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Past/Imperfect Progressive

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Presentation on theme: "Past/Imperfect Progressive"— Presentation transcript:

1 Past/Imperfect Progressive

2 Past Progressive What is it?
It is used when action was happening in the past. The rules for past progressive are the same as present progressive. Formula: estar (imperfect tense) + present participle.

3 Past progressive Formula Estar in the imperfect tense. Translate:
Estar (imperfect tense) + present participle Estar in the imperfect tense. estaba estábamos estabas estaba estaban Translate: She was cleaning. To clean = limpiar Ella estaba limpiando.

4 Present Participle Present participles end in –ing and are part of a compound verb phrase.

5 How to make present participles
If the infinitive ends in –ar, add –ando to the stem. If the infinitive ends in –er/-ir, add –iendo to the stem. Examples: Mandar = mandando Comer = comiendo

6 Present participle with DOP and IOP
Remember when adding direct objects, indirect objects, and reflexive pronouns, you add them to the end of the present participle and add an accent on the a of -ando and the e of -iendo or -yendo.

7 Past Progressive with reflexives
How would you conjugate ducharse in the tú of the past progressive? Remember it is the same as adding a DOP or IOP The difference is that you have to make the reflexive pronoun agree. Te estabas duchando. Or… Estabas duchándote.

8 present participle with y
If the stem of an –ER or –IR verb ends with a vowel, you have to change I to Y. creer  creyendo leer  leyendo caer  cayendo

9 present participle with stem changers
Stem changes can only happen if it is a stem changer in the present tense. it ends –ir. and it will change ou or ei Example: Dormir = durmiendo Preferir = prefiriendo

10 present participle with stem changers
More examples: Venir = viniendo Decir = diciendo

11 Práctica…. I was taking pictures. We were arriving. They were eating.
You guys were cutting the carrots. He was sleeping. She was reading. I was putting on makeup.

12 Práctica Estaba sacando fotos. Nosotros estábamos llegando.
Ellos estaban comiendo Uds. estaban cortando las zanahorias. El estaba durmiendo. Ella estaba leyendo. Me estaba poniendo maquillaje/Estaba poniéndome el maquillaje.

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