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1st Vienna Conference on Western Balkan Labor Markets

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1 1st Vienna Conference on Western Balkan Labor Markets
Strengthening Work-Based Learning in VET: Why? What Works? and How To Get There? 1st Vienna Conference on Western Balkan Labor Markets April 4-5, 2017 Margo Hoftijzer Education Global Practice

2 Why Promote Work-Based Learning in VET
Why Promote Work-Based Learning in VET? Better alignment of skill supply with demand while sharing costs among actors Youth Employment Skill Shortages VET Quality & Relevance Cost-sharing WBL

3 Work-Based Learning in VET: What Works?
20 Guiding Principles for High Performing Apprenticeships and WBL National Governance and Social Partners’ Engagement Clear and consistent legal framework, enabling all partners to act effectively and ensure mutual rights and responsibilities. Structured, continuous dialogue with transparent method of coordination and decision making between WBL partners. Strong ownership and implementation of social partners, supported through capacity building. Have systematic and effective cooperation between VET schools and companies. All WBL partners (companies, VET providers, learners) share costs and benefits. Support for companies, in particular for SMEs, which participate in WBL Support measures to make WBL more attractive and accessible, especially for SMEs Achieving the right balance between skill needs of firms and learning needs of students Particular attention paid to supporting firms without experience in WBL provision Particular attention paid to supporting firms offering WBL to disadvantaged learners Companies are motivated and supported to assign qualified trainers and tutors Attractiveness of WBL and career guidance Ensure pathways between VET and other education pathways exist The image of VET and WBL are improved by promoting excellence. Sound career guidance is provided to ensure young people make well-founded choices Increase attractiveness of WBL by raising quality of VET teachers. Promote attractiveness of VET and WBL through awareness-raising activities. Quality Assurance in WBL Clear framework for quality assurance exists at the system, provider, and company levels, with systematic feedback. Training provision is responsive to changing skill needs in companies and society Mutual trust and respect between WBL partners is fostered through regular cooperation The assessment of learning outcomes is fair, valid, and authentic In-firm trainers can access continuous professional development and have adequate working conditions

4 Work-Based Learning in VET: What Works?
Effective WBL in practice: strong institutions Denmark Local Training Committees (employers/ employees) support VET providers, e.g. on finding WBL placements Students maintain a ‘personal education portfolio’ to promote quality assurance and raise student awareness of the learning process Austria Apprenticeship Offices in regional Economic Chambers: main contact for firms on questions/information related to apprenticeships Apprenticeship Offices, with Chamber of Labour, accredit firms before WBL engagement Voluntary sectoral training funds use a wage levy, to finance WBL providing firms Ministry of Economy awards Company Awards for strong performance in apprenticeships Social partners monitor WBL performance of firms based on annually evaluated indicators, to provide targeted support to weak-performing firms Ireland Liaison officers from the “Further Education and Training Authority” advise firms on WBL Finland National Board of Education made guidelines on teacher competencies, requiring teacher work placement period of at least 2 months NBE developed Workplace Instructor Training within the National Qualifications Framework, including extensive support materials Switzerland Tools exist for firms to self-evaluate strengths and weaknesses related to WBL provision, alongside a formal licensing system

5 WBL in VET: How to Get There?
A smooth transition from school-based to in-firm learning Largely school-based VET VET providers: limited capacity and commitment Weak QA system & culture Outdated curricula, equipment, teacher skills Private sector: weak and unorganized Lack of trust Financial constraints What: Focus on the Fundamentals: Appropriate governance and financing framework Effective stakeholder consultation and coordination Adequate incentives and capacity of VET providers (incl. training centers) Adequate incentives and capacity of firms; Mechanisms for Quality assurance; How: Ensuring a smooth transition (ETF): Do involve all key stakeholders, and ensure they share the same vision Do avoid competition between the new and existing approaches to practical learning Do start with pilot programmes, and capture and use lessons learned Do invest in building tools to support WBL (e.g. skill lists for firms and students, assessment tools Do invest in building capacity of implementing actors Do actively market and communicate the WBL approach to stakeholders at all levels.

6 WBL in VET: How to Get There?
Transition examples from Latvia and Poland Latvia – systematic approach to gradually strengthen and expand WBL Baseline: fragmented, outdated, school-based, limited private sector engagement Overall VET reform: optimize network; engage social partners; legal reform; WBL WBL Activities: Bottom-up approach, with strong championship from MoE and inspired by international examples Small initial pilot, followed by gradual expansion Intensive consultations informed legislation and guidelines EU-financing (ca. euro 20 mln, ) Poland – pilot project to test different approaches to WBL Context: World Bank TA to strengthen WBL, under EU-financed ‘Catching-Up Regions Initiative’ Baseline: legislation allows WBL, but in practice the incidence is very low. No “WBL champion” WBL Activities: Regional VET Working Group established to agree on goals, challenges, and opportunities In-depth analysis of challenges for WBL implementation, incl. based on international practices Intensive consultations with regional stakeholders Design of EU-funded pilot project (ca. euro 4 mln, ) Pilot project will fund grant mechanism for bottom-up proposals, TA, and monitoring and evaluation Lessons from pilot project expected to be used to further strengthen WBL in future

7 Thank you! Questions?

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