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What Do School Counselors Do?

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Presentation on theme: "What Do School Counselors Do?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What Do School Counselors Do?
*Pre-test Do they… Dance around in their office? Follow Mr. Glover around? Sneak into Mrs. White’s room to make sure she is teaching math facts?

2 Of Course Not! How to stay safe How to make friends
Counselors talk to students, teachers, and parents to help them with problems. Counselors may talk with you in the classroom, in a small group, or individually in their office. Counselors teach students lots of wonderful things such as: How to stay safe How to make friends How to solve problems How to be a better student How to stay healthy How to calm down if you are upset or angry *Handout

3 Do you know where Mrs. Cannister’s office is?
Her office is across from Nurse Raine’s Clinic. You may fill out a slip to see Mrs. Cannister for an appointment OR if it is an EMERGENCY (only if someone is being hurt) you may ask your teacher to see Mrs. Cannister right away.

4 Do counselors call home if you misbehave in class?
If Mrs. Cannister comes to get you out of class, does that mean you are in trouble? NO! Counselors are not here to get you into trouble. We are here to help you.

5 Do counselors tell everyone what you have talked about?
Counselors keep what you say private. That means, they will not tell anyone what you have told them UNLESS… You give them permission to tell your teacher You tell them that someone is being hurt (or YOU are being hurt) A counselor’s #1 job is to help keep children… S _____.

6 Let’s Review! Counselors talk to students, parents, and t___________ to help them with problems. You can talk to Mrs. Cannister in the classroom, in a small group, or in her o__________. Mrs. Cannister’s office is located across from N_________. Counselors do n___ call home if you misbehave. Counselors will ONLY tell someone what you have told them if: You say that it’s o______. You tell them that you or someone else is being h_____.

7 Friendship One of the topics counselors talk with children about is how to be a good friend. It is important we learn how to make and keep friends. Can you think of some qualities that make someone a good friend? Can we only be friends with people who look and act just like us? Story time!

8 Leonardo the Terrible Monster
How does Leonardo feel when he scares Sam? How do you think Sam feels? What can Leonardo do to be a better friend to Sam? Why is it important to think about other people’s feelings? What are some ways we can be a better friend to each other? *Post-test

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