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Becoming a Healthy Worker

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Presentation on theme: "Becoming a Healthy Worker"— Presentation transcript:

1 Becoming a Healthy Worker
Section 11.1 Becoming a Healthy Worker Back to Table of Contents

2 WHAT YOU’LL LEARN How a balanced diet and appropriate amounts of rest and exercise promote good health and career success The causes of stress continued

3 Ways for coping with stress
WHAT YOU’LL LEARN Ways for coping with stress

4 Good health is essential to living a happy, successful life.
WHY IT’S IMPORTANT Good health is essential to living a happy, successful life.

5 KEY TERMS nutrients MyPlate addiction sedentary

6 What It Means to Be Healthy
Good health means having mental and physical strength and energy. It also means being free of pain and illness.

7 What It Takes to Be Healthy
You can’t have total control over your health, but you can control these factors: diet, exercise, and rest. The quality of your health will be influenced by your genes.

8 What Can you do? Eating Wisely
Nutrients are the substances in food that the body needs to produce energy and stay healthy.

9 What Can you do? Eating Wisely
The MyPlate is a guideline created by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to show people the nutrients they need each day.

10 What Can you do? Eating Wisely
Food recommendations vary according to age, gender, and activity level How much would an Olympian athlete eat compared to a senior citizen?

11 What Can you do? Exercising
Exercise takes energy, but it also gives back energy.

12 What Can you do? Exercising
Exercise helps you to: build strength and endurance, feel mentally alert, and reduce tension and anxiety.

13 What Can you do? Exercising
A sedentary job is one that involves a lot of sitting. Exercise is especially important if you have a sedentary job.

14 What Can you do? Exercising
You need at least 20 minutes of exercise everyday to stay healthy.

15 What Can you do? Rest / Sleep
Almost everyone needs about eight hours of sleep a night. With too little sleep, you’ll have difficulty concentrating and be more prone to accidents.

16 What Can you do? Rest / Sleep
To sleep better, avoid caffeine-rich foods and drinks, especially in the afternoon and evening. Cola and chocolate both contain caffeine.

17 What Can you do? Stay on Guard
Maintain you health by: following the rules of hygiene, getting regular checkups, and guarding against drug and alcohol addition.

18 What Can you do? Stay on Guard
Addiction is the physical or psychological need for a substance.

19 What Can you do? Stay on Guard
Addictive substances include: alcohol, some prescription drugs, marijuana, and cocaine.

20 What Can you do? Stay on Guard
Addiction can lead to devastating physical and mental effects, including: depression, heart attack, liver disease, and even death.

21 What Can you do? Stay on Guard
At the workplace, addiction can lead to: injuries, absenteeism, and poor productivity.

22 What Can you do? Stay on Guard
Many companies have established drug-testing programs to detect illegal drug use. Applicants who test positive are not likely to be hired.

23 What Can you do? Stay on Guard
Employees who test positive may be fired or referred to counseling and treatment.

24 Managing Stress Stress is the physical and emotional reaction to change or conflict. Burnout is a reaction to long-term stress on the job.

25 Managing Stress Like addiction, stress in the workplace can cause:
accidents, absenteeism, and diminished productivity.

26 Stress—Positive and Negative
Stress is a natural reaction to conflict. When you are challenged: Your heart rate increases. Your breathing accelerates. Your muscles tighten. Your blood pressure climbs.

27 Stress—Positive and Negative
Stress becomes negative when your body doesn’t return to normal and instead stays in an unnecessary state of alertness.

28 Stress—Positive and Negative
Effects of negative stress include: headaches, chest pain, irritability, and depression.

29 Coping with Stress The most effective way of dealing with stress is to identify the underlying problem and then address it directly.

30 Coping with Stress Three widely used relaxation methods are:
deep breathing, visualization, and taking a time-out.

31 Coping with Stress The benefits of reducing stress include:
increased productivity, greater job satisfaction, and better self-management.

32 ETHICS in Action Handling Stress
Lately, a coworker has been rude to customers and other employees at the grocery store where you work. She often leaves early and always has excuses as to why she doesn’t do her share of the work. continued

33 ETHICS in Action Handling Stress
You have been handling the work she leaves behind, and the situation has caused you to have a poor attitude about your job. When you approach your boss about your coworker's behavior, he says that she is stressed out from problems at home and that she should get better soon. continued

34 ETHICS in Action Handling Stress THINK ABOUT IT
How do you respond to your boss’s reaction to the situation?

35 Ingredients for Success
Graphic Organizer 11.1 Ingredients for Success INCREASED POTENTIAL FOR PROFESSIONAL SUCCESS Good Health Healthy Diet Exercise Adequate Rest + + Chapter 11 • Workplace Health and Safety Succeeding in the World of Work

36 Key Concept Checkpoint
SECTION 11.1 REVIEW Key Concept Checkpoint Comprehension In what ways can being healthy help your career? continued

37 Key Concept Checkpoint
SECTION 11.1 REVIEW Key Concept Checkpoint Comprehension Name three obstacles that keep people from regularly managing their diet, exercise schedule, and rest schedule. continued

38 Key Concept Checkpoint
SECTION 11.1 REVIEW Key Concept Checkpoint Comprehension What negative effects could stress have on your work? continued

39 Key Concept Checkpoint
SECTION 11.1 REVIEW Key Concept Checkpoint Comprehension Why is it important to prepare yourself to cope effectively with stress on the job? continued

40 Key Concept Checkpoint
SECTION 11.1 REVIEW Key Concept Checkpoint Critical Thinking What are some “high-stress” jobs? Why do some people opt to work at jobs that are very stressful?

41 Becoming a Healthy Worker
End of Section 11.1 Becoming a Healthy Worker Back to Table of Contents

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