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Global Water Quality Service

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1 Global Water Quality Service
Slide’s title Subtitle (if there is one) Coastal and Sea Monitoring  Global Water Quality Service Date and location Speakers: Name and Last Name

2 Global Water Quality Service for Coastal Regions
ESRIN 10th November 2009 Leslie Gale Business Development Manager

3 Company Background Consulting and services company with a focus on:
Energy Shipping Quality of Life Founded in 1995 1 October 2008 became part of the BMT group of companies 1 October 2009 grown to 75 people with offices in Marknesse (NL), Southampton (UK), Gdansk(PL)

4 Motivation for participating in SSE
Support the SSE initiative Provide alternative means to access and use our existing service Gain experience in developing web portal solutions taking advantage of the collective experience of a large group of experts and developers Try-out and introduce innovations to the way our products can be accessed and used in combination with external in-situ data from third parties. is used by customers on a voucher system and by BMT ARGOSS staff for consultancy work.

5 Global Water Quality for Coastal Regions Chlorophyll assessment
Purpose and Market Global Water Quality for Coastal Regions Chlorophyll assessment can be used for algae bloom detection and is therefore important for fish farms and local authorities in order to be able to advise the public on safe swimming water. an indicator for biological production and therefore important for fishery. Total Suspended Matter (TSM) High concentrations of TSM are undesired and monitoring is required by the dredging industry Requirements on governmental agencies to report TSM

6 Water quality parameters
Service Provisions Water quality parameters total suspended matter (TSM) concentration chlorophyll-a & phaeophytin-a (TCHL) concentration inorganic suspended matter (ISM) concentration transparency or attenuation depth Multiple sensors Aqua MODIS Terra MODIS Envisat Meris SeaStar SeaWiFS Selection based on Single scene Climatology Time series Comparison with in-situ data The Water Quality parameters are retrieved from the following optical remote sensing data: SeaWiFS SeaStar, MODIS Terra and MODIS Aqua. The spatial resolution of the retrievals equals the resolution of the remote sensing imagery, which is approximately 1 kilometre at nadir. The North Sea is one the areas of interest of the Water Quality Service. Therefore the database was initially filled with results based on SeaWiFS images recorded and covering (part of) the North Sea. Areas within a radius of 2000 km from the North Sea are covered as well, although less frequent. Presently results based on near real-time Aqua and Terra images are being added, whereas results based on older MODIS data are included while the system is waiting for new image recordings. Apart from the 1 km resolution SeaWiFS/MODIS data the Water Quality Service provides information based on SeaWiFS GAC data (4 km resolution) and MODIS high-resolution data (250 or 500 km resolution). The latter product is less reliable and is being tested.

7 Service Set-up Global Water Quality
The SOAP front-end at BMT ARGOSS is implemented using the SSE TOOLBOX. Two operations are supported: sendRFQ (asynchronous) and sendOrder (asynchronous). When a sendRFQ reaches the TOOLBOX, the price of the product is determined based on selection criteria and returned asynchronously to the portal with a returnRFQResult. The response message to the sendOrder will contain the URL's of the images as well as the ASCII files.

8 Process Flow Login at SSE portal Order List, check status
(Waiting Confirmation, Pending, Completed, Failed) Select Global Water Quality Service Request for Quotation Single Scene Climatology Time Series Select Area of Interest Select Date of Interest Select Sensors Select Number of Results Select Area of Interest Select Statistics Select Time Window Select Ferry Track Select Date of Interest Select Number of Results Send RFQ Confirm RFQ Send RFQ Confirm RFQ Send RFQ Confirm RFQ Monitor RFQ in Order List, Status completed => choose order Review RFQ result Select products Proceed Select Product Proceed Select Product Proceed Confirm Order Confirm Order Confirm Order Monitor Order in Order List, Status completed => choose order View and Download results View and Download results View and Download results

9 Request for Quote Three menus
Single scene, Climatology, Time series Intensity of blue indicates availability of scenes Area of interest set by menu or selection rectangle Map details set through WMS layers

10 Single Scene

11 Single Scene The output of the single scene order will show four spatial maps for each selected scene. The maps show total suspended matter, chlorophyll, inorganic suspended matter and transparency for the AOI. The data used to create the maps is available for download as simple text files.

12 Climatology Confirm Proceed

13 Climatology The output of the climatology order will show four maps of total suspended matter, chlorophyll, inorganic suspended matter and transparency for the AOI and the selected period. The data used to create the maps is available for download as simple text files. To view detailed information about one or more scenes that make up the total image use the “Service Result Information” button in the Map Viewer and select a scene.

14 Time Series

15 Time Series

16 Experience with SSE Technical
Significant improvements have been made. Toolbox is stable. Our developers are very positive about SSE. Occasionally we have seen that existing services fail when updates are made requiring us to update our application Excellent means to allow new employees to become familiar with working with SOAP and OGC OpenGIS standards although we note it’s a steep learning curve to become proficient

17 Experience with SSE Business As a user
Already re-used in our commercial services and offered to customers in development of their systems RFQ and Order operations support pricing of products but there is, to our best knowledge still no support for invoicing and/or accounting. As a user Getting back to RFQ is very indirect through the home page. This is needed for instance when investigating availability of data Could not find a way to delete items from the order list  Suggest adding shortcuts at other levels besides the home page

18 Evaluation of services usage
Besides Global Water Quality we have two other services on the SSE For the Global Water Quality we have received some orders from (RUV001 ???). The orders were for rivers and lakes. We have not been contacted as a result of a customer visiting the SSE portal

19 Plan for usage and evaluation
A large proportion of our business is from services through our own internet portals. The SSE is not our portal for doing business. We recognise the potential:  How can we support the marketing of SSE? We implemented the Ferry track to get ideas on how to integrate in-situ data from external parties. We see a need to extend this to allow users to supply their own data for comparison.

20 Concluding remarks The SSE is for BMT ARGOSS an interesting initiative deserving support from industry The SSE provides a means to rapidly develop new services and provides an industry wide platform for best practices Progress needs to be made to involve the remote sensing services community to: Extend the community of participants Develop the non-technical aspects of the SSE

21 ESA/ESRIN Via Galileo Galilei, CP 64 Frascati, 00044 Rome phone +39
ESA/ESRIN Via Galileo Galilei, CP 64 Frascati, Rome phone fax BMT ARGOSS BV PO Box ZH Vollenhove The Netherlands phone : fax :

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