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Automatic Generation of AMF Compliant Configuration

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1 Automatic Generation of AMF Compliant Configuration
Ali Kanso, Maria Toeroe*, Ferhat Khendek, and Abdelwahab Hamou-Lhadj Concordia University Ericsson Canada Inc*.

2 Concordia University/Ericsson
Overview AMF and SAF AMF Configuration Motivation Input Sets Configuration Generation Process Prototype Tool Conclusion Concordia University/Ericsson

3 Concordia University/Ericsson
AMF and SAF Service Availability Forum(SAF) is defining a set of APIs in order to standardize the interface between the applications and the HA middleware. The Availability management Framework (AMF) is the middleware part responsible for coordinating redundant resources of the application. The AMF specification include the Information Model and the set of APIs between AMF and the application Concordia University/Ericsson

4 Concordia University/Ericsson
AMF and SAF Information Model Management (IMM) contains the information model where the AMF configuration for the application(s) is stored Application APIs AMF IMM The Availability Management Framework (AMF) interacts with the application components and the IMM service through a set of APIs Concordia University/Ericsson

5 Concordia University/Ericsson
Overview AMF and SAF AMF Configuration Motivation Input Sets Configuration Process Prototype Tool Conclusion Concordia University/Ericsson

6 Concordia University/Ericsson
AMF Configuration Service group: is a group of service units that provide service availability to a set of service instances Application: is a set of service groups Service unit: is a logical entity that represents a set of components that collaborate to provide a certain service. Component service instance: is a abstraction of the service provided by the component. Component: is a logical entity that represent a set of resources (hardware and/or software) to AMF. AMF will assign the HA state to an SU on behalf of an SI In order for AMF to manage the high availability of an application it requires a certain organization of the application’s components know as a AMF configuration. Service instance: is a abstraction of the service provided by the service unit. Application SG (At runtime) Active: Standby: SU SU Component SI CSI SI CSI Component SI CSI Component Component Concordia University/Ericsson

7 Concordia University/Ericsson
Overview AMF and SAF AMF Configuration Motivation Input Sets Configuration Process Prototype Tool Conclusion Concordia University/Ericsson

8 Concordia University/Ericsson
Motivation Generating a AMF configuration manually: Can be tedious, error prone and frustrating task because of the large number of inter-related entities that need to be explored. Consistency check and calculations must be performed manually at various levels taking into account dependency, constraints, capabilities… Automatic Generating of AMF configurations : Facilitates the job of a configuration developer, enabling him to generate a configuration within a few minutes and according to his preferences. Opens the door for multiple configurations generation and thus we will be able compare and rank configurations according to predefined criteria's . Concordia University/Ericsson

9 Concordia University/Ericsson
In order to come up with a method for generating configurations automatically, one should put himself in the shoes of the configuration developer that used to design a configuration manually. What are the types to be used? How many entities are needed? How to rank SUs for SIs? Etc… Concordia University/Ericsson

10 Configuration Generation
Input Sets ETF(entity type file) User requirements Configuration Generator Configuration saved as IMM XML output Concordia University/Ericsson

11 Concordia University/Ericsson
Overview AMF and SAF AMF Configuration Motivation Input Sets Configuration Process Prototype Tool Conclusion Concordia University/Ericsson

12 Concordia University/Ericsson
Entity Types File Most AMF entities refer to a type, the services (i.e. service Instance) and the entities that provide/protect the services (i.e. service units, service groups) are typed. The Entity Type File (ETF) is an XML file provided by the software vendor to describe the software type, capability, dependency, etc. App Types Comp Types Service Types SG Types SG Types SG Types SG Types Comp Types Comp Service Types Comp Types Comp Service Types SU Types SU Types SU Types SU Types SU Types SU Types SU Types Comp Types Comp Types Comp Types Comp Types Comp Types Comp Types Comp Types Comp Types Comp Types Comp Types Concordia University/Ericsson

13 Input Sets (to generate a configuration)
Software Description User Requirements Entity Types File (ETF): SI Templates: CSI Templates: Cluster Information: SU Types App Types SG Types Component Types Component Service Types Service Types Member CSI Templates Number of SIs Service Type Required Redundancy Model SI dependency Number of Active/Standby Assignments Number of CSIs Component Service Type CSI Dependency CSI Attributes Node attributes Cluster name Number of Nodes

14 Concordia University/Ericsson
Challenges Type constraints: Specific component capabilities for certain redundancy model Range: Min number of components of a certain type per SU Limitations Components limited capabilities Max number of component per SU Dependencies Component types could depend on other component types in order to provide a service Missing types ETF does not necessary provide all the types. Equal distribution of the load Ranking the SUs for SIs plays an essential role in the configuration assignments. Concordia University/Ericsson

15 Concordia University/Ericsson
Type constraints: Required Redundancy Model SI template Service type Number of SIs SI CSI SI CSI SI CSI Service Type CST Application Type Supports SG Types SG Types Supports SG Types Supports SU Types Component Types SU Types Component Types SU Types Component Types Redundancy Model Provides Service Type Provides Component Service Type Can be Active for X SIs Can be standby for Y SIs Can Be active for X CSIs/x=1..* Can Be stand by for Y CSIs/Y=0..* Concordia University/Ericsson

16 Concordia University/Ericsson
Overview AMF and SAF AMF Configuration Motivation Input Sets Configuration Generation Process Prototype Tool Conclusion Concordia University/Ericsson

17 Configuration Generation Process
Collect Data CSI-0 CSI-1 CSI-2 CSI-3 CSI-4 CSI-5 CSI-6 CSI-7 CSI-8 SIs & CSIs Find/Create Types Node1 Node2 Comp Type SG Type App Type SU Type Look here Create Entities and populate their attributes App SG SU Distribute SUs on Nodes Comp-0 Comp-1 Comp-4 Comp-3 Save Configuration Concordia University/Ericsson

18 Concordia University/Ericsson
Collecting Data User Input XML File (ETF types) SI templates CSI Templates User Defined Types ETF Types AMF Types Parser Collected Data Concordia University/Ericsson

19 Entity Type File Types & Created Types
ETF does not necessary provide the description of all types, sometimes types must be created to generate a complete AMF configuration. App Types Comp Types Service Types SG Types SU Types App Types Comp Types Service Types SG Types SG Types SG Types SG Types SU Types SU Types SU Types Comp Types Comp Service Types Comp Types Comp Service Types SU Types SU Types SU Types SU Types Comp Types Comp Types Comp Types Comp Types Comp Types Comp Types Comp Types Comp Types Comp Types Comp Types Created Types ETF Types Concordia University/Ericsson

20 Concordia University/Ericsson
Finding Types For every CSI template: Find a CT within the component Types that have no parent SUT that: provides the required CST. Can handle the expected Load of CSIs. Return the CT with the highest capabilities. Start Fetch SI template For every CSI template: Find a CT within the current SUT that: provides the required CST. Can handle the expected Load of CSIs. Return the CT with the highest capabilities. find SU Type SU type Found No Create SU type Yes Concordia University/Ericsson

21 Check if an existent SG can protect the SIs
Finding Types Previous Slide Start Fetch SI template Check if an existent SG can protect the SIs find SU Type SU type Found Create SU type Find SG type SG type Found No Create SG type Yes Return Found/Created: SU type SG type end Concordia University/Ericsson

22 Creating Entities Template SIs SU SU Type SI SI SI SI SI
Component Type SI SI Component Type Component Type Component Component (1..*)Template CSIs Max number of components Min number of components Comp capability CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI Load Calculated according To: Number of SIs Number of CSIs Number of SUs Number of Active assignments Number of Standby Assignments CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI CSI

23 Concordia University/Ericsson
Ranking SU for SIs (N-Way) SG SU 2 SU 3 SU 1 SI SI SI SU Rank: SU 1 = 1 SU 2 = 2 SU 3 = 3 SU Rank: SU 1 = 1 SU 2 = 2 SU 3 = 3 SU Rank: SU 1 = 2 SU 2 = 3 SU 3 = 1 Active Load Standby Load Inadequate Ranking Concordia University/Ericsson

24 Methodologically Ranking SU for SIs
(N-Way) SG SU 2 SU 3 SU 1 Ranking method is a function of: Number of SIs Number of SUs Number of Active assignments Number of standby assignments SI SI SI SU Rank: SU 1 = 0 SU 2 = 1 SU 3 = 2 SU Rank: SU 1 = 2 SU 2 = 0 SU 3 = 1 SU Rank: SU 1 = 1 SU 2 = 2 SU 3 = 0 Active Load Standby Load Concordia University/Ericsson

25 Saving the Configuration
AMF Model AMF Configuration IMM XML Converter IMM Initial AMF Configuration Outputted configuration Concordia University/Ericsson

26 Configuration Generator
SI Template Fetcher Configuration Generator Types Finder/Creator Fetch SI Template Return SI Template Call Type Finder Return Types Create the required number of Entities, Calculate configuration attributes Rank SUs, Distribute them on nodes, Etc. Fetch next SI Template Concordia University/Ericsson

27 Concordia University/Ericsson
Overview AMF and SAF AMF Configuration Motivation Input Sets Configuration Process Prototype Tool Conclusion Concordia University/Ericsson

28 Prototype Tool - Overview
Object Model GUI Configuration Generator User Input/output module Data repository (XML Files) Concordia University/Ericsson

29 Concordia University/Ericsson
Overview AMF and SAF AMF Configuration Motivation Input Sets Configuration Process Prototype Tool Conclusion Concordia University/Ericsson

30 Conclusion/Future Work
The approach and decision made in the generation process produces one specific configuration. In case of generation failure, feedback is provided to the user Reduce the number of SIs. Increase the number of SUs. Different configurations could be generated using different preferences and optimization decisions. Criteria? Concordia University/Ericsson

31 Discussion/Questions
Concordia University/Ericsson

32 Concordia University/Ericsson

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