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Cynthia Radding University of New Mexico

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1 The Cultural Roots of Latin American Populism Views from History and Nature
Cynthia Radding University of New Mexico Santa Fe Council on International Relations February 3, 2007

2 Foundations of Populism
Mass electoral politics and universal suffrage Appeal to social and economic issues Sovereignty of the nation-state National control of natural resources

3 Roots and Content of Populism
Class-based movements with different social groups Indigenous movements, culture, and politics of identity Politics in the street: marches, manifestations, and roadblocks New understandings of citizenship: rights and obligations

4 Class-based Movements
Neo-liberal policies Structural adjustment Eroding standards of living Reduced social services

5 Maize and Global Markets
Ethanol and world demand for industrial uses of maize Rising prices for Mexican consumers Importation of corn Subsidies to raise production NAFTA and peasant agriculture

6 Ecuador: “our America”
President Rafael Correa, inaugural speech Foreign debt service renegotiation Demands to meet basic social services Integration of Latin America

7 Indigenous Movements Challenges to traditional national constitutions
Demands for political recognition, territory, cultural dignity Responses to globalization

8 Regional Indigenous Politics
Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional Chiapas, Mexico Asamblea Popular de los Pueblos de Oaxaca Oaxaca, Mexico Maya of Guatemala Shuar confederation of the Amazon Ecuador Andean mobilizations Quechua Aymara Quichua Mapuche, Chile

9 Politics in Public Spaces
Inclusion and autonomy Territorial spaces Cultural distinctiveness Autonomous communities in Chiapas Language preservation Tzotzil Mixtec Zapotec

10 Citizenship New political actors Internal indigenous movements
Migrant populations New claims to suffrage Paisanos in Mexico Ecuadorian Constituent Assembly

11 Citizenship in Historical Perspective
Colonial Institutions Derecho indiano Republic of Indians Republic of Spaniards Vecinos Cabildo Town Council

12 Transition to Republics
Monarchy to national sovereignty Local custom and codified law Spanish Cortes in Cádiz Constitutions of 1812, 1820

13 Latin American Independence
Constitutional Assemblies Chilpancingo, Mexico Tucumán, Argentina Central debates Indians and citizenship Cabildos and legislatures Elections and office holding Orozco, La Trinchera

14 Northwest Mexico Village councils Integrity of local government
Indian Groups Yaqui Opata Pima

15 Chiquitos, Eastern Bolivia
Mission towns and cantones Indian caciques and local elections Endurance of the cabildo in Chiquitos

16 Nature and Environment
Resources Commodities or collective patrimony? Water, streams, wells Forests and logging Minerals Oil and natural gas

17 Human Rights and Populism
Freedom from detention Security of life and home Right to food, housing, health care Access to education Freedom of movement Right to work and a living wage

18 Collaborative Research and Service
Language revitalization Local histories Community traditions Populism at work

19 Community Environmental Management
Resource use Monitoring air, soil, and water quality Waste disposal Local knowledge and decision-making Accountability

20 Sources of Information
University of New Mexico Latin America and Iberian Institute Latin America Database University of Texas LANIC Espadaña Press SPIN México Ilustrado Photographs by the author

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