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Some More Facts About America

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1 Some More Facts About America

2 Make the right choice. a)1402 c)1492 b)1482 d)1392
1. Сhristopher Columbus discovered America in… a) c)1492 b) d)1392 2. Christopher Columbus discovered … a)Central America c) North America b)South America d) the United States of America 3. … is a very popular sport in the USA. a) basketball c) tennis b) football d) hockey 4. The longest river of the USA is … a) the Mississippi c) the Colorado b) the Potomac d) the Missouri

3 5. The biggest state of the USA is …
a) Texas c) Florida b) Alaska d) California 6. The capital of the USA is… a) Washington , D.C c) New York b) Washington d) Philadelphia The official national symbol of the USA is … the Statue of Liberty c) the turkey the eagle d) the « Mayflower»

4 Discovery of America

5 Christopher Columbus


7 The Santa Maria, the Pinta, the Nina

8 August 3,1492

9 Columbus thought he had discovered a new way to India

10 North America and South America

11 The Admiral of the Ocean

12 Columbus voyages to the New World

13 The USA Geography In North America its neighbours extends from … to …
many kinds of land nearly every kinds of weather the longest river the highest mountains a lot of open space

14 The Country and Its Capital
50 states some are big and some are small the capital city on the banks of the Potomac River doesn’t belong to any state the US government and Congress the largest cities more than 300 million people

15 New York – the Largest City of the USA
an important centre of culture in the northeast of the country lies on some islands famous for its skyscrapers, streets and avenues Manhattan, the central part of New York The Metropolitan Museum Central Park in Manhattan The Statue of Liberty

16 Hometask Ex.7 p.48

17 Сегодня на уроке я узнал … познакомился … запомнил … выучил …

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