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The Professional Home & Property Inspectors of Canada

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Presentation on theme: "The Professional Home & Property Inspectors of Canada"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Professional Home & Property Inspectors of Canada
How to join PHPIC & how PHPIC members manage their information

2 New members can apply online go to
It does not matter whether you are a new inspector taking courses at the local college or online. Or if you are a seasoned and experienced inspector wanting to enjoy the benefits or our association.

3 Go to home page

4 Click on the For Inspectors link

5 Click on New Member Application

6 Click on Application for New Membership









15 All this documentation you
will now scan and save as a file that you will to:

16 Hit the back button and return to the previous page. Here you can select to pay for 1 year or a 2 year membership that will save you 10%


18 Now we will discuss member Login and the details found in that area

19 On this page you just click to move to the login page

20 Username is your first initial and last name
The first time you login the pass word is 1stlogin – after you login you can change your password and include a hint So for New Inspector the username is NInspector or Mickey Mouse would be mmouse

21 Start with editing your profile

22 Here you want to fill in as much information as possible so when clients search for an inspector they can see you, your website, other links and especially what type of services you offer.


24 Now let us look at Updating CEU’s Continuing Education Credits All inspectors must Obtain 15 CEU’s per year

25 Here is the list Showing the Inspector’s CEU’s and details

26 At the bottom of the page is where you will enter new CEU information

27 Throughout the year PHPIC will offer special courses for its members – this year we offered Working at Heights

28 Click on the Type and you can choose the type of education or credits you want to input

29 For this example I attended a conference for Realtors where I was a presenter – the details are entered below Typically credits are 1 per hour, however special courses and AGM attendance can receive higher amounts

30 You always have to have Proof of your attendance or educational courses, Whether a paid receipt or a certificate, or confirmation you must have proof. Here you will upload a PDF or jpg file as proof. Once you have found the File you can Upload it.

31 In this example I had a confirmation e-mail of the
Presentation that I was scheduled to provide for Realtor Connections

32 Here you can see the proof file has been Uploaded
and will be reviewed and approved if it is a legitimate credit

33 So now clients will go to PHPIC and find the Gold Standard of Home Inspectors!
Make sure you are one of the best – Join now!

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