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Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Category 5 10 10 10 10 10

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1 Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Category 5 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50

2 Category 1 questions follow

3 10 Photosynthesis _____________ glucose Breaks down Produces
Has nothing to do with Category 1 10

4 Photosynthesis _____________ glucose
. Produces Category 1 10

5 20 Adenine, ribose sugar and 2 phosphates make up__ AMP ADP ATP
glucose Category 1 20

6 Adenine, ribose sugar and 2 phosphates make up__
. ADP Category 1 20

7 What is occurring in the picture?
Category 1 30

8 The diagram shows how energy in the form of ATP is produced in a cell
Category 1 30

9 40 Energy in the form of ATP is needed for Homeostasis
Moving molecules in your kidneys Repairs cells All of these are correct Category 1 40

10 40 Energy in the form of ATP is needed for
Homeostasis, Moving molecules in your kidneys, Repairing cells All are correct Category 1 40

11 50 In the ETC, the final electron acceptor is Water ATP Oxygen
Category 1 50

12 In the ETC, the final electron acceptor is
. Oxygen Category 1 50

13 Category 2 questions follow

14 10 The energy-trapping molecule in plants is Chloroplast Mitochondria
chlorophyll Category 2 10

15 The energy-trapping molecule in plants is
. chlorophyll Category 2 10

16 20 The energy-trapping pigment in plants is Chloroplast Mitochondria
chlorophyll 20

17 The energy-trapping pigment in plants is
. chlorophyll Category 2 20

18 What is the formula for photosynthesis?
Category 2 30

19 What is the formula for photosynthesis?
6CO2 + 6H2O  C6H12O6 + 6O2 Category 2 30

20 During photosynthesis, sunlight is captured in the ______ during the light reaction.
Thylakoid membranes Stroma mitochondria Category 2 40

21 During photosynthesis, sunlight is captured in the ______ during the light reaction.
Thylakoid membranes Category 2 40

22 50 When ADP gains a phosphate, _______ occurs
Cells release energy as ATP Cells store energy as ATP Glucose and oxygen is formed Category 2 50

23 50 When ADP gains a phosphate, _______ occurs
Cells release energy as ATP Cells store energy as ATP Glucose and oxygen is formed Category 2 50

24 Category 3 questions follow

25 10 Glucose is split into pyruvic acid in the anaerobic process of
Fermentation Glycolysis Category 3 10

26 10 Glucose is split into pyruvic acid in the anaerobic process of .
Glycolysis Fermentation is why pyruvic acid is split up Category 3 10

27 The passing of electrons along a series of molecules, releasing energy as they go occurs in the process Electron Transport Chain Calvin Cycle Citric acid Cycle Category 3 20

28 The passing of electrons along a series of molecules, releasing energy as they go occurs in the process Electron Transport Chain Category 3 20

29 Autotrophs use energy from sunlight in the process of ____ to convert energy from the sun into chemical energy in the form of glucose and carbohydrates Category 3 30

30 Autotrophs use energy from sunlight in the process of ____ to convert energy from the sun into chemical energy in the form of glucose and carbohydrates Photosynthesis Category 3 30

31 40 The splitting of water during photosynthesis is called________
Hydrolysis photolysis Category 3 40

32 40 The splitting of water during photosynthesis is called________ .
photolysis Category 3 40

33 50 Anaerobic Is a process that occurs in the presence of oxygen
Is a process that occurs without oxygen Category 3 50

34 Anaerobic . Is a process that occurs without oxygen Category 3 50

35 Category 4 questions follow

36 10 During heavy exercise muscles burn because
The muscle cells have run out of oxygen and energy from fermentation is occurring Lactic acid is hitting the muscles Both of these are correct Category 4 10

37 10 Exercise cause muscles to burn because
They run out of oxygen and fermentation producing Lactic acid is hitting the muscles Both of these are correct Category 4 10

38 If ATP were to cease; ____________would occur
Category 4 20

39 All living things would die
If ATP were to cease; ____________would occur All living things would die Category 4 20

40 30 Which of the following is true about Photosynthesis?
It produces more ATP than respiration It breaks down glucose It occurs in all living cells It occurs in the chloroplast Category 4 30

41 30 Which of the following is true about Photosynthesis?
It produces more ATP than respiration It breaks down glucose It occurs in all living cells It occurs in the chloroplast- Category 4 30

42 What is the formula of respiration?
Category 4 40

43 C6H12O6 + 6O2  6CO2 + 6H2O Category 4 40

44 50 Respiration Produces 36 ATP from one glucose Produces glucose
Occurs in chloroplast Has the Calvin cycle occur in the process More than one of these is correct Category 4 50

45 50 Respiration Produces 36 ATP from one glucose
Produces glucose - Photosynthesis Occurs in chloroplast Photosynthesis Has the Calvin cycle occur in the process Photosynthesis More than one of these is correct Photosynthesis Category 4 50

46 Category 5 questions follow

47 In 1803, Thomas Engelmann of Germany used a combination of filamentous alga and aerobic bacteria to study the effect of various colors of the visible light spectrum on the rate of photosynthesis. He passed white light through a prism in order to separate the light into the different colors of the spectrum; then he exposed different segments of the alga to the various colors. He observed in which areas of the spectrum the greatest number of bacteria appeared. What was the independent variable? Category 5 10

48 10 What was the independent variable? the different colors of light
Category 5 10

49 What was the purpose of the
Experiment? Category 5 20

50 20 The purpose of the experiment
was to determine whether different colors of light affected the production of oxygen and therefore the rate of photosynthesis. Category 5 20

51 Describe one control Engelmann might have used.
Category 5 30

52 The control He could have exposed one test tube to white light and left another in complete darkness. Category 5 30

53 What would Engelmann's conclusion be?
Category 5 40

54 violet light and red light are the most effective colors for photosynthesis.
Category 5 40

55 50 Why did Engelmann select aerobic rather than anaerobic bacteria?
Category 5 50

56 He was using bacteria to determine oxygen content, and anaerobic bacteria do not require oxygen for their life activities. Category 5 50

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