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Erasmus+ Introduction to Erasmus +

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1 Erasmus+ Introduction to Erasmus +
Work and Education – Cooperation and Innovation September 14th 2016 Margrét K. Sverrisdóttir Erasmus+ National Agency Iceland

2 What is Erasmus+ ? Educational Fields
EU Educational Programme in the fields of education, training and youth Support to formal, non-formal and informal learning through education, training and youth Educational Fields School Education Higher Education Vocational Education & Training (VET) Adult Learning

3 Erasmus+ objectives Europe 2020 – EU policy on growth and development until 2020 Three headline targets related to education: Proportion of year olds with university degree 40% Proportion of year olds in without an Upper Secondary degree 10% Employability: 82% of year olds in employment three years after graduation Education & Training 2020 – EUs priorities in education and training until 2020 making lifelong learning and mobility a reality improving the quality and efficiency of education and training promoting equity, social cohesion and active citizenship enhancing creativity and innovation, including entrepreneurship, at all levels of education and training Markmið Erasmus+ er að styðja við framtíðarmarkmið Evrópusambandsins. Þannig styður Erasmus+ við framtíðarstefnu Evrópusambandsins um vöxt og þróun til ársins 2020, Europe 2020. Í stefnunni er í fyrsta sinn í sögu sambandsins, sett fram skýr markmið um menntun og þjálfun sem færir heim sanninn um mikilvægi menntunar við að stuðla að efnahagslegum vexti, félagslegu réttlæti og nýsköpun. Markmið Europe 2020 tengd menntun og þjálfun eru þríþætt: hlutfall útskrifaðra úr háskóla; brotthvarf úr framhaldsskólum og ráðningarhæfni nýúskrifaðra. Erasmus+ áætluninni er ætlað að styðja við markmið Europe 2020 en sambandinð hefur sömuleiðis sett sér sértæk markmið um menntun í Education&Training 2020 making lifelong learning and mobility a reality – progress is needed in the implementation of lifelong learning strategies, the development of national qualifications frameworks linked to the European Qualifications Framework and more flexible learning pathways. Mobility should be expanded and the European Quality Charter for Mobility should be applied; improving the quality and efficiency of education and training – all citizens need to be able to acquire key competencies and all levels of education and training need to be made more attractive and efficient; promoting equity, social cohesion and active citizenship – education and training should enable all citizens to acquire and develop skills and competencies needed for their employability and foster further learning, active citizenship and intercultural dialogue. Educational disadvantage should be addressed through high quality inclusive and early education; enhancing creativity and innovation, including entrepreneurship, at all levels of education and training – the acquisition of transversal competences by all citizens should be promoted and the functioning of the knowledge triangle (education-research-innovation) should be ensured. Partnerships between enterprises and educational institutions as well as broader learning communities with civil society and other stakeholders should be promoted.

4 Erasmus+ Programme Countries
EU Member States 28 EFTA countries (Except Sviss 2016) EU-applicants (Turkey) Macedonia (FORYM)

5 E+ starting points Show European added value – show it is better to spend a € on the European level than at home! Relevance Link policy and programme – show systemic impact by putting our money at the service of our policies Sustained impact at different levels: individual, institutional, systemic/policy Simplification, rationalisation Merging of former programmes into E+ / lump sums & unit costs / simpler application procedures Solid basis but adaptation and innovation

6 Previous EU Programme setup
Previous programmes One new programme Alfa Edulink Lifelong Learning Programme Grundtvig Erasmus Leonardo Comenius Erasmus+ Key Action 1 Mobility Key Action 2 Strategic Partnerships Key Action 3 Policy Reform Tempus Erasmus Mundus Bilateral programmes Youth in Action Programme Other supported activities : Jean Monnet Sports – NEW!

7 Erasmus+ 3 Key Actions for Education and Training
Key Action 1 Learning Mobility of Individuals Key Action 2 Strategic partnerships Key Action 3: Support for Policy Reform (Centralized)

8 Key action 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals
7 Erasmus+ Key action 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals

9 Mobility supported under KA1
Depending on the profile of participants involved: - Mobility for HE students and staff - Mobility for VET learners and staff - Mobility for School staff - Moblility for AE staff - Mobility in the field of Youth

10 KA 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals aims of mobility projects
Support learners in the acquisition of competences Support professional development Enhance languages competence Awareness and understanding of other cultures and countries Increase capacities, attractiveness an international dimension of organisation active in education and training Synergies between education, employment and entrepreneurship

11 Learning Mobility of Individuals Example: VET Learners Mobility
VET traineeship for apprentices and students in vocational training schools Also recent graduates (one year) can participate Quality framework previously agreed upon by the sending and receiving organisations to ensure a high level of quality for the activity, including a Learning Agreement. Learning outcomes are formally recognised and validated Duration: 2 weeks – 12 months

12 Learning Mobility of Individuals – VET Staff Mobility
Teaching/ training assignments Staff of VET schools teach at a partner VET school Staff of enterprises provide training at a VET organisation Staff training Supports the professional development of staff work placements or job shadowing in an enterprise or organisation Aimed at modernising and internationalising within the participating organisation Responds to staff development needs Learning outcomes are properly recognised a disseminated Duration: 2 days– 2 months (excluding travel time)

13 Learning Mobility of Individuals Budget categories
Travel - based on travel distances Individual support - based on duration of stay Organisational support - directly linked to the implementation of mobility; preparation, monitoring, support , validation, etc. Special needs support Exceptional costs Linguistic support

14 KA2 Strategic Partnerships Eligibility criteria
Participating organisations / applicants can be any public or private organisation established in a Programme Country. Minimum number of organisations: 3 organisations from 3 different countries Duration of project: 12 – 36 months Maximum support (IS): € per year

15 Aims & Objectives Strategic Partnerships supporting Innovation … to develop innovative outputs, and/or engage in intensive dissemination and exploitation tied to (existing and newly-produced) products or innovative ideas; … includes optional budget for intellectual outputs and multiplier events as well as TTL activity … open to all fields of education, training and youth … to develop and reinforce networks, increase capacity to operate at transnational level; to share and confront ideas, practices and methods; … does not allow for intellectual outputs and multiplier events but can include TTL activity (up to 100); … open to AE, SE, VET and Youth… not HE. Strategic Partnerships supporting Exchange of Good Practice

16 Strategic Partnerships Budget – menu of cost items
Project management and implementation Transnational project meetings Intellectual outputs Multiplier events Exceptional costs Special needs Transnational training, teaching and learning activities

17 Erasmus+ Horisontal priorites
Digital integration in learning, teaching, training (OER, ICT) Basic & transversal skills Education & training of educators Stronger coherence between different EU and national transparency and recognition tools Reduce disparities in learning outcomes affecting disadvantaged learners Assess and increase efficiency of public expenditure

18 Erasmus+

19 How to apply

20 How to apply - Denmark

21 Questions?

22 Erasmus+ Grab the opportunity!
Find Erasmus+ National Agency in your own country here:

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