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User Page-Front End.

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Presentation on theme: "User Page-Front End."— Presentation transcript:

1 User Page-Front End

2 Move the scroll bar to end. check the html layout
Move the scroll bar to end. check the html layout.-Not fixed[old comment]

3 Validation massage is not correctly pointing the corresponding text box when scroll the page.Give correct message for each box instead of giving general message.-Not fixed[old comment]

4 Email id is not verified once registered.-Not fixed[old comment]

5 City is not populated based on the state.-Not fixed[old comment]

6 Logged in from set screw page
Logged in from set screw page.After login, page goes to edit account page instead of going to set screw page. Session not maintained.It should stay on the page where we were. Not fixed[old comment]

7 Move scroll bar to end- Not fixed[old comment]
Unkonwn data here Move scroll bar to end- Not fixed[old comment]

8 Remove the delete button
Add/Edit address update moving to edit account page. It shoud come back to delivery address page

9 Editing any address in the additional address field automatically updating the default address. What is the functionality?

10 Editing any address in the additional address field automatically updating the default address. What is the functionality? In this case we are facing this issue if we delete any additional address

11 Slide 10 Contn. In this case we are facing this issue in checkout page
Slide 10 Contn.. In this case we are facing this issue in checkout page.No Address shown

12 Slide 10 Contn. In this case we are facing this issue in checkout page
Slide 10 Contn.. In this case we are facing this issue in checkout page. Empty address shown.

13 Deleted addional address. And added new entry
Deleted addional address. And added new entry . Default address updated with new address. Where is my default address?

14 After Edit/Add new delivery address, page goes to edit account page instead showing delivery address page

15 Move the scroll bar to end- Not fixed[old comment]

16 Move the scroll bar to end as like in html page- Not fixed[old comment]

17 Scroll bar to be left .check the html page - Not fixed[old comment]

18 Give better look and feel for pop up message instead of using html popup.Applicable for all pop up messages. Not fixed[old comment]

19 Part no already in cart. Trying to add again, qty updated
Part no already in cart. Trying to add again, qty updated. But the popup message does not show the correct part no While clicking the “cart(x)” ,does not open the shopping cart. It can avoid the multiple clicks

20 Wrong part no

21 I didn’t added these item to cart for “samu-sundaram” login
I didn’t added these item to cart for “samu-sundaram” login. but I have 12 items in my cart. I have added 12 items from different user (test-test2) and logged of and loged in to “samu” user. But the same cart items I have in the “samu” user. Check the functionality. Switching any user ,cart item automatically updated without user action.

22 Pack of should be a “MOQ” data- Not fixed[old comment]

23 Unnessceeserly opening new tab/window
Unnessceeserly opening new tab/ should open in the same window. Facing issues in many pages.

24 Login from any page moving to edit account page
Login from any page moving to edit account page. It’s not retaining the session where we coming from.

25 Expected delivery date field not included – Not fixed[old comment]

26 Use same color for buttons as like other buttons

27 No message notified to user whether password sent to mail id or not.

28 Function not working – Not fixed[old comment]

29 Mail id not validated– Not fixed[old comment]

30 Alignment issue– Not fixed[old comment]

31 Add “Wishlist button ”– Not fixed[old comment]
“Add to Cart” use button instead of using “Text”– Not fixed[old comment] Add “Wishlist button ”– Not fixed[old comment]

32 Admin page

33 Is there any option to delete the user
Is there any option to delete the user ?. Since we have added dummy entries for testing. need to delete unwanted user id’s

34 Page is not fully visible

35 Trying to edit the attribute sets for head types. But could not edit
Trying to edit the attribute sets for head types. But could not edit. This is applicable for all types of attribute sets

36 Configuration parameters are missing for “Tools cart”

37 “Drive”&Unit is not applicable for general products. please remove it

38 Trying to delete “Nuts” category which has products
Trying to delete “Nuts” category which has products. It should not allow to delete category/sub category if the products are exist . Check the functionality. Applicable for all type of products.

39 Trying to delete “Hex Nut” attribute sets which has products
Trying to delete “Hex Nut” attribute sets which has products. It should not allow to delete attribute sets if the products are exist . Check the functionality. Applicable for all type of products.

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