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Overview of urbanGRID CRTI RD Project Review Meeting

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1 Overview of urbanGRID CRTI-02-0093RD Project Review Meeting
Canadian Meteorological Centre August 22-23, 2006

2 Component 1: urbanGRID urbanGRID urbanSTREAM flow solver
grid_generator ArcView Shape file (*.shp,*.dbf) Meteorological data file (urbanGEM / LAM) grid generation boundary_interpolate interpolate BCs urbanGRID urbanSTREAM flow solver

3 Buildings Resolved Virtual Buildings

4 Buildings Resolved Virtual Buildings (Drag-Force Approach

5 Outer: 99x139x69=949,509 Inner: 55x100x69=379,500 NK-1=69 NJ-1=139 NI-1=99 55 100

6 Building_v5.shp (shape file) ELEVATION (field name)
urbanSTREAM Buildings Resolved Virtual Buildings grid_generator grid_urbanSTREAM.dat Input.par Building_v5.shp (shape file) ELEVATION (field name) (X,Y,Z) at NE,SW corners for outer region in UTM (X,Y,Z) at NE,SW corners for inner region in UTM # of grid points for outer region (99x139x69) # of grid points for inner region (55x100x69) grid_urbanSTREAM.dat (grid file for urbanSTREAM)

7 Bit Structure for Flag Array
C_E 20=1 C_W 21=2 C_N 22=4 C_S 23=8 C_T 24=16 C_B 25=32 C_O 26=64 C_D 27=128 Fluid C_E=1 E (I) Obstacle C_W=2 C_O=64 IF( IAND( FLAG(I, J, K), C_O) /= 0 ) THEN inside obstacle ELSE outside obstacle END IF

8 IF( IAND( FLAG(I, J, K), C_D ) /= 0 ) THEN
drag-force approach END IF C_D=128 C_D=0

9 Mean wind speed and direction with drag-force approach
Expt data Drag force

10 urbanGRID grid_urbanSTREAM urbanSTREAM Boundary_Z.dat IOP9_250m.dat
grid_generator urbanSTREAM ArcView Shape file (*.shp,*.dbf) grid generation Meteorological data file (urbanGEM / LAM) boundary_interpolate Boundary_Z.dat interpolate BCs IOP9_250m.dat

11 Coupling GEM/LAM with urbanSTREAM (One-Way Interaction)
urbanSTREAM domain Portion of GEM/LAM domain

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