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Lecturer’s employee organization (leo)

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Presentation on theme: "Lecturer’s employee organization (leo)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecturer’s employee organization (leo)
Review process

2 LEO Contract and Resources
LEO Contract Information can be found on the following sites: LEO Website Other valuable LEO Information can be found on the SEHS webpage:

3 LEO Appointments There are 9 different LEO Appointments:
LEO Lecturer I LEO Lecturer II LEO Lecturer III LEO Lecturer IV Intermittent Lecturer Adjunct Series Adjunct Professor * Adjunct Associate Professor * Adjunct Assistant Professor * Adjunct Lecturer * For terms and purposes of this presentation we will not discuss these titles, as they are not commonly used in the School of Education and Human Services* Article XI: Appointments, Major Review and Renewal, pg. 39 of contract

4 Types of reviews There are five types of reviews that lecturers will undergo within a unit: Annual Report Required of all lecturers when not up for the other four listed below Interim Review Conducted by no later than the end of the major (Fall/Winter) fifth semester and in the Winter. Due to most hires taking place in the Fall, most Interims are conducted during the fourth major semester. Major Review Conducted when a lecturer has worked for 8 consecutive fall and winter semesters or when he or she has worked at least 8 of the last 10 semesters, whichever occurs first. 2nd Major Review A Lecturer II or IV shall be reviewed in the final year of his or her appointment. Continuing Review Lecturer II and IV who have successfully completed two major reviews will undergo continuing reviews Article XI: Appointments, Major Review and Renewal, pg of contract

5 Article XIX: Performance Evaluation, pg. 101-102 of 2013-2018 contract
Annual reports Due to Department by March 12th Department Chair submits list of missing Annual Reports due to Dean’s Office by March 23rd Annual Reports cover all courses taught in a calendar year January 1-December 31 The Annual Report Form for SEHS Lecturers can be found at What is the Annual Report? 2 page response and completed Course Evaluation summary. The response must contain: List of courses taught for the calendar year Comment on teaching performance Comment on student evaluations Description of service contributions (lecturer III and IV’s only) Annual Reports submitted by an Employee during the time period covered by a review will be considered during that review. The Chair of the Department is responsible for providing timely feedback to the lecturer on their annual report. If a lecturer fails to submit an annual report in a timely matter, the academic unit can deny the annual increase By March 20th the department chair must have contacted the lecturer regarding their late report. By March 23rd send list of missing reports to Associate Dean, the department chair will continue to contact the lecturer until March 27th regarding their missing report The Associate Dean will reach out to the lecturer via by April 3rd. No responses received by April 20th will result in a formal letter via USPS from the Associate Dean denying the lecturer of their annual increase All Employees who work during any part of the annual report period shall be required to submit an annual report Article XIX: Performance Evaluation, pg of contract

6 Article XIX: Performance Evaluation, pg. 103 of 2013-2018 contract
Interim Reviews Due to Department by January 17th Only for Lecturer I and III’s Outlines for requirements for Interim Reviews can be found at : resources#tab-leo Interim Review Notebooks should contain the following: Interim Review Narrative Service Statement and Reflections (Lecturer III’s only) Annual Reports Attachments List of Courses Taught Course Evaluations (all courses and sections taught from date of hire through the review period) Classroom observation Syllabi for different courses taught Description of Service Contribution (Lecturer III’s only) Updated vita Article XIX: Performance Evaluation, pg. 103 of contract

7 Interim reviews(cont.)
The Chair of the Department will review, provide written feedback, conduct face to face meetings if needed and remind lecturers of response deadline by no later than February 20th. The lecturer also has the right to respond to the Chair’s feedback by no later than March 6th. Article XIX: Performance Evaluation, pg. 103 of contract

8 Article XIX: Performance Evaluation, pg. 103-105 of 2013-2018 contract
Major Reviews All Lecturer I and IIIs will undergo a major review if they have been consecutively employed by SEHS There are three resources on the SEHS website that outline the process and guidelines for LEO Major Reviews “Major & Continuing Renewal Review Process and Guidelines” “Major and Continuing Renewal Standards for LEO faculty” “Major Review Notebook Guidelines” All documents can be found at Due to Department by January 17th Department Chair submits to Dean’s Office with Chair Recommendation by March 9th Associate Dean presents to Executive Committee by March 14th Results of Review provided to lecturer by March 23rd Article XIX: Performance Evaluation, pg of contract

9 MaJor Reviews continued
A Lecturer’s Major Review should contain the following: Table of Contents Chair Statement (submitted by Chair to Dean’s office after the review has been submitted to the department) Teaching Statement and Reflection Service Statement and Reflection (Lecturer III only) Annual Reports Interim Review Narrative and Chair’s Response Attachments List of courses taught Course Evaluation Summary Form Course Evaluations Classroom Observations *At least two observations form two different years Course Syllabi Other course documentation (please see the major review notebook guidelines for specifics) List of service activities Vita Article XIX: Performance Evaluation, pg of contract

10 Major Reviews continued
Any major review shall be conducted by a committee of no fewer than three (3) members who will review, evaluate, and make recommendations to the Employee’s academic director/chair or dean as applicable. The committee may include a fellow lecturer who has passed a major review. Successful completion of a major review will promote a lecturer I to a lecturer II or a lecturer III to a lecturer IV Successful completion will result in a three year contract with SEHS. At the end of the lecturer’s third year they will undergo a second major review, which will follow the same guidelines as the first major review. Failure to successfully complete a major review could result in: Termination One year appointment with remediation plan and another major review. If Employee fails the subsequent major review, the Employee will be terminated. Article XIX: Performance Evaluation, pg of contract

11 Article XIX: Performance Evaluation, pg. 105-107 of 2013-2018 contract
Continuing reviews Lecturers who have successfully completed two major reviews shall undergo a continuing review prior the ending of their subsequent appointment. There are three major resources on Continuing Reviews, that can be found on the SEHS webpage at “Major & Continuing Renewal Review Process and Guidelines” “Major and Continuing Renewal Standards for LEO faculty” “Continuing Renewal Review Notebook Guidelines” Due to Department by January 17th Department Chair submits to Dean’s Office with Chair Recommendation by March 9th Associate Dean presents to Executive Committee by March 14th Results of Review provided to lecturer by March 23rd Article XIX: Performance Evaluation, pg of contract

12 Continuing review (continued…)
Continuing Reviews should contain the following Lecturer’s Statement and Reflection Service statement (applicable to lecturer IV only) Copy of course materials for the last two terms of instruction The following documents will be provided by the lecturer, department and school. In the future, these documents will be the sole responsibility of the department and the school: Chair Statement (Department) Annual Reports (Dean’s Office) Course Evaluation Summary Form (Department/Lecturer) Classroom Observations (Department/Lecturer) Course Evaluations (Department/Lecturer) Article XIX: Performance Evaluation, pg of contract

13 Continuing review (continued…)
Successful completion of Continuing Review will result in renewals for an additional 5-7 years Unsuccessful completion of Continuing Reviews will result in: One year terminal appointment Two year terminal appointment with remediation plan. Please see the SEHS Dean’s Office regarding the formation of a remediation plan. Article XIX: Performance Evaluation, pg of contract

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