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2017 AP® Preadministration Session

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1 2017 AP® Preadministration Session

2 Page 5 - Bulletin for Students & Parents
What Students Can Bring Several sharpened Wooden No. 2 pencils with erasers Pens with black or dark blue ink Up to two approved calculators for ONLY the AP® Biology, Calculus, Chemistry, Physics, or Statistics exams. A ruler or straightedge for taking the AP Physics exam. What Students Cannot Bring Electronic equipment (cell phone, smartphone, laptop, table computer, etc.), portable listening or recording devices (MP3 player, iPod®, etc.), cameras, devices that can access the internet, and any other electronic or communication devices. Protractors are not allowed. Books, compasses, protractors, mechanical pencils, correction fluid, dictionaries, highlighters, notes, or colored pencils Scratch paper Watches that beep or have an alarm, or smartwatches. Food or drink

3 Course Type Exam Section 1 Exam Section 2 Biology Four Function w/square root Allowed Calculus AB/BC Graphing Calculator Required for Part B Required for Part A Chemistry A scientific or graphing calculator is recommended; a four-function calculator is allowed but not recommended. NOT ALLOWED Physics 1 Four-function, scientific or graphing calculator Physics C: Mechanics Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism Statistics Graphing calculator with statistics capabilities. Expected Calculator Policy To see which calculators are approved visit:

4 Things to Know If you are taking a morning exam, you need to be at the testing location by 7:15 If you are taking an afternoon exam, you need to be at the testing location by 11:15 If you’re taking morning and afternoon exams on the same day, bring a lunch! Travel to and from the testing location is YOUR responsibility!!! Think carpool…..

5 Regular Exam Schedule (on back of letter)
ALL students must arrive on time, we will not wait – unless you have a morning and afternoon exam on the same day. Make sure you are at the correct location This schedule can be found on the back of the white paper.

6 Late Exam Schedule All late exams will be given at the ELSC
Pink paper in folder

7 Veterans Coliseum – Blue Map
Tests Here Chemistry Psychology US History Lang & Comp HUGS Enter on the 2nd Avenue Bridge Side

8 Veterans Coliseum – Parking
Free parking is available in lot #3 between 2nd and 3rd Avenue & L Street and 3rd St SW. You must display the parking pass on your dashboard. The pass can be found in your folder. If you choose to not use the free parking, you are responsible for hourly fees.

9 Kennedy High School – Green Map
4545 Wenig Rd NE, Cedar Rapids 52402 Come in on 42nd Street NE, turn North onto Wenig Road. Park in the horseshoe and enter the door marked #1. The attendance ladies will direct you to the correct testing location. 2017 Exams held at Kennedy Week 1 Week 2 Spanish French Japanese Chinese Seminar German

10 ELSC – Cedar Room – Tan Map
2500 Edgewood Road NW Cedar Rapids, IA 52405 (Corner of Ellis Blvd and Edgewood Rd)

11 Finally… Are there any questions?
If you have any questions, please Mrs. Richey at Best of luck to you on your AP Exams!

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