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How to tell your friends what NOT to do!

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1 How to tell your friends what NOT to do!
Negative tú commands How to tell your friends what NOT to do!

2 How to form a negative tú command
-AR VERBS Drop the -o of the present tense YO form of the verb, and add -es: Don’t speak! ¡No hables! Don’t sing! ¡No cantes! Es fÁcIl, ¿no?

3 How to form a negative tú command
-ER/IR VERBS Drop the -o of the present tense YO form of the verb, and add -as: Don’t write! ¡No escribas! Don’t eat! ¡No comas!

4 Irregular Verbs in negative tú commands
No vayas (ir) – Don’t go! No seas – (ser) – Don’t be!

5 The “go” verbs – follow the same rules as with regular verbs
Some verbs have irregular “yo” forms: Haz (make/do) No hagas Ten (Have) No tengas Ven (Come!) No vengas Pon (Put) No pongas Sal (Leave/Go out) No salgas Di (Tell/Say) No digas The negative tú command form

6 Negative “tú” commands with direct object pronouns
Direct Object Pronouns are always placed right before the verb when you are making a negative tú command. Don’t call me! ¡No me llames! Don’t speak it! (el español) ¡No lo hables! Don’t play it! (el fútbol) ¡No lo juegues!

7 Stem-changing verbs follow regular rules on formation of commands
Some examples: Duerme (sleep) No duermas Piensa (think) No pienses Acuéstate (go to bed) No te acuestes Encuentro (I find) No encuentres lie (miente) No mientas The negative tú command form

8 -CAR, -GAR, -ZAR verb forms for tú commands
Any verb that ends with –car, -gar, or –zar will require spelling changes to keep the pronunciation. -CAR: C changes to QUE -GAR: G changes to GUE -ZAR: Z changes to CE NO ACCENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

9 -CAR ending verbs Let’s look at some examples: C QU tocar (to touch) toca ¡No toques! practicar (to practice) practica ¡No practiques! buscar (to look for) busca ¡No busques! Positive Command Negative tú command

10 -GAR ending verbs Let’s look at some examples: G GU llegar (to arrive) llega ¡No llegues! jugar (to play) juega ¡No juegues! navegar (to navigate) navega ¡No navegues! Positive Command Negative tú command

11 -ZAR ending verbs Let’s look at some examples: Z C memorizar (to memorize) memoriza ¡No memorices! empezar (to begin) empieza ¡No empieces! Abrazar (to hug) abraza ¡No abraces! Positive Command Negative tú command

12 Let’s Practice Verb Positive Tú Negative Tú hacer dormir cantar
practicar pedir jugar empezar salir

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