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From Gap Year to Global Scholars: Establishing a continuum of engagement Joe O’Shea, pH.D. Center for Undergraduate Research & Academic Engagement Florida.

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Presentation on theme: "From Gap Year to Global Scholars: Establishing a continuum of engagement Joe O’Shea, pH.D. Center for Undergraduate Research & Academic Engagement Florida."— Presentation transcript:

1 From Gap Year to Global Scholars: Establishing a continuum of engagement
Joe O’Shea, pH.D. Center for Undergraduate Research & Academic Engagement Florida State university

2 Continuum of Engagement
To what end? Advance a scholar-citizen model: cultivate students’ talents and empower them to use these to improve the public good How? Scaffold high-impact practices in continuum of curricular and co-curricular engagement Balance challenge and support Be accessible and overcome “old white man’s paradigm” Provide multiple entry points to continuum Pre-matriculation to graduation

3 Gap years!

4 Gap years! Establish university deferment policy (colleges’ policies on American Gap Association website) Year of experiential education (intern, volunteer, work, or some combination; often overseas) Unlock students’ potential: Increase motivation and curiosity; retention and graduation rates; higher GPAs Cultivates protective factors for mental health: moral purpose; pro-social values; resilience; grit As with all HIPs, particularly beneficial for underrepresented students Access problem: financial and other support FSU (up to $50K in scholarships); UNC; Tufts; Princeton; State of Maryland’s pilot program Help students build on gap year when arrive on campus

5 Undergraduate research
Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) 350 students from all majors in ; modeled on UM program 1st & 2nd year students; some transfer and veteran; partnership with CARE & work study Year-long research assistantship with faculty, grad student, or local company (materials grants) Mentored/taught by upperclassmen via one credit hour courses; introduction to university life and research Present research at end-of-year university-wide symposium Move toward independent scholarship (IDEA grants for summer research ~$100K; senior theses, etc.)

6 International Service-Learning
Global Scholars: internship/international service-learning program with nonprofits in developing countries Nearly 50 students annually; strong focus on CARE and other underrepresented/low-income students (40%) with $50K in scholarships Student apply in Fall, training in the Spring via a one credit hybrid course, and then serve for 2-3 months overseas Each student must interview and be accepted by director of nonprofit (via Omprakash) Weekly reflections and blog posts Research-based capstone project Fall one credit course to process, reflect, share, and build on experience (e.g., more research) Regina Lee in Ghana

7 entrepreneurship Tech Fellows
Tech sector needs diversity; not all white nerds like me! Pilot summer 2016 w/ four CARE students Funded internships with TechStars Accelerator/Seed Fund 2 in Chicago 1 in Detroit 1 in Berlin Return & mentor/teach other students in spring; repeat cycle Bruce will talk about social entrepreneurship later

8 Thank you!

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