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Financing cystic fibrosis – focusing on pulmonary transplantation

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1 Financing cystic fibrosis – focusing on pulmonary transplantation
Tamás Szamosi medical expert National Health Insurance Fund Administration CF Better Together Conference COLLABORATION WITH OUR NEIGHBORS CONFERENCE IN HUNGARY National Health Insurance Fund Administration  – Health, safety!

2 The role of the National Health Insurance Fund Administration (NEAK)
The National Health Insurance Fund is supervised by the Government of Hungary The central official organ of health insurance is managed by the Government through the Minister of Human Resources. Benefits in kind (like cost-free healthcare services - preventive examinations, primary healthcare, specialised inpatient care, specialised outpatient care, rehabilitation, drug reimbursement, reimbursement for medical aids, etc.) and cash benefits are provided by the NEAK to the insured persons.  The NEAK has contractual relations with the healthcare providers. Investment and development costs of healthcare institutions are not covered by the Health Insurance Fund budget. National Health Insurance Fund Administration  – Health, safety!

3 Reimbursement for different provider’s level
Risk presents on the provider’s level Primary care: per-capita + supplementary payment + quality parameters based additional payment Specialised care Acute hospital care = DRGs like payment with some additonal rules Chronic hospital care = bed-days modified depending on type of chronic care Half-day rehabilitation reimbursement based on protocol Out-patient care = fee for service Item-based reimbursement Risk presents on the payer’s level National Health Insurance Fund Administration  – Health, safety!

4 Cystic fibrosis (mucoviscidosis):
Inherited (autosomal recessive), chronic, progressive disease → incurable, but treatable prevalence: Hungary 1:4000 (elsewhere 1:2500) life expectancy over 30 years. Effected organs: Risks: Respiratory system Bacterial and fungal infections, progressive lung destruction Digestive system Weight loss, chronic pancreatitis, malabsorption Reproductive system Late puberty, male infertility glandulae sudoriferae Salty sweat, dehydration, upset of the balance of minerals  Life expectancy determined by the state of the lungs usually National Health Insurance Fund Administration  – Health, safety!

5 The European Cystic Fibrosis Society (ECFS)
- patients registrated (till )

6 Financing cystic fibrosis
Health care components: (Genetic background – only in families with known mutations) Diagnosis In-patient and out-patient care (patient’s history, physical examination, laboratory measures, imaging technologies, imaging technologies (X-rays, US, CT, HRCT), pulmonary function examinations controls Treatment of acut exacerbations Non-pharmaceutical, pharmaceutical, surgical Rehabilitation Pre- and posttransplant procedures Chronic medical attendance Palliative care GOAL: maintain quality of life → prevent infections → eradication of early infections → avoid malnutrition National Health Insurance Fund Administration  – Health, safety!

7 Changes in DRG in connection with cystic fibrosis
** Főcsoport: 04 Diseases of the respiratory tract Min. days required Max. days Value unit * 04M 1450 Cystic fibrosis (lungs) 3 37 1,68818 Introduction of course-like in-patient care ( ) #,* 04M 145A Treatment of cystic fibrosis patients with broad spectrum intravenous antibiotics „A” 14 28 0,21024 145B Treatment of cystic fibrosis patients with intravenous antibiotic combination „B” 1,23203 145C Treatment of cystic fibrosis patients with broad spectrum intravenous antibiotic combination „C” 3,21923 145A and 145B DRG inactivation ( ) Changes in value unit: * 04M 1450 Cystic fibrosis (lungs) 3 37 1,57298 #* 145C Treatment of cystic fibrosis patients with broad spectrum intravenous antibiotic combination „C” 14 28 2,68269 Discontinuation of performance-volume limit (PVL) ( ): DRG 04M 1450 Cystic fibrosis (lungs) 04M 145C Treatment of cystic fibrosis patients with broad spectrum intravenous antibiotic combination „C” National Health Insurance Fund Administration  – Health, safety!

8 National Health Insurance Fund Administration – Health, safety!
Health care data PVL lifted National Health Insurance Fund Administration  – Health, safety!

9 National Health Insurance Fund Administration – Health, safety!
Health care data National Health Insurance Fund Administration  – Health, safety!

10 National Health Insurance Fund Administration – Health, safety!
Health care data National Health Insurance Fund Administration  – Health, safety!

11 Number of cases by country of origin (2012-2016)
Év Number of patients Costs (1000 HUF) Hungarian* Foreigner* 2012 1 207 4 37 2013 1 167 5 778 2014 1 139 6 598 2015 1 110 172 2016 1 102 131 *Data by country issueing the form National Health Insurance Fund Administration  – Health, safety!

12 Cases of cystic fibrosis by the age of the patients (2016)
National Health Insurance Fund Administration  – Health, safety!

13 Cystic fibrosis in-patient care data by provider – (2016)
National Health Insurance Fund Administration  – Health, safety!

14 Cystic fibrosis in-patient care data by provider – (2016)
National Health Insurance Fund Administration  – Health, safety!

