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Multiple alignment One of the most essential tools in molecular biology Finding highly conserved subregions or embedded patterns of a set of biological.

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Presentation on theme: "Multiple alignment One of the most essential tools in molecular biology Finding highly conserved subregions or embedded patterns of a set of biological."— Presentation transcript:

1 Multiple alignment One of the most essential tools in molecular biology Finding highly conserved subregions or embedded patterns of a set of biological sequences Conserved regions usually are key functional regions, prime targets for drug developments Estimation of evolutionary distance between sequences Prediction of protein secondary/tertiary structure Practically useful methods only since 1987 (D. Sankoff) Before 1987 they were constructed by hand Dynamic programming is expensive MSA gives stronger signal for sequence similarity than pairwise alignment – conserved pattern may be so dissimilar or dispersed that it cannot be detected when just two strings are aligned Build protein family – collection of proteins with similar structure, function and evolutionary history Consensus sequence – representative sequence constructed from MSA of members of protein family Used in databases Estimate evolutionary distance by assuming consensus sequence is ancestor Other uses: Sequence assembly, as in ARACHNE

2 . Alignment between globins (human beta globin, horse beta globin,
An Alignment between globins produces by an alignment program Clustal. The proteins that appear in the alignment are human beta globin, horse beta globin, human alpha globin, horse alpha globin, cyanohaemoglobin, whale myoglobin and leghaemoglobin in that order. The boxes mark the seven alpha helices composing each globin. Alignment between globins (human beta globin, horse beta globin, human alpha globin, horse alpha globin, cyanohaemoglobin, whale myoglobin, leghaemoglobin) produced by Clustal. Boxes mark the seven alpha helices composing each globin. .


4 Definition Given strings x1, x2 … xk a multiple (global) alignment maps them to strings x’1, x’2 … x’k that may contain spaces where |x’1| = |x’2| = … = |xk’| The removal of all spaces from x’i leaves xi, for 1 i  k

5 Definitions Multiple Alignment Motif
A rectangular arrangement, where each row consists of one protein sequence padded by gaps, such that the columns highlight similarity/conservation between positions Motif A conserved element of a protein sequence alignment that usually correlates with a particular function Motifs are generated from a local multiple protein sequence alignment corresponding to a region whose function or structure is known

6 Example of motif NAYCDEECK NAYCDKLC- -GYCN-ECT NDYC-RECR Motifs are conserved and hence predictive of any subsequent occurrence of such a structural/functional region in any other novel protein sequence

7 Scoring multiple alignments
Ideally, a scoring scheme should Penalize variations in conserved positions higher Relate sequences by a phylogenetic tree Tree alignment Usually assume Independence of columns Quality computation Entropy-based scoring Compute the Shannon entropy of each column Minimize the total entropy Steiner string Sum-of-pairs (SP) score

8 Tree alignment Ideally:
Find alignment that maximizes probability that sequences evolved from common ancestor x y ? z w v

9 Tree alignment Model the k sequences with a tree having k leaves (1 to 1 correspondence) Compute a weight for each edge, which is the similarity score Sum of all the weights is the score of the tree Assign sequences to internal nodes so that score is maximized

10 Tree alignment example
Match +1, gap -1, mismatch 0 If x=CT and y=CG, score of 6 CAT CTG x y GT/CT = +1, CAT/CT=+1, CG/CG=+2, CTG/CG=+1,CT/CG=+1 CG GT

11 Analysis The tree alignment problem is NP-complete
Holds even for the special case of star alignment “lifting alignment” gives a 2-approximate algorithm The generalized tree alignment problem (find the best tree) is also NP-complete Special cases for different kinds of scoring metrics Size of alphabet Triangle inequality

12 Consensus representations
Relative frequencies of symbols in each column Adds up to 1 in each column Steiner string Minimize the consensus error May not belong to the set of input strings Consensus string for a given multiple alignment Choose optimal character in every column Consensus string is the concatenation of these characters Alignment error of a column is the distance-sum to the optimal character of all symbols in the column Alignment error of a consensus string is the sum of all column errors Optimal consensus string: optimize over all multiple alignments Signature representation Regular expression Helicase protein: [&H][&A]D[DE]xn[TSN]x4[QK]Gx7[&A] & is any amino acid in {I,L,V,M,F,Y,W}

13 Steiner string and consensus error metric
Minimize Σ D(s,xi), over all possible strings s String smin is called the Steiner string May not belong to the set of inputs NP-complete Consensus error metric based on similarity to the steiner string center string provides an approximation factor of 2 i

14 Relating alignment error and consensus error
Let s be the steiner string for a string set X = {xi} and c be the optimal consensus string For any multiple alignment M of X, Let xM be the consensus string Alignment error of xM = consensus error using xM ≥ consensus error using s Consider the star multiple alignment N using s Alignment error of N using s = consensus error using s Alignment error of N using s ≤ Alignment error of any multiple alignment N is the optimal multiple alignment and s (after removing gaps) is the consensus string Steiner string provides the optimal consensus string

