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IFRRO European Group Madrid 5 June 2009

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1 IFRRO European Group Madrid 5 June 2009
Business models in publishing in Europe directed towards education IFRRO European Group Madrid 5 June 2009

2 FOUR SCENARIOS Printed textbooks and academic books (primary use) Printed other books (secondary use) Digital textbooks, academic books (primary use) Digital other books (secondary use)

3 Scenarios 1 & 2 Sale Licensing either through exceptions or voluntarily Scenarios 2 & 3 Will things change depending on the business models adopted by publishers?

4 Exceptions for illustration of teaching reflect this dichotomy
Spanish, French or German laws read No necesitará autorización del autor el profesorado de la educación reglada para realizar actos de reproducción, distribución y comunicación pública de pequeños fragmentos de obras o de obras aisladas de carácter plástico o fotográfico figurativo, excluidos los libros de texto y los manuales universitarios, cuando tales actos se hagan únicamente para la ilustración de sus actividades educativas en las aulas… Explicit exclusion of text and academic books from the scope of the exceptions

5 Business models in the educational field
Sale of individual e-textbooks/e-academic books Subscription to services of one publisher Subscription to services of more than one publishers Subscription through eaggregators and How to deal with works that are accidently used in the educational field?

6 A Spanish example Océano Escolar is specifically designed to support the learning of school children with all areas of their education via Internet. Océano Escolar has a database of over 62,000 articles in Spanish and 13,000 graphics/images with specific content from the Spanish-speaking countries


8 And now a few examples







15 Belgium Flanders Knooppunt will be set up shortly as a new non-profit “daughter” organization (ASBL/VZW) with most textbook publishers l participating. Knooppunt will be a digital platform that will provide a unique access for pupils to all digital extras that are related or connected to the paper version of their textbooks. Nowadays, more or less every publisher offers textbooks with an extra digital element (e.g. CD-ROM / website with tests, examples, exercises etc.). Unfortunately, that means one or several logins for every publisher / textbook. Knooppunt will serve as a portal which will allow pupils to have access to the said digital material via one unique login for all digital extras, regardless of the publisher. Both the sale of the paper version of the textbook and the license fee for the digital extra material (if any) are dealt with by the individual publisher.

16 In summary Textbooks and academic publishers are developing business models to offer enhanced access to books and to individual items For other works, alternative solutions have to be developped.

17 Thank you for your attention

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