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Year 10 IAG Evening 10th October 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Year 10 IAG Evening 10th October 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 10 IAG Evening 10th October 2017

2 What is Progress 8?

3 Why is Year 10 so Important?
Working life School Retirement You have spent 418 weeks in school You have 64 weeks of School until your final exams start You are likely to have to work for 2400 weeks! That is 96,000 hours Or 288,000 assemblies worth of time! What you do now shapes the opportunities you have for this time and beyond. You are here

4 Key Dates… Progress Trackers Mock Exams Written Reports
Parents evenings Progress Trackers

5 Key Dates… Parents Evening – Thursday 14th June 2018

6 A few tips to help at home…

7 Attendance

8 Attendance Most students think that an attendance rate of 90% is good.
Why? Because, as an examination score, 90% means excellence.


10 What’s your why?

11 Spacing… Parents Evening – Thursday 16th November

12 Parents Evening – Thursday 16th November

13 Parents Evening – Thursday 16th November

14 What pen do you use?

15 How can we raise attainment at Oak Wood School?

16 Parental Engagement - in 1 week… -
Time in School Time ‘at home’

17 10 Step Guide How can you help?

18 10 Step Guide How can you help?
1. Regular discussions with your son. What is going well? What is not going well?

19 10 Step Guide How can you help?
2. Support and Advice College and University options. Future prospects.

20 10 Step Guide How can you help?
3. Equipment and Stationary Pens. Highlighters. Revision books. Cue cards. Post-it notes.

21 10 Step Guide How can you help?
4. The Right Revision Space A quiet area. Away from noise. No interruptions.

22 10 Step Guide How can you help?
5. No Distractions Confiscate mobile Phones, iPads, Tablets, etc.

23 10 Step Guide How can you help?
6. Rewards Family treat. Small reward. Personal praise.

24 10 Step Guide How can you help?
7. Awareness of Key Dates Exam timetable. After school revision clubs. Holiday revision sessions.

25 10 Step Guide How can you help?
8. Communication with School Concerns and Worries. Advice and Guidance. Positive Relationship. Mr Rice/Mr Jane

26 10 Step Guide How can you help?
9. The Importance of Attendance Research suggests ½ day off school each week equates to one GCSE grade

27 10 Step Guide How can you help?
10. Encouragement and Empathy This year is going to be tough. Your support is key!

28 Parent task Draw a New one pound coin. You’ve got two minutes.



31 Revision Ideas

32 Revision How can you help?
6 revision ideas to try with your son





37 Past Papers Subject Exam Board Tier




41 50% of what we hear and see

42 GCSE Mathematics (Edexcel)
There are three exams – all 90minutes, One non-calculator and two calculator papers, Grades 1-9, Foundation grades from 1 to 5, Higher grades from 4 to 9, More emphasis on written communication and ‘wordy’ questions.

43 AQA English Literature texts studied: Macbeth
A Christmas Carol An Inspector Calls/Animal Farm Power and Conflict from AQA anthology English Literature Tues 22nd May 1h45 Shakespeare and the 19th Century novel Fri 25th May 2h15 Modern texts and poetry English Language Tues 5th June 1h45 Paper 1: Explorations in creative reading and writing Fri 8th June 1h45: Writer’s viewpoints and perspectives

44 Science No controlled assessment Linear exam
Increase maths skills. A minimum of 10% of marks will test maths skills in GCSE Biology; 20% in GCSE Chemistry; and 30% in GCSE Physics. Additional Science (Trilogy) maths skills will be in the ratio 1:2:3. Focus application of knowledge questions

45 6th October 2016

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