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AAS-BAAS Guided Pathways: Redesigning Students’ Experience

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Presentation on theme: "AAS-BAAS Guided Pathways: Redesigning Students’ Experience"— Presentation transcript:

1 AAS-BAAS Guided Pathways: Redesigning Students’ Experience
Achieving the 60x30TX and DCCCD Strategic Goals: It’s All about curriculum pathways and the network! AAS-BAAS Guided Pathways: Redesigning Students’ Experience Jacquelyn “Jackie” Glee, Coordinator, Transfer and Articulation Services; District Office Doris Rousey, District Director, Strategic Initiatives; District Office

2 Today’s Objectives Updates on GEMS-Guided Pathways for AAS-BAAS
Achieving the 60X30TX and DCCCD Strategic Goals: It’s All about curriculum pathways and the network! Today’s Objectives Updates on GEMS-Guided Pathways for AAS-BAAS Regional Pathway Initiatives DCCCD/Dallas ISD Collegiate Academies What’s Next Activity

3 UPDATES on GEMS-Guided Pathways for AAS-BAAS
Achieving the 60X30TX and DCCCD Strategic Goals: It’s All about curriculum pathways and the network! UPDATES on GEMS-Guided Pathways for AAS-BAAS Doris Rousey - District Director, Strategic Initiatives; District Office

4 Achieving the 60X30TX and DCCCD Strategic Goals: It’s All about curriculum pathways and the network!
Overarching Goal 60x30TX GOAL: By 2030, at least 60 percent of Texans ages will have a certificate or degree.

5 Achieving the 60X30TX and DCCCD Strategic Goals: It’s All about curriculum pathways and the network!
60x30TX : Second Goal GOAL: By 2030, at least 550,000 students in that year will complete a certificate, associate, bachelor’s, or master’s from an institution of higher education in Texas.

6 Regional Pathway Initiatives
Achieving the 60X30TX and DCCCD Strategic Goals: It’s All about curriculum pathways and the network! Regional Pathway Initiatives

7 GOAL: Regional Pathway Initiatives
Achieving the 60X30TX and DCCCD Strategic Goals: It’s All about curriculum pathways and the network! Regional Pathway Initiatives GOAL: Create a regional AAS-BAAS guided pathway template. NTCCC

8 Eliminate Excessive Courses
Pathways benefits: Reduce Student Debt Eliminate Excessive Courses Reduce Time to Degree Credential for Transfer or Workforce

Achieving the 60X30TX and DCCCD Strategic Goals: It’s All about curriculum pathways and the network! Regional Pathway Initiatives NTCCC AAS-BAAS Template Utilize the AAS-BAAS template to develop transfer pathways for the DCCCD/Dallas ISD Collegiate Academies degree programs

10 DCCCD/Dallas ISD Collegiate Academies
Achieving the 60X30TX and DCCCD Strategic Goals: It’s All about curriculum pathways and the network! DCCCD/Dallas ISD Collegiate Academies The goals of these academies: enable students to earn an AAS tuition-free while in high school, prepare students for transfer and graduation with a four-year degree, and provide skills to enter the job market upon completion of high school.

11 Eight (8) Collegiate Academies
Achieving the 60X30TX and DCCCD Strategic Goals: It’s All about curriculum pathways and the network! DCCCD/Dallas ISD Collegiate Academies Eight (8) Collegiate Academies DCCCD Degree Programs


13 Faculty Colloquium Next Steps?
Achieving the 60X30TX and DCCCD Strategic Goals: It’s All about curriculum pathways and the network! Next Steps? Faculty Colloquium

14 THANK YOU! Jacquelyn “Jackie” Glee - Coordinator,
Achieving the 60X30TX and DCCCD Strategic Goals: It’s All about curriculum pathways and the network! THANK YOU! Jacquelyn “Jackie” Glee - Coordinator, Transfer and Articulation Services; District Office Doris Rousey - District Director, Strategic Initiatives; District Office

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