Aluminum Strong Durable Corrosion resistant For the pulleys: Stainless Steel Cheap, common material Desired Materials Page

16 Due to financial and availability restraints, we had to use more practical materials for our prototype: Table 7. Materials Comparison Materials Description Modulus of Rupture (kg/ Density (g/cm^3) Cypress (Southern Wood) Doesn’t rot in water 7.44 0.482 Cedar (Northern White Wood) Lightweight 4.56 0.315 Ash (White Wood) Malleable and sturdy 11.01 0.638 Oak (White Wood) High Shrinkage Values 10.68 0.710 Balsa (Tropical America Wood) Lightweight and durable 19.6 Dogwood (Flowering Wood) Smooth and durable 10.72 0.796 Rigid PVC Piping Strong, heat resistant, susceptible to solvents and chlorinated hydrocarbons. 1.3–1.45 Calculations: Is this slide necessary? Table 8. Buoyancy Calculations Figs Materials and Materials Charts

17 Cost Analysis Table. 9. Bill of Materials Spent Price Quantity Total
PVC Piping $3.62 2 $7.24 Wooden Dowels $3.75 9 $33.75 Paracord $3.98 1 Zipties $2.44 Linen shelving $5.48 Duct Tape $7.50 Insulation Foam $10.98 $23.38 Total: $83.77 Fig. 20. Cost Analysis

18 Prototype Faults The Real Deal F F F F Construction Restrictions
F = Total downward Force F w W F = Buoyant (Upward) Force B F B F F B B Fig. 22. Force Vector Chart Construction Restrictions Material Restrictions Budget Restrictions Workshop time availability Tool ability Transportation Restrictions Testing restrictions Fig. 21. Construction Better materials Better tools Better shaping Access to workshops as needed No unnecessary weight More precision with calculations Ability to test and improve as needed This slide still needs to be edited. CAD in right box, picture of product in left. The real deal would include ideal materials, angles, and finishes. Include materials used v. what we would’ve used

19 Summary and Conclusions
The design did not end up working for a few reasons: The wood absorbed water and warped out of shape The cording was very difficult to stay in place Some fasteners came loose in the water, or couldn’t hold up to the required forces We set out to design and prototype a device that would allow a user to walk on water. After surveying multiple different potential audiences, our final target audience were “aquatic activity enthusiasts.” More simply put, people who like to be around water and enjoying spending their free time at pools, beaches, or other bodies of water. After brainstorming several design possibilities, we decided on our final design through a series of mathematical charts and functionality surveys. We initially dubbed this design Flipper Fishy Fun, and started our journey through specific subsystem design and materials research and purchasing before starting our construction of the prototype. There were plenty of challenges throughout production which forced us to change a few key designs, such as the floatation system and the cording from footholds to paddles. These cumulated enough to force us to skip the initial testing stage and go right to the final testing stage.

20 Fig. 27. Gantt Chart

21 Sources Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 11 Oct. 2016.
"Balsa." The Wood Database. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Oct "Carbon Fibers." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 11 Oct "Dinghy Decisions." Cruising World. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Oct "Flexural Strength." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 11 Oct "Flexural Strength Testing of Plastics." Flexural Strength Testing of Plastics. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Oct "FOAMULAR® 150 Rigid Foam Insulation." FOAMULAR® 150 Rigid Foam Insulation. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Oct Gerard, Katie. "Top 5 Materials for Plastic Bearings Used on Metal Surfaces." Top 5 Materials for Plastic Bearings Used on Metal Surfaces. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Oct @REI. "Kayak Paddles: How to Choose." - REI Expert Advice. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Oct "Light Alloys and Metals Information." Engineering360. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Oct Outlet, Alans Factory. "Building Materials - A Closer Look at Different Types of Wood." Building Materials - A Closer Look at Different Types of Wood. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Oct "PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF COMMON WOODS." PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF COMMON WOODS. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Oct "Polyvinyl Chloride." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 11 Oct \ "PVC." Strength -. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Oct "PVC." 's Physical Properties -. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Oct Paul. “Should You Be Using A Two Beat Kick?” Feel For The Water! Advice &Amp; Tips to Improve Your Swimming.: Jan. 1970, "Unit Converter." Convert Megapascal [MPa] Kilogram-force/centimeter² [kgf/cm²] • Common S • Pressure, Stress, Young's Modulus • Compact Calculator. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Oct

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24 Construction Figs. 21-26. Construction of Model
Include pictures of pieces prior to assembly- CAD parts Figs Construction of Model

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