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Be Determined and Inspired to Fulfill Vows

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1 Be Determined and Inspired to Fulfill Vows
Establish Aspirations, Invigorating Souls, Fulfill Vows

2 Introduction Bodhisattvas and Saints all start out like us: Same “Buddha” Nature What will lead us down different paths and final destination? 1. Great Aspirations 2. Invigorating souls 3. Fulfill Vows

3 I. Establish Aspirations
As cultivators, we must have the ambition to aspire to be the best and achieve true salvation: Aspire for the salvation of souls (including our own) and the world’s Aspire to help achieving the vows of Buddhas, Saints, Sages and especially our Holy Teachers For most people goals are usually goes as far as power, fame and fortune These goals are limited. They offer no real salvation for ourselves or others After learning of the Tao, we should know better and value more than physical wealth, but aspire to spiritual wealth Therefore, we should aspire for… Save everyone, otherwise Heaven will be a lonely place

4 Great Vows Guang-Ying Bodhisattva 觀世音菩薩: Shakyamuni Buddha 釋迦摩尼佛:
To save all that ask for mercy and help to escape suffering! Shakyamuni Buddha 釋迦摩尼佛: Sentient beings are infinite; I vow to save them all. Suffering are infinite; I vow to end them all. Dharmas are infinite; I vow to enter them all. The Buddha Path is infinite; I vow to attain it.

5 Great Vows (cont’d) Patriach Zhang’s (師尊) three great vows:
Safe living souls, return them to the original nature (渡化眾生,達本還原) Alter common social behaviors; achieve Great Harmony in the world (移風易俗, 實現世界大同) Continue traditions into the future, revitalize the time honored virtues of the Chinese Tradition (繼往開來,復興中國固 有文化)

6 Great Vows (cont’d) Zhong Hua Sheng Mu: Matriarch Sun
To help her disciples to overcome trials and tribulations while cultivating and spreading Tao, she asked Heaven to allow her to carry all of that burden by making bows a day and self- imprisonment

7 II. Invigorate our Soul (“Brahmavihāras” or Four Immeasurables)
Strengthen “Bodhi”: Follow the path of Bodhisattva and work to save others from suffering Energize your soul (true nature) through the expression of Brahmavihāras Brahmavihāras (四無量心): Mercy (Loving Kindness), Compassion, Joy and Giving Bodhi is the merciful heart of the Bodhisattvas and always work to save others from suffering So, one of the main way to strengthen or clear up or Bodhi heart, it to express our “brahmaviharas”, or the 4 boundless Heart

8 Mercy (慈) Ji-Gong Living Buddha mercifully said:
“Mercy is to devote all without condition” For ourselves: Do not give rise to aversion and hatred, greed and desire; Keep mercy in your heart and can be embodied with joy and happiness For others: offer happiness, joy and fulfillment; give them spiritual refuge by saving other from suffering (introducing Tao to others and spread Tao) Benevolence without possession Will not differentiate by race, ethnicity, wealth, status, or anything the defines us in the physical world

9 Compassion (悲): Ji-Gong Living Buddha mercifully said:
“Compassion is to sacrifice without self” Compassion is to alleviate suffering For Ourselves: Be content without desire For Others: Feel the pain of others; sympathize; save others from suffering Feeling the pain of others as if it was our own, so we help to alleviate their suffering…. Desire  Resentment  Hate  Suffering This doesn’t mean we just don’t do anything, but, no matter that life throws at us; in wealth and in poverty, we are able to face difficulties still with smiles When others are in need, we offer all we can, because we can feel their pain

10 Joy (喜) Ji-Gong Living Buddha mercifully said:
“Obligation without condition” Being joyful for the kindness of ourselves and of others without any condition or strings attached No matter when, or when, freely give away the joyfulness of our true heart; no distinction between self and others

11 Giving (捨) Ji-Gong Living Buddha mercifully said:
“Provide without custody” The virtue of Generosity: wealth, dharma (wisdom), resolution/determination/confidence Bodhisattvas and Buddhas give up what others cannot give up; Experience what others cannot bear; Endure what others cannot tolerate Cultivators encompasses Tao in our hearts, minds, and body; should be ready to offer to other to end their suffering Provide for others and without consideration for ourselves; everything is for sentient beings

12 Never Resting Bodhisattva 不休息菩薩

13 To invigorate the Virtues of our Soul:
Requires the Mandate from Heaven as our guide Cultivation and spread the wisdom of Tao as our method Ultimately lead us to discover our True Nature = Tao So, even though we all have a soul and our true nature is already present in us, but, without the mandate from Heaven as our guide or using cultivation and spreading Tao to others, how can we bring out the virtues of our soul? This is our platform and our arena to express our

14 III. Fulfillment of Vows
Vows needs to be fulfilled Do not waver, do not doubt, be sincere, and have faith, we will succeed Fulfilling Vows is to honor our Holy Teachers and to honor Tao Continuing the virtues of our Holy Teachers and predecessors, the transmission of Tao fulfillment of our aspirations and goals made before Heaven should be the objective for cultivation Like the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, we have the same True Nature within all of us, therefore, we should be able to achieve the same vows

15 How to fulfill Vows? Revere the Mandate of Heaven Value Dharma
Save others from suffering Treasure benevolent words Command the virtuous Follow Discipline 3 Distinctions: Holy vs. Worldly Matters, Gender, Monetary 4 Righteousness: Action, Heart, Speech, Behavior Dharma = method of learning and expressing our True Nature

16 Show respect honoring Holy Teachers
Show sincerity revering Tao Temple regulations must be strict: cannot be nonchalant Believes in Tao must be genuine Aspirations must be high Diet must be refined Examples must be exemplary Be tolerant and forgiving of others Conduct and behavior must be decent and fair

17 Correct mistakes: how to become Buddha
Must follow the “Eight Cardinal Virtues” and Observe “Five Human Relationships” Eight Cardinal Virtues: filial piety, brotherhood (sibling harmoney, loyalty, trust, courtesy, justice (righteousness), integrity, honor (sense of shame) Five Human Relationships: Sovereign and subordinates, parent and children, husband and wife, brothers and sisters, and between friends Correct mistakes: how to become Buddha Repay the debt of gratitude for the Grace of Heaven

18 Vows must be fulfilled Respect predecessors and love juniors Tolerance, patience, humility and respect Follow Tao as the guide and truthfully repent

19 Conclusion: Goals!!!! Follow our True Nature and express the virtues of our True Nature Fulfil Vows!!! These will lead to the path of Enlightenment! First step of cultivation, must establish goals or make vows. This is our platform to express the virtues. With our compassionate hearts, souls of others can be saved from suffering. With the fulfillment of our vows, will lead to the path of Enlightenment.

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