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Strategic Advisor for Social Work and Social Care Research

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1 Strategic Advisor for Social Work and Social Care Research
The main body of this paper consists of a discussion and analysis of the participative nature of a research project with young people. I relate this to the existing literature on participative research with children, and attempt to contribute to debates about participative research.

2 Aims to progress a UK-wide strategy to develop a sound long-term infrastructure for social work and social care research to promote high quality research and capacity of research community to produce it (distinctive focus on knowledge generation) to identify the optimal role for ESRC and others in advancing the agenda to build on existing momentum for change and concurrent initiatives, to invigorate the research field and research community of practice

3 A formidable challenge…..
bringing together diverse and dispersed stakeholder perspectives making productive connections with other disciplines while promoting distinctive social work and social care research developing shared recommendations for research themes, priorities, structure, mechanisms, funding establishing complementarity with concurrent policy/research strategies and initiatives developing coherent working arrangements for future planning balancing enhancement of intrinsic research quality with utility for policy and practice

4 Stage 1 Objectives To consolidate current evidence base on:
research capacity and capability needs existing resources and opportunities career pathway points for intervention key interdisciplinary linkages funding models gaps in all the above

5 To plan for future and agree recommendations for:
Stage 2 Objectives To plan for future and agree recommendations for: organising research themes short, medium and long-term research priorities optimal structures, mechanisms, and career intervention points (co)funding models to support these

6 Methodology: Delphi technique
structured group communication process: diverse and dispersed experts address complex problem through iterative stages, towards common objectives establish consultative panel (c30 members) representing as full as possible range of stakeholder perspectives iterative web based exchange, culminating in consultative event to ‘test’ recommendations advantages: logistics, time, cost, equal voice, committed network formally constituted embedded within a four-stage work programme Sept 08-Aug 09

7 Preliminary Stage: (Sept/Oct 2008)
orientation, planning, networking and preliminary consultation (includes Steering Group & UKSCRC) identifying sampling frame -organisations and key individuals recruitment to consultative panel desktop review of available evidence and gaps identification of ‘exemplar’ research themes for consultation focus design of Stage 1 questionnaire and setting up consultation website

8 Stage 1 Consultation & Analysis (Nov 2008 – Feb 2009)
questionnaire summarizes existing evidence base, using exemplar research themes invites responses to confirm or modify, address gaps, highlight constituency-specific issues, suggest priorities analysis/synthesis of feedback incorporated into discussion document for further comment analysis/synthesis informs Interim Progress Report and design of Stage 2 questionnaire

9 Stage 2 Consultation & Analysis (Mar - Jun 2009)
questionnaire drawing on Stage 1 synthesis to elicit views on: further research themes and priorities optimal structures, mechanisms, career intervention points potential (co)funding models analysis/synthesis of feedback incorporated into discussion document for further comment analysis/synthesis of above; consultation with Steering Group and UK SCRC; preparation of draft report and recommendations

10 Stage 3 Testing and Finalising Recommendations (Jul/Aug 2009)
two linked events: ‘special interest group’ meeting and ‘symposium’ at JSWERC conference July 2009 to ‘test’ draft recommendations with panel members and wider reference group; consolidate shared ownership of recommendations feedback to be incorporated into final Report and recommendations to Steering Group

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