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Ave Bremse and Ivika Maidre Estonian Rural Network Unit

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1 Ave Bremse and Ivika Maidre Estonian Rural Network Unit
Senec, Slovakia September 21-22, 2009 “Estonian experiences in LEADER program and establishing rural network” Ave Bremse and Ivika Maidre Estonian Rural Network Unit

2 Estonia before Leader program Partnerships Program 2000-2003
in framework of The Baltic Rural Partnerships Program for Sustainable Rural Livelihoods (BRPP) 3 partnerships were established in South-Eastern Estonia counties – Põlva, Valga and Võru. The Partnerships were functioning on the same principles as Local Action Groups. Results: successful projects and activities which were brought into life the concept of ‘co-operation’, involving all the relevant sectors for local development, was born.

3 Leader+ period More than half of LAG-s has been created by bottom-up – initiative what came from community based societies. In August 2006, 24 non-profit associations, meeting the requirements for a LAG, applied for the support for a local action group All the submitted applications were granted: 21+3 94% of Estonian rural area was covered by LAGs By , all the 24 LAGs submitted to the ARIB new or complemented strategies of their area

4 NDP measure 3.6 “Development of local initiative – LEADER-type measure” Supported activities - Leader+ Sceme 1. Objective: Development of a local action group and the strategy Administration of a local action group Informing and training of the population of an area Conducting the studies and making the analyses necessary for the preparation of the strategy Start-up of cooperation with other action groups, incl. international cooperation Scheme 2. Objective: Implementation of the strategy of an area Administration of a local action group Informing and training the population of an area Conducting the studies and making the analyses necessary for the complementation of the strategy Start-up of cooperation with other action groups, incl. international cooperation Individual project in line with the strategy (incl. investments)

5 Eligibility criteria for Leader LAG-s in Estonia
the LAG must be operated as a legal body with the status of a non-governmental organization; members of LAG can be only legal bodies, not single individuals. the area of one LAG should be made up of at least two local municipalities; Each municipality should “bring” with them at least two partners from socio-economic sector – it means that each municipality should be represented by municipality + NGO + entrepreneur; the activity of LAG should be open and also for new members.; for the Local Area Strategy some of the most important aspects are: an integrated approach; economic viability; sustainability; internal coherence and innovative nature of the strategy; and international and inter-regional cooperation.

6 Some aspects what made Leader strong in Estonia
Real partnership and cooperation between municipalities and societies. Each applicant of LAG status had freedom to put together their anmation and strategy creation plan by themself (organise trainings, researches, finding experts, etc). For applying as a LAG-s, organisation should presented their action plan and budget. The quality of the plan was evaluated and this was based of financing. They could change their plans and budget only 10% during actual activity. Time for creating strategy was almost 18 months! Foreign visits and study-trips was allowed already in preparation stages. LAG-s did many visits. Flexibility and freedom of LAG to choose measures of all 3 axis for strategies to build up their own measures for their area. Leader area based strategies, what was created in Leader + period, became very important documents.

7 Estonian Rural Development Plan 2007–2013 Axis IV – LEADER (2007-2013)
Leader - budget in Estonia - 10% of the RDP Budget – 89,4 billion euro 98% of Estonian rural area has been covered by LAGs. Only some local government units have not joined. Strong aspects for Leader ( ) Leader area based strategies, what was created in Leader + period, became very important documents. The strategy of a Leader LAG includes the main trends of the development strategy of the area and is created within The strategy can be amended in 2010 By Leader-axis, the measures of axes 1, 2 and 3 may be implemented. Flexibility and freedom of LAG to choose measures of all 3 axis for strategies. To build up their own measures for their area. International co-operation projects are part of the LAG strategy and budget.

8 Measures in area based strategies created by LAG-s – some examples
24 LAG-s – 118 measures Investments to develop quality of life Support for improvement of local enterpreneurship Support for community cooperation and development Support for improvement of local services Support for rural tourism Waste management and welfare of environment Support for free-time activities, trainings and life long education Support for develop local heritage traditions Young people – back to countryside Support for develop less active communities Innovation and new skills Bio-energy and other alternative energies

9 Leader map

10 The Estonian Rural Network - Mission and strategic objectives
Estonian Rural Network Unit established by the Rural Economy Research Centre (an authority under the administration of the Ministry of Agriculture) and started activities in May 2007. Since April 2008 Rural and Fisheries Networks Department: Rural Network Bureau Fisheries Network Bureau The main objective of the Estonian National Rural Network is to add value to the implementation of the Estonian Rural Development Programme.

11 The Estonian Rural Network - Structure
Estonian Rural Network Unit - no formal membership - at the moment 4 full time employees + 3 part time Network Cooperation Chamber – involves associations and organizations representing programme beneficiaries and organizations and authorities engaged in rural development. The members are selected according to the objectives of the axises of the Rural Development Plan Working groups: Leader Working Group - All 26 Estonian LAGs (represented by either LAG chairman, LAG manager, or another LAG representative) other working groups – planned in near future Budget – for period max €

12 The Estonian Rural Network - action plan:
organisation of events for rural development support activities as Leader information centre support to cooperation initiatives in national and EU level. collection, aggregation and dissemination of best practice spread information at the local, national, and EU level - through website and other means of media. administration of an operating website environment of network functions Quantitative targets are set only for larger Network activities. The work programme will be renewed according of needs, with ideas coming from Chamber of Cooperation and Ministry of Agriculture, LAGs and other stakeholders.

13 The Estonian Rural Network activities in 2009
Keyword – International relations: Partner for international Leader conferences in Estonia: - "International Place Marketing Conference" May 2009 and „Involving and developing the Comminity through the Projects“ May 2009 Rural Parliament of Estonian Villages: organised by Estonian Village Movement KODUKANT August 2009, Tartu County. Planned – 2 study tours to Sweden (Leader and farmers) Common study-tours with Finland to Scotland Summer seminar for Estonian LAG-s in Latvia – July 2009

14 Important aspects of networking activities:
Summary Important aspects of networking activities: Up-to-date information Readiness to react for actors` needs To share experiences and good practises

15 Thank you!

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