15 Financing cystic fibrosis
National Health Insurance Fund Administration  – Health, safety!

16 Financing cystic fibrosis
National Health Insurance Fund Administration  – Health, safety!

17 Number of pulmonary transplantations by diseases
COPD: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; A1ATD: alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency; CF: cystic fibrosis; IIP: Idiopathic interstitial pneumonitis; ILD: Other intertitial pulmonary disease

18 National Health Insurance Fund Administration – Health, safety!
The story of the Hungarian pulmonary transplantation pulmonary transplantation was performed in Vienna, Austria - international cooperation, the costs were reimbursed after preliminary authorization The costs of the transplansplantation were in between 25 million- 66 million HUF. /1993 (IV. 2.) regulation Appendix No. 8. pulmonary transplantation occurs (costs: 20 million HUF per procedure). Transplantations are performed in close cooperation between the Semmelweis University and the National Institute of Oncology – first pulmonary transplantion was performed under the new circumstances National Health Insurance Fund Administration  – Health, safety!

19 Pulmonary transplants in Vienna (2010-2016) Other CF
Number of lung transplantations reimbursed by NEAK Pulmonary transplants in Vienna ( ) Other CF National Health Insurance Fund Administration  – Health, safety!

20 Pulmonary TX Vienna– Budapest 12.12.2015. - 20.09.2017.
Diagnosis LuTx Vienna (n=7) LuTx Budapest (n=36) Felnőtt COPD 17 Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) 1 6 IPF / ECMO Bridge Cystic fibrosis (CF) CF / Pulm/Kidney Tx CF / Pulm/Liver Tx Primer pulmonális hypertension (PH) 2 PH / ECMO Bridge Hystiocytosis Brochiectasia Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) Children CF

21 Hungarian Pulmonary Transplantations between 2015.12.12.-08.2017.
Pulmonary TX by indications (NEAK financed) Hungarian Pulmonary Transplantations between Cystic fibrosis Other, COPD Bronchiectasia Pulmonary eosinophilia Other interstitial pulmonary disease National Health Insurance Fund Administration  – Health, safety!

22 Hungary in the EUROTRANSPLANT
EUROTRANSPLANT: actually 8 countries involved Austria, Belgium, Netherlands, Croatia, Luxembourg, Germany, Slovenia and Hungary (full license from 1st July 2013.) More than 134 million inhabitants Appr patients involved in a single donor reporting system with a centrally coordinated waiting list (ENIS= Eurotransplant Network Information system) 77 transplant centers Anually appr donor organs distributed National Health Insurance Fund Administration  – Health, safety!

23 Hungary in the EUROTRANSPLANT
How to get on the waiting list? The patient has valid Hungarian health insurance The patient is a citizen of a memberstate of the European Union and has a valid approval of confirmation of costs (E 112/S2) The patient is a citizen of a country which has a bilateral convention with Hungary and the patient recieves a valid approval of confirmation of costs (Albania, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro) Third countries (e. g. Ukraine, Canada, etc.): by arrangement (24 months fee must be paid) Important aspects of allocation: the probable result of the TX, level of urgency, how long time does the patient had on the waiting list, organ balance between the countries National Health Insurance Fund Administration  – Health, safety!

24 National Health Insurance Fund Administration – Health, safety!
Legislation Act CLIV. of 1997 on Health Act LXXX. of 1997 on the Eligibility for Social Security Benefits and Private Pensions and the Funding for These Services 340/2013. (IX. 25.) Government Decree about the rules of medical treatment carried out in foreign countries  Act LXXXIII of 1997 on the benefits of compulsory health insurance Government Decree 43/1999 (III.3.) on the detailed rules of financing healthcare services from the Health Insurance Fund Ministerial Decree 9/1993 (IV. 2.) Appendix 8. on processes in item based financing If you have any further questions: Integrated Rights Protection Agency National Health Insurance Fund Administration  – Health, safety!

25 Additional „costs” of transplantation
Hungary in the EUROTRANSPLANT Additional „costs” of transplantation Registration fee (different by country in EUROTRANSPLANT) The balance between the offered and received organs The EUROTRANSPLANT agreement itself does not prohibit non-resident patients’ transplantation National Health Insurance Fund Administration  – Health, safety!

26 Hungary enters EUROTRANSPLANT with full license in 2013.07.01
Transplantations performed on behalf of patients with valid Hungarian health insurance (NEAK reimbursed) Hungary enters EUROTRANSPLANT with full license in Kidney Tx Pancreas Tx Liver Tx Heart Tx Lung Tx National Health Insurance Fund Administration  – Health, safety!

27 Costs of pulmonary transplantation in Hungary
Reimbursement of pulmonary transplantation Costs of pulmonary transplantation in Hungary National Health Insurance Fund Administration  – Health, safety!

28 Conclusions and future perspectives
Close monitoring of international trends and guidelines in the field for the benefit of the patients Helping our specialists to achieve their professional goals with policy Assisting in the evaluation and quality insurance of the necessary procedures by producing obtainable data and common platforms to impove the quality of health care in Hungary National Health Insurance Fund Administration  – Health, safety!

29 National Health Insurance Fund Administration – Health, safety!
Thank you for your attention! National Health Insurance Fund Administration  – Health, safety!

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