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Presentation on theme: "ERT 213 INTRODUCTION TO PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION"— Presentation transcript:


2 OUTLINES Course Structure Course Outcomes Learning Flow Evaluation
Text Books & References Examples Process Control

3 Course Structure Code : ERT 213 Unit : 3 Course Outcomes : 4
Topics : 5 Experiments : 6 No. of Students : 70

4 Course Outcomes CO1: Ability to DESCRIBE & DISCUSS the function of different types of valves, the operational aspects of the valves AND DISCUSS & SOLVE the valve sizing. CO2: Ability to DISCUSS & COMPARE the function & operational aspects of different types of pumps, fans, blowers and compressors CO3: Ability to INTERPRET the ISA Symbology for the Process Flow Diagram & DEVELOP the Process Flow Diagram. CO4: Ability to INTERPRET the ISA Symbology for the Piping & Instrumentation Diagram & EVALUATE appropriate symbols & DEVELOP the Piping & Instrumentation Diagram.

5 Process & Instrumentation Pump, Compressor, Fan & Blower
Learning Flow Valves In Industry Process & Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID) Pump, Compressor, Fan & Blower ISA Symbology Process Flow Diagram (PFD)

6 Evaluation 1)Examination (20%) Mid-term 1 : 10% Mid-term 2 : 10%
2) Course Work (80%) Assignments : 10% Laboratory Reports : 40% Integrated Project : 30%

7 Text Books 1)McAvinew T. and Mulley R., Control System Documentation: Applying Symbols and Identification, Second Edition, ISA, 2005 2) Skousen P.L., Valve Handbook, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2004

8 References 1) Meier F.A., and Meier C.A., Instrumentation & Control Systems Documentation, ISA, 2004 2) Rosaler R. C., Standard Handbook of Plant Engineering, Third Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2002

9 Valve Mechanical device specifically designed to direct, start, stop, mix or regulate the flow, pressure or temperature of a process fluid

10 Pump, Compressor, Fan & Blower
Pumps: A pump is a machine for raising a liquid - a relatively incompressible fluid - to a higher level of pressure or head. Compressors: A compressor is a machine for raising a gas - a compressible fluid - to a higher level of pressure. Blowers: A blower is a machine for moving volumes of a gas with moderate increase of pressure. Fans: A fan moves large amounts of gas with low increase in pressure.

11 PFD A process flow diagram (PFD) is a diagram commonly used in engineering to indicate the general flow of plant processes and equipment. The PFD displays the relationship between major equipment of a plant facility and does not show minor details such as piping details and designations. Process flow diagram of pilot scale Tongkat Ali water extract production (Athimulam et al., 2006)

12 P&ID A piping and instrumentation diagram/drawing (P&ID) is a diagram in the process industry which shows the piping of the process flow together with the installed equipment and instrumentation.

13 Why control is necessary?
Process Control Refers to the method that are used to control process variable when manufacturing product Why control is necessary? Safety Environment protection Equipment protection Smooth plant operation & production rate Product quality Profit optimization Monitoring & diagnosis

14 How will Process Control affect my career?
Designers must provide all required equipment. Vapor product T6 P1 T5 Feed Methane Ethane (LK) Propane Butane Pentane T1 T2 F1 T4 T3 L1 F2 F3 Liquid product A1 Process fluid Steam L. Key

15 How will Process Control affect my career?
Operations must devise strategies for implementation. Vapor product T6 P1 T5 Feed Methane Ethane (LK) Propane Butane Pentane T1 T2 F1 T4 T3 L1 F2 F3 Liquid product A1 Process fluid Steam L. Key

16 How will Process Control affect my career?
Experimenters must achieve precise, constant conditions. Vapor product T6 P1 T5 Feed Methane Ethane (LK) Propane Butane Pentane T1 T2 F1 T4 T3 L1 F2 F3 Liquid product A1 Process fluid Steam L. Key

17 How will Process Control affect my career?
P.C. Experts design & implement control and monitoring strategies. Vapor product T6 P1 T5 Feed Methane Ethane (LK) Propane Butane Pentane T1 T2 F1 T4 T3 L1 F2 F3 Liquid product A1 Process fluid Steam L. Key

18 Where does it fit into Bioprocess Engineering program?
Series of “cap-stone” courses reinforce and integrate knowledge. engineering sciences Math, science and ERT 213 flowsheeting PFD & P&ID ERT 321 dynamics control ERT 322 safety operability ERT 424/428 integrated process design Reinforce Learn new aspects Integrate knowledge Build professional skills Engineer in training

19 Where does it fit into Bioprocess Engineering program?
What happens when I open this valve? Reaction Engineering Fluid Mechanics Separation Process Heat Transfer

20 Process Control is a bridge from basic courses to engineering practice
ERT 213/3 flowsheeting PFD & P&ID ERT 321/4 dynamics control ERT 322/4 safety operability ERT 424/428/3 integrated process design Engineering students Engineering studies Engineers in training Engineering practice Engineering Practice

21 Thank you…

22 Why are you choosing Bioprocess Engineering programme?
What is your expectation from this programme?


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