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Closing: Ending the Trilogy

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1 Closing: Ending the Trilogy
Zachary Schultz Carr Competition 2012

2 The Ingredients Same Cast of Characters Open questions Dramatic Finish
A Trial’s worth of Expectation

3 RULES Don’t misstate evidence. People love their cannon.
Keep it logical. If you aren’t looking at the jury instructions you are doing it wrong. Adapt to the trial.

4 Same Cast of Characters
Don’t make your closing seem like a bait and switch. The characters should not only be the same they should be portrayed the same. Use the same names and labels throughout the trial and the closing.

5 Open Questions P: Your job in a closing is to close open questions.
D: Either open gaps in the P’s theory or bring your defenses to fruition.

6 Dramatic Finish This is the end. Make it feel like it.
This is your chance to bring out all the drama. Use strong gestures, language, positioning, and finish perfectly.

7 The Trilogy Problem Don’t Choke
No matter how good your trial is a closing is the last thing a judge or jury sees and can drastically impact their perception. As a D you have to be prepared for the rebuttal get out ahead of the P.

8 No Example A closing should be situational.
Don’t try and memorize all of it. Three Levels: 1. Memorize it in modules. Use those that apply. 2. Framework with an unplanned section. 3. Free form with set sections (i.e. burdens, call, facts).

9 Motions in Limine Keep them narrow and clear. Do your research.
Don’t raise it if it doesn’t matter. If your argument is weak it may be better to save it for a hip shot decision.

10 Packet Secret Present for attendance.

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