15 Aligning to family representations
Profile Apply dynamic programming Score depends on the profile Consensus string Signature representations Align to regular expressions / CFG/ …

16 Scoring Function: Sum of Pairs
Definition: Induced pairwise alignment A pairwise alignment induced by the multiple alignment Example: x: AC-GCGG-C y: AC-GC-GAG z: GCCGC-GAG Induces: x: ACGCGG-C; x: AC-GCGG-C; y: AC-GCGAG y: ACGC-GAC; z: GCCGC-GAG; z: GCCGCGAG

17 Sum of Pairs (cont’d) The sum-of-pairs (SP) score of a multiple alignment A is the sum of the scores of all induced pairwise alignments S(A) = i<j S(Aij) Aij is the induced alignment of xi, xj Drawback: no evolutionary characterization Every sequence derived from all others

18 Optimal solution for SP scores
Multidimensional Dynamic Programming Generalization of pair-wise alignment For simplicity, assume k sequences of length n The dynamic programming array is k-dimensional hyperlattice of length n+1 (including initial gaps) The entry F(i1, …, ik) represents score of optimal alignment for s1[1..i1], … sk[1..ik] Initialize values on the faces of the hyperlattice

19 k= k –1=7 A S V

20 Complexity Space complexity: O(nk) for k sequences each n long.
Computing at a cell: O(2k). cost of computing δ. Time complexity: O(2knk). cost of computing δ. Finding the optimal solution is exponential in k Proven to be NP-complete for a number of cost functions

21 Algorithms Faster Dynamic Programming Star alignment
Carrillo and Lipman 88 (CL) Pruning of hyperlattice in DP Practical for about 6 sequences of length about 200. Star alignment Progressive methods CLUSTALW PILEUP Iterative algorithms Hidden Markov Model (HMM) based methods

22 CL algorithm Find pairwise alignment
Trial multiple alignment produced by a tree, cost = d This provides a limit to the volume within which optimal alignments are found Specifics Sequences x1,..,xr. Alignment A, score = s(A) Optimal alignment A* Aij = induced alignment on xi,..,xj on account of A D(xi,xj) = score of optimal pairwise alignment of xi,xj ≥ s(Aij )

23 CL algorithm d ≤ s(A*) = s(A*uv) + Σ Σ s(A*ij) ≤
s(A*uv) + Σ Σ D(xi,xj) s(A*uv) ≥ d - Σ Σ D(xi,xj) = B(u,v) Compute B(u,v) for each (u,v) pair Consider any cell f with projection (s,t) on u,v plane. If A* passes through f then A*uv passes through (s,t) beststuv = best pairwise alignment of xu,xv that passes through (s,t). beststuv = score of the prefixes up to (s,t) + cost(xsi,xsj) + score of suffixes after (s,t) i i < j (i,j) ≠ (u,v) i i < j (i,j) ≠ (u,v)

24 CL algorithm If beststuv < B(u,v), then
A* cannot pass through cell f Discard such cells from computation of DP Can prune for all (u,v) pairs

25 Star alignment Heuristic method for multiple sequence alignments
Select a sequence c as the center of the star For each sequence x1, …, xk such that index i  c, perform a Needleman-Wunsch global alignment Aggregate alignments with the principle “once a gap, always a gap.” Consider the case of distance (not scores) Find multiple alignment with minimum distance

26 Star alignment example

27 Choosing a center Try them all and pick the one with the least distance Let D(xi,xj) be the optimal distance between sequences xi and xj. Given a multiple alignment A, let c(Aij) be the distance between xi and xj that is induced on account of A. Calculate all O(k2) alignments, and pick the sequence xi that minimizes the following as xc Σ D(xi,xj) The resulting multiple alignment A has the property that c(Aci) = D(xc,xi). j ≠ i

28 Analysis Assuming all sequences have length n
O(k2n2) to calculate center Step i of iterative pairwise alignment takes O((i.n).n) time two strings of length n and i.n O(k2n2) overall cost Produces multiple sequence alignments whose SP values are at most twice that of the optimal solutions, provided triangle inequality holds.

29 Bound analysis Let M = Σ c(A1i) = Σ D(x1,xi), assume x1 is the center
2 c(A) = Σ Σ c(Aij) ≤ Σ Σ [c(A1i) + c(A1j)] = 2(k-1) Σ c(A1i) = 2(k-1) M 2 c(A*) = Σ Σ c(A*ij) ≥ Σ Σ D(xi,xj) ≥ k Σ c(A1i) = k M c(A)/c(A*) <= 2(k-1)/k <= 2 i = 2 i = 2 i j ≠ i i j ≠ i i = 2 i j ≠ i i j ≠ i i = 2

30 Consensus error Center string c also provides an approximation factor of 2 under consensus error (score) metric Assume triangle inequality Let E(x) denote the consensus error wrt string x. Let z be the Steiner string E(z) = Σ D(z,xi) i

31 Consensus error For any string y in the input set,
E(y) = Σ D(y,xi) ≤ Σ [D(y,z) + D(z,xi)] = (k-2) D(y,z) + D(y,z) + Σ D(z,xi) = (k-2) D(y,z) + E(z) Pick y* from input set that is closest to z. E(z) = Σ D(z,xi) ≥ k D(y*,z) E(y*)/E(z) ≤ [(k-2) D(y*,z) +E(z)]/E(z) ≤ (k-2) D(y*,z) / [k D(y*,z)] + 1 ≤ 2-2/k <= 2 E(c) ≤ E(y*) i y ≠ xi y ≠ xi i

32 ClustalW Progressive alignment 3 steps:
All pairs of sequences are aligned to produce a distance matrix (or a similarity matrix) A rooted guide tree is calculated from this matrix by the neighbor-joining (NJ) method Neighbor Joining – Saitou, 1987 The sequences are aligned progressively according to the branching order in the guide tree

33 ClustalW example S1 ALSK S2 TNSD S3 NASK S4 NTSD

34 ClustalW example S1 ALSK S2 TNSD S3 NASK S4 NTSD S1 S2 S3 S4 9 4 7 8 3
All pairwise alignments S1 S2 S3 S4 9 4 7 8 3 Distance Matrix

35 ClustalW example S1 ALSK S2 TNSD S3 NASK S4 NTSD S1 S2 S3 S4 9 4 7 8 3
All pairwise alignments S1 S2 S3 S4 9 4 7 8 3 S3 S1 S2 S4 Rooted Tree Neighbor Joining Distance Matrix

36 Multiple Alignment Steps
ClustalW example S1 ALSK S2 TNSD S3 NASK S4 NTSD Multiple Alignment Steps Align S1 with S3 Align S2 with S4 Align (S1, S3) with (S2, S4) All pairwise alignments S1 S2 S3 S4 9 4 7 8 3 S3 S1 S2 S4 Rooted Tree Neighbor Joining Distance Matrix

37 Multiple Alignment Steps
ClustalW example Multiple Alignment Steps -ALSK NA-SK S1 ALSK S2 TNSD S3 NASK S4 NTSD -ALSK -TNSD NA-SK NT-SD Align S1 with S3 Align S2 with S4 Align (S1, S3) with (S2, S4) -TNSD NT-SD All pairwise alignments Multiple Alignment S1 S2 S3 S4 9 4 7 8 3 Neighbor Joining Rooted Tree Distance Matrix

38 Other progressive approaches
PILEUP Similar to CLUSTALW Uses UPGMA to produce tree

39 Problems with progressive alignments
Depend on pairwise alignments If sequences are very distantly related, much higher likelihood of errors Care must be made in choosing scoring matrices and penalties

40 Iterative refinement in progressive alignment
One problem of progressive alignment: Initial alignments are “frozen” even when new evidence comes Example: x: GAAGTT y: GAC-TT z: GAACTG w: GTACTG Frozen! Now clear that correct y = GA-CTT

41 Multiple alignment tools
Clustal W (Thompson, 1994) Most popular PRRP (Gotoh, 1993) HMMT (Eddy, 1995) DIALIGN (Morgenstern, 1998) T-Coffee (Notredame, 2000) MUSCLE (Edgar, 2004) Align-m (Walle, 2004) PROBCONS (Do, 2004)

42 Evaluating multiple alignments
Balibase benchmark (Thompson, 1999) De-facto standard for assessing the quality of a multiple alignment tool Manually refined multiple sequence alignments Quality measured by how good it matches the core blocks Clustal W performs the best Problems of Clustal W Once a gap, always a gap Order dependent

43 Computationally challenging problems
Scalable multiple alignment Dynamic programming is exponential in number of sequences Practical for about 6 sequences of length about 200.

44 Quick Primer on NP completeness
Polynomial-time Reductions If we could solve X in polynomial time, then we could also solve Y in polynomial time YP X Class NP Set of all problems for which there exists an efficient certifier P = NP? General transformation of checking a solution to finding a solution Can arbitrary instances of Y be solved using a polynomial number of standard computational steps plus a polynomial number of calls to a black box that solves X Efficient checking vs efficient solving

45 NP-completeness X is NP-complete if
XNP For all YNP, YPX If X is NP-complete, X is solvable in polynomial time iff P=NP Satisfiability is NP-complete If Y is NP-complete and X is in NP with the property that YPX, then X is NP complete